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Configure workflow settings (Windows SharePoint Services)

Applies To: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0


Topic Last Modified: 2008-04-08

Use this procedure to configure the workflow settings for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

Workflow settings are configured at the Web application level, enabling you to configure different settings for different Web applications. When you configure workflow settings, you must first select the Web application to configure.

Site administrators can create workflows from the Site Settings page for the site or site collection. By default, end users can create their own workflows by using code already deployed by an administrator. You can also choose to limit workflow creation to site administrators.

By default, workflows can include users who do not have site access. Users without site access who attempt to complete the task assigned to them will be directed to the Error: Access Denied page, where they can request access to the site. If you do not enable alerts for internal users without site access, workflows that include those users will not generate alerts for those users.

By default, external users cannot participate in workflows, and external users included in workflows will not be alerted. You can choose to allow external users to participate in workflows by sending copies of documents to those users by e-mail.

Configuring workflow settings


Membership in the Administrators group of the Central Administration site is required to complete this procedure.

Configure workflow settings

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

  2. On the Application Management page, in the Workflow Management section, click Workflow settings.

  3. On the Workflow Settings page, in the Web Application section, the current Web application is displayed in the Web Application menu. To configure the settings for a different Web application, click Change Web Application, and then select a new Web application on the Select Web Application page.

  4. In the User-Defined Workflows section, select Yes if you want to enable user-defined workflows, or select No if you do not want to enable user-defined workflows.

  5. In the Workflow Task Notifications section, under Alert internal users who do not have site access when they are assigned a workflow task, select Yes if you want internal users without site access to be sent an e-mail alert when a task is assigned to them. Users attempting to complete the task by using the link in the alert will be directed to the Request Permissions page. If you do not want internal users without site access to be sent an e-mail alert when a task is assigned to them, select No.

  6. Under Allow external users to participate in workflow by sending them a copy of the document, select Yes if you want documents to be sent to external users by e-mail when those users are part of the workflow but they do not have access permissions to the documents. If you do not want documents to be sent to external users who do not have access permissions, select No.


    If the object in the workflow is not a document but a list item, the list item properties are displayed in a table as part of the e-mail message.

  7. Click OK.

For information about how to perform this procedure using the Stsadm command-line tool, see Workflow management: Stsadm properties (Windows SharePoint Services).

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