The local machine is not joined to a SharePoint server farm (SharePoint Server 2010)
Applies to: SharePoint Server 2010, SharePoint Foundation 2010
Rule Name: The local machine is not joined to a SharePoint server farm.
Summary: Even though the product binaries are installed, the SharePoint installation on this computer will not function until the computer has been added to a SharePoint server farm. This rule only appears on Windows PowerShell.
Cause: This local computer has not been added to a SharePoint server farm yet.
Resolution: Create a new farm or join this computer to an existing farm.
- Run the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Products Configuration Wizard and follow the prompts to create a new farm or to add this computer to an existing farm. For more information, see Add a Web or application server to the farm (SharePoint Server 2010) and the “Create and configure the farm” section in Multiple servers for a three-tier farm (SharePoint Server 2010).