Lesson 6: Run the RDL Schema Application (VB/C#)
New: 17 July 2006
Visual Studio offers two methods to build and run a console application from the integrated development environment (IDE):
- Start (with Debugging)
- Start without Debugging
To build and run the SampleRDLSchema application
From the Debug menu, click Start Without Debugging. This ensures that the console window remains open after the program has finished executing.
The application prints the following output to the console:
Loading Report Definition Updating Report Definition - Old Description: <Old Report Description> - New Description: <New Report Description> Publishing Report Definition
Press any key to close the console.
Any errors that occur are written to the console.
When the sample application is finished running an updated copy of the report will be saved to the report server.
See Also
Tutorial: Updating Reports Using Classes Generated from the RDL Schema