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Manage quotas (Office SharePoint Server)

Applies To: Office SharePoint Server 2007

This Office product will reach end of support on October 10, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see , Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


Topic Last Modified: 2010-01-04

If you are using Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 in a large environment, such as at an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or in a large intranet, you should maintain control over server resources and carefully monitor areas such as storage space and site security. You should ensure that one user's site cannot use so many resources that other sites can no longer function. Office SharePoint Server 2007 enables you to specify quotas for sites so that you can manage site and server resources.

When you set a quota limit for storage, you can set two values: a warning value and a maximum value. When a site passes the warning limit, an e-mail message is sent to the site administrator notifying them that the site is near its storage quota. E-mail messages are sent daily until the storage level drops below the warning level. When a site meets the maximum limit, another e-mail message is sent to the site administrator and site collection administrator, and no new content can be added to the site. Note that before e-mail messages can be sent, you must configure outgoing e-mail and start the Windows SharePoint Services Timer service. For more information, see Configure outgoing e-mail (Office SharePoint Server) and Manage SharePoint timer jobs (Office SharePoint Server).


If a user exceeds a configured quota, they will receive an e-mail notification that the quota has been exceeded. If you then increase the quota again and the user exceeds the new quota, no notification will be sent. It is by design that the user who exceeded the quota more than one time in a 24 hour window will not receive repeated notifications. After the 24 hour time span has passed and the quota is exceeded again, a new quota warning will be sent.


The size of the data reported by quotas does not necessarily match the size of the storage in the database. This is because the quota feature estimates storage figures for empty sites (that is, sites that contain no user content) and includes those figures in the quota, in addition to the actual storage from the database. The estimated size of an empty site includes the real size of the template pages for Office SharePoint Server 2007. These are not usually counted because there is only one copy of these pages for all sites. Although each site has a unique URL to the pages, the site does not have a unique instance of the page.

You can create multiple sets of quotas, which are known as quota templates, and use them in different areas or your server farm, or to suit different users. For example, in a large intranet setting, you could have the following quota templates:

  • Test — Applied to free or demo sites; restricts users to 10 MB of storage.

  • Standard — Applied to monthly-chargeback sites; gives site owners up to 25 MB of storage.

  • Premium — Applied to sites for large teams; gives teams up to 10 GB of storage.

You must be a member of the SharePoint Farm Administrators group to manage quotas and quota templates.

Enabling Quotas

By default, the quota feature is not enabled in Office SharePoint Server 2007 — there are no default quota values or templates. To enable quotas, you use the following methods:

  • To use quotas for your server or server farm, you create a quota template.

  • To use quotas for a particular site collection, you assign a quota template to the site collection when you create the site collection.

  • To use a set of quota values for a single site only, you can apply specific quota limits to the site itself, independent of any quota template.

For more information about quota templates, see Manage quota templates (Office SharePoint Server) and Create a new quota template.

You can reverse your decision to use quotas at any point in the hierarchy. For example, applying a default quota template to a site collection does not mean that all sites under that site collection must use the quota limits. It only means that they can. Settings that you apply to a single site can be cleared if you no longer want to use quotas.

See Also


Manage versioning by using quotas (Office SharePoint Server 2007)
Manage site quotas and locks (Office SharePoint Server)
Configure quotas for a second-stage Recycle Bin (Office SharePoint Server)
Using quotas and managing unused Web sites (Office SharePoint Server)
Create quota templates (Office SharePoint Server)
Manage quota templates (Office SharePoint Server)