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Configure the Office SharePoint Server Search service (Office SharePoint Server)

Applies To: Office SharePoint Server 2007

This Office product will reach end of support on October 10, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see , Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


Topic Last Modified: 2016-11-14

In this article:

  • Server-level configuration

  • Farm-level configuration

  • SSP-level configuration

  • Site collection-level configuration

This article describes the process of deploying the search features for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 that are related to crawling content. If you have not already done so, we highly recommend that you first read the topics described in Plan search (Office SharePoint Server) and fill out the companion Plan to crawl content worksheet (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=73748&clcid=0x409). As you proceed through this article, refer to this worksheet so that you have the information you need to configure these search features.

For information about how to perform this procedure using the Stsadm command-line tool, see Osearch: Stsadm operation (Office SharePoint Server).

Server-level configuration

The procedures in this section are performed at the server level. To perform these procedures, you must be a member of the Administrators group for each server on which you want to perform them.

Install protocol handlers

The following protocols are supported by the default protocol handlers:

  • bdc

  • bdc2

  • file

  • http

  • https

  • rb

  • rbs

  • sps

  • sps3

  • sps3s

  • spsimport

  • spss

  • sts

  • sts2

  • sts2s

  • sts3

  • sts3s

Refer to the Protocol handlers section of the Plan to crawl content worksheet to review your decisions for installing additional protocol handlers. When installing the protocol handlers on your index server, follow the appropriate installation instructions provided by the manufacturer of each protocol handler.


You must be a member of the Administrators group on each server on which you want to install an additional protocol handler.

Install and register IFilters

The procedures used to install and register IFilters vary among different IFilters. Refer to the File type inclusions section of the Plan to crawl content worksheet for the IFilters you decided to add.

This section includes instructions for installing and registering the following IFilters. If an IFilter that you need is not listed here, contact the manufacturer for instructions for installing third-party IFilters. If you do not need to install additional IFilters, skip to the next section.


You must be a member of the Administrators group on each server on which you want to install an IFilter.

Install and register the OneNote IFilter

Before Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 files can be crawled and indexed, you must first do the following:

  • Install Office OneNote 2007 on the index server. This installs the OneNote IFilter.


    The Office OneNote 2007 IFilter can crawl both OneNote 2003 and Office OneNote 2007 files. The Office OneNote 2003 IFilter can crawl OneNote 2003 files only.

  • Add the OneNote file extension to the File Types list.

  • Register the OneNote IFilter.


    You must be a member of the Administrators group on the index server to perform the following procedures.

Add the OneNote file extension to the File Types list

  1. Open the administration page for the Shared Services Provider (SSP).

    To open the administration page for the SSP, do the following:

    1. In Central Administration, on the top link bar, click Application Management.

    2. On the Application Management page, in the Office SharePoint Server Shared Services section, click Create or configure this farm's shared services.

    3. On the Manage this Farm's Shared Services page, click the SSP for which you want to open the administration page.

  2. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  3. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Crawl Settings section, click File Types.

  4. On the Manage File Types page, click New File Type.

  5. On the Add File Type page, in the File extension box, type one, and then click OK.


    Do not type the period character "." before the file extension.

Register the OneNote IFilter

  1. On the index server, click Start, and then click Run.

  2. In the Open box, type notepad, and then click OK.

  3. Type or copy the following text into Notepad:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office Server\12.0\Search\Setup\Filters\.one]




    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office Server\12.0\Search\Setup\ContentIndexCommon\Filters\Extension\.one]


  4. In Notepad, on the File menu, click Save As.

  5. In the Save As dialog box, in the File name box, type onenote.reg, and then click Save.

  6. On the index server, double-click the onenote.reg file that you just created.


    This step starts the process of setting the necessary registry keys for registering the OneNote IFilter.

  7. If the Open File - Security Warning dialog box appears, click Run.

  8. In the Registry Editor dialog box, click Yes.

  9. Click OK to close the Registry Editor box.

  10. Restart the index server.


    The index server must be restarted for the IFilter registration to take effect.

After you restart the index server, you must start a full crawl of the locations that contain Office OneNote 2007 files before they can appear in search queries. If your document libraries require check-out to edit the files, Office OneNote 2007 files will often be in checked-out state. Any updates to the checked-out files that are saved to the library will not be crawled until the files are checked in. In general, we recommend that administrators do not require that files be checked out before they can be edited for document libraries that are intended for storing OneNote files.

Farm-level configuration

The procedures in this section are performed at the farm level. To perform these procedures, you must be a farm administrator.

Create crawler impact rules

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Crawler impact rules section of the Plan to crawl content worksheet, to create crawler impact rules.

Create crawler impact rules

  1. In Central Administration, on the Application Management tab, in the Search section, click Manage search service.

  2. On the Manage Search Service page, in the Farm-Level Search Settings section, click Crawler impact rules.

  3. On the Crawler Impact Rules page, click Add Rule.

  4. On the Add Crawler Impact Rule page, in the Site section, in the Site box, type the site name that will be associated with this crawler impact rule.


    When typing the URL, you must exclude the protocol. For example, do not include http:// or file://.

  5. In the Request Frequency section, select one of the following options:

    • Request up to the specified number of documents at a time and do not wait between requests. If you choose this option, use the Simultaneous requests list to select how many documents you want the crawler to request at one time when crawling this URL. You can specify the maximum number of requests that the Office SharePoint Services Search service can make at one time when crawling this URL.

    • Request one document at a time and wait the specified time between requests. You can specify a delay (in seconds) between requests, when crawling this URL. When this option is selected, the Office SharePoint Services Search service makes one request per site at one time, and then it waits for the specified amount of time before making the next request. In the Time to wait (in seconds) box, type the time to wait (in seconds) between requests. The minimum time to wait between requests is one second, and the maximum time is 1,000 seconds.

  6. Click OK.

Configure farm-level search settings

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Farm-level search settings section of the Plan to crawl content worksheet, to configure your farm-level search settings.

Configure farm-level search settings

  1. In Central Administration, on the Application Management tab, in the Search section, click Manage search service.

  2. On the Manage Search Service page, in the Farm-Level Search Settings section, click Farm-level search settings.

  3. On the Manage Farm-Level Search Settings page, in the Contact E-mail Addresses section, type the e-mail address of the person in your organization whom external site administrators can contact if problems arise when their site is being crawled.

  4. In the Proxy Server Settings section, if you want to use a proxy server when crawling, select Use the proxy server specified and then do the following:

    • In the Address box, enter either the NetBIOS name or the IP address of the proxy server.

    • In the Port box, type the port to use for this proxy server.

    • To bypass this proxy server when crawling local addresses, select the Bypass proxy server for local (intranet) addresses check box.

    • To specify addresses for which to bypass the proxy server when crawling, enter those addresses in the Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with box.

  5. In the Timeout Settings section, do the following:

    • In the Connection time (in seconds) box, enter the number of seconds you want the server to wait while connecting to other services.

    • In the Request acknowledgement time (in seconds) box, enter the number of seconds you want the server to wait for another service to acknowledge a request to connect to that service.

  6. In the SSL Certificate Warning Configuration section, select the Ignore SSL certificate name warnings check box if you want to trust that sites are legitimate even if their certificate names are not exact matches. Otherwise, ensure that this check box is unselected.

  7. Click OK.

Configure the trace log

The trace log can be very useful for analyzing problems that may occur. Events that are written to the trace log are especially helpful because you can use them to determine what configuration changes where made in Office SharePoint Server 2007 before the problem occurred.

By default, Office SharePoint Server 2007 saves two days of events in the trace log files. This means that trace log files that contain events that are older than two days are deleted. When you are using either the Office SharePoint Server Search service or the Windows SharePoint Services Search service, we recommend that you configure the trace log to save seven days of events.

You can use the Diagnostic Logging page in Central Administration to configure the maximum number of trace log files to maintain and how long (in minutes) to capture events to each log file. By default, 96 log files are kept, each one containing 30 minutes of events.

96 log files * 30 minutes of events per file = 2880 minutes or two days of events.

You can also specify the location where the log files are written or accept the default path.

Configure the trace log to save seven days of events

  1. In Central Administration, on the Operations tab, in the Logging and Reporting section, click Diagnostic logging.

  2. On the Diagnostic Logging page, in the Trace Log section, do the following:

    • In the Number of log files box, type 336.

    • In the Number of minutes to use a log file box, type 30.


      You can use any combination of number of log files and minutes to store in each log file you want to achieve 10,080 minutes (seven days) of events.

  3. Ensure that the path specified in the Path box has enough room to store the extra log files, or change the path to another location.


    We recommend that you store log files on a hard drive partition that is used to store log files only.

  4. Click OK.

Trace log files are invaluable for troubleshooting issues related to configuration changes of either the Office SharePoint Server Search service or the Windows SharePoint Services Search service. Because problems related to configuration changes are not always discovered right away, we recommend that you save all trace log files that the system creates on any day that you make any configuration changes related to either search service. Store these log files for an extended period of time in a safe location that will not be overwritten. See step 3 in the procedure above to determine the location where the system stores trace log files for your system.

SSP-level configuration

The procedures in this section are performed at the Shared Services Provider (SSP) level. To perform these procedures, you must be an SSP administrator for Search.

Open the administration page for the SSP

Use the following procedure to open the administration page for the SSP that you want to configure.

Open the administration page for the SSP

  1. In Central Administration, on the top link bar, click Application Management.

  2. On the Application Management page, in the Office SharePoint Server Shared Services section, click Create or configure this farm's shared services.

  3. On the Manage this Farm's Shared Services page, click the SSP for which you want to open the administration page.

Specify the default content access account

Use the following procedure, along with the decision you recorded in the Default content access account section of the Plan to crawl content worksheet, to specify the content access account that the crawler will use, by default, when crawling content.

Specify the default content access account

  1. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  2. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Crawl settings section, click Default content access account.

  3. On the Default Content Access Account page, in the Account box, type the domain and user name for the account (in the form domain\username).

  4. In the Password and Confirm Password boxes, type the password for the account.

  5. Click OK.

Create content sources

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Content sources section of the Plan to crawl content worksheet, to create your content sources.

Use the following procedure to create a content source of any of the following content source types:

  • SharePoint sites

  • Web sites

  • File shares

  • Microsoft Exchange public folders

Create content sources

  1. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  2. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Crawl Settings section, click Content sources and crawl schedules.

  3. On the Manage Content Sources page, click New Content Source.

  4. On the Add Content Source page, in the Name section, in the Name box, type a name for the content source.


    Each content source name must be unique within the SSP in which it is created.

  5. In the Content Source Type section, select the type of content you want to crawl by using this content source.

  6. In the Start Addresses section, in the Type start addresses below (one per line) box, type the URLs from which the search system should start crawling.


    For performance reasons, you cannot add the same start addresses to multiple content sources.

  7. In the Crawl Settings section, select the behavior for the type of content you selected.

  8. In the Crawl Schedules section, you can specify when to start full and incremental crawls.

    • You can create a full crawl schedule by clicking the Create Schedule link below the Full Crawl list.

    • You can create an incremental crawl schedule by clicking the Create Schedule link below the Incremental Crawl list.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Repeat steps 4 through 10 for any additional content sources you want to create.

Use the following procedure to create a content source of the business data content source type.

Create content source for business data

  1. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  2. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Crawl Settings section, click Content sources and crawl schedules.

  3. On the Manage Content Sources page, click New Content Source.

  4. On the Add Content Source page, in the Name section, in the Name box, type a name for the content source.


    Each content source name must be unique within the SSP in which it is created.

  5. In the Content Source Type section, select Business Data.

  6. In the Applications section, select Crawl entire Business Data Catalog to crawl all applications registered in the Business Data Catalog or select Crawl selected applications and select the specific applications you want to crawl.

  7. In the Crawl Schedules section, you can specify when to start full and incremental crawls.

    • You can create a full crawl schedule by clicking the Create Schedule link below the Full Crawl list.

    • You can create an incremental crawl schedule by clicking the Create Schedule link below the Incremental Crawl list.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Repeat steps 4 through 9 for any additional content sources you want to create.

Create crawl rules

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Crawl rules section of the Plan to crawl content worksheet, to create crawl rules.

Create crawl rules

  1. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  2. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Crawl Settings section, click Crawl rules.

  3. On the Manage Crawl Rules page, click New Crawl Rule.

  4. On the Add Crawl Rule page, in the Path section, in the Path box, type the path affected by this rule. You can use standard wildcard characters in the path. For example:

    • http://server1/folder* contains all Web resources with a URL that starts with http://server1/folder.

    • *://*.txt includes every document with the txt file extension.

  5. In the Crawl Configuration section, select one of the following:

    • Exclude all items in this path. Select this option if you want all items in the specified path to be excluded from the crawl.

    • Include all items in this path. Select this option if you want all items in the path to be crawled.

  6. If you chose to exclude all items in this path, skip to step 8. Otherwise, you can further refine the inclusion by selecting any combination of the following:

    • Follow links on the URL without crawling the URL itself. Select this option if you want to crawl links contained within the URL, but not the URL itself.

    • Crawl complex URLs (URLs that contain a question mark (?)). Select this option if you want to crawl URLs that contain parameters that use the question mark (?) notation.

    • Crawl SharePoint content as HTTP pages. Normally, SharePoint content is crawled by using a special protocol. Select this option if you want SharePoint content to be crawled as HTTP pages instead. When the content is crawled by using the HTTP protocol, item permissions are not stored.

  7. In the Specify Authentication section, do one of the following:

    • To use the default content access account when crawling URLs affected by this crawl rule, select Use the default content access account.

    • If you want to use a different content access account, select Specify a different content access account, and then do the following:

      In the Account box, type the account name that can access the paths defined by this crawl rule. Examples are user_name and DOMAIN\user_name.

      In the Password and Confirm Password boxes, type the password for this account.

      If you want to prevent basic authentication from being used, select the Do not allow Basic Authentication check box.

    • To use a client certificate for authentication, select Specify client certificate, and then click a certificate on the Certificate menu.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 for each new crawl rule you want to create.

Reorder your crawl rules

After you create all your crawl rules, we recommend that you specify the order in which you want the rules to be applied while content is being crawled. Crawl rules are applied in the order in which they are listed. Therefore, if two rules cover the same or overlapping content, the first rule that is listed is applied. Use the following procedure to specify the order of your crawl rules.

Reorder crawl rules

  1. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  2. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Crawl Settings section, click Crawl rules.

  3. On the Manage Crawl Rules page, in the Order column in the list of crawl rules, select a value in the drop-down list that specifies the position you want the rule to occupy. Other values are shifted accordingly.

Configure the file type inclusions list

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions that you recorded in the File-type inclusions section of the Plan to crawl content worksheet, to add file types from the file type inclusions list.

Add file types

  1. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  2. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Crawl Settings section, click File types.

  3. On the Manage File Types page, click New File Type.

  4. On the Add File Type page, in the File extension box, type the file name extension for the file type that you want to add (for example, type doc).


    Do not precede the file type with the period "." character.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Repeat steps 4 through 7 for any other file types you want to add.

You can also delete file types from this list for the file types you don't want the crawler to include in the content index. Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the File-type inclusions section of the Plan to crawl content worksheet, to delete file types from the file type inclusions list.

Delete file types

  1. On the Manage File Types page, position the cursor over the file name extension that you want to delete, and then click Delete on the menu that appears.

  2. In the message box, click OK to confirm that you want to delete the file type.

Crawl the content

Before the content can be indexed, you must first crawl the content. You can either crawl the content defined in a particular content source individually, or crawl all the content specified by all content sources at one time.

Crawl content defined in a particular content source

Use the following procedure to crawl content defined in a particular content source.

Crawl content defined in a particular content source

  1. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  2. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Crawl Settings section, click Content sources and crawl schedules.

  3. On the Manage Content Sources page, position the cursor over the content source you want to crawl, and then click Start full crawl on the menu that appears.

Crawl content specified by all content sources

Use the following procedure to crawl content specified by all content sources.

Crawl content specified by all content sources

  1. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  2. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Crawl Settings section, click Content sources and crawl schedules.

  3. On the Manage Content Sources page, in the Quick Launch, click Start all crawls.

Create managed properties

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Plan managed properties section of the Plan the end-user search experience worksheet (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=74967&clcid=0x409), to create managed properties.

Create managed properties

  1. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  2. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Crawl Settings section, click Metadata property mappings.

  3. On the Metadata Property Mappings page, click New Managed Property.

  4. On the New Managed Property page, in the Name and type section, in the Property name box, type the name of the managed property you want to create.

  5. In the Description box, type a description for this managed property.

  6. Under The type of information in this property, select a property type.

  7. In the Mappings to crawled properties section, select one of the following:

    • Include values from all crawled properties mapped. Select this option if you want values from all crawled properties to be mapped. A query for a property in a document in which all crawled properties are mapped returns a result if any of the crawled properties that are mapped match the query.

    • Include values from a single crawled property based on the order specified. Select this option if you want only a single value mapped. When multiple crawled properties are mapped to a managed property, the one that is chosen will be the first in the list that has a value for a given document. You can reorder the list by using the Move up and Move down buttons.

  8. If you selected Include values from all crawled properties mapped, skip to step 12.

  9. Click Add Mapping to add a mapping to the list.

  10. The Crawled property selection dialog box appears. Configure the settings as follows:

    1. On the Select a category menu, click either All categories or a specific type of document category (for example, Office or SharePoint).

    2. In Select a crawled property, select a crawled property to map to the managed property that you are adding.

      Because the list of crawled properties is likely to be long, you can type the name (or the first part of the name) of the property that you are looking for in the Crawled property name box and then click Find.

    3. Click OK.

  11. Repeat steps 9 through 10 for each additional crawled property that you want to map to this managed property.

  12. On the New Managed Property page, in the Use in scopes section, select the Allow this property to be used in scopes check box if you want this managed property to be available for defining scopes.

  13. Click OK.


    Changes to the property mappings take effect on a document-by-document basis as soon as a document is crawled, regardless of the type of the crawl. A full crawl ensures that the changes are consistently applied to the entire index.

Create shared scopes

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Plan scopes section of the Plan the end-user search experience worksheet (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=74967&clcid=0x409), to create shared scopes.

Create shared scopes

  1. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  2. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Scopes section, click View scopes.

  3. On the View Scopes page, click New Scope.

  4. On the Create Scope page, in the Title and Description section, in the Title box, type a title for the scope.

  5. In the Description box, type a description for the scope that informs administrators what the purpose of the scope is.


    These descriptions are not visible to users.

  6. Your credentials are automatically entered in the read-only Last modified by box.


    Last modified by settings are not visible to users.

  7. In the Target Results Page section, select one of the following:

    • Use the default Search Results Page. Select this option if you want search results from this scope to be presented by using the standard Search Results page.

    • Specify a different page for searching this scope. Select this option if you want search results from this scope to be presented on a custom page. If you select this option, type the URL for the custom Search Results page in the Target results page box.

  8. Click OK.

Create scope rules

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Plan scopes section of the Plan the end-user search experience worksheet (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=74967&clcid=0x409), to create scope rules.

The following table describes the four scope rule types that you can choose from when creating a scope rule. For simplicity, a separate procedure is provided for each scope rule type.

Scope rule type Purpose

Web address

Select this option if you want the scope to include or exclude content from any resource in the search index that can be identified either by a URL (such as Web sites, file shares, and Exchange public folders) or by a host name, domain name, or subdomain name.

  • Folder. Select this option if you want to include or exclude items in the folder and subfolders of the indicated URL (for example, http://site/subsite/folder).

  • Hostname. Select this option if you want to specify a host name. All items in the host name will be included or excluded from the scope (according to the behavior rules).

  • Domain or subdomain. Select this option if you want to specify a domain or subdomain (for example, widgets.contoso.com). All items in the domain or subdomain will be included in or excluded from the scope.

Property query

Select this option if you want the scope to include or exclude content that has a managed property with a particular value. For example, Author="John Doe".

Content source

Select this option if you want the scope to include or exclude content that was crawled by using a particular content source.

All content

Select this option if the rule should not restrict the scope (the scope will include or exclude all content in the search index).

Use the following procedure to open the Add Scope Rule page.

Open the Add Scope Rule page

  1. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  2. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Scopes section, click View scopes.

  3. On the View Scopes page, position the cursor over the scope that you want to edit, click the arrow that appears, and then click Edit Properties and Rules on the menu that appears.

  4. On the Scope Properties and Rules page, in the Rules section, click New rule.

Use the following procedure to create scope rules by using the Web address scope rule type.

Create scope rules by using the Web address scope rule type

  1. On the Add Scope Rule page, in the Scope Rule Type section, select Web Address.

  2. In the Web Address section, select one of the following options and provide the address you want to associate with this rule:

    • Folder. Select this option if you want to include or exclude items in the folder and subfolders of the indicated URL (for example, http://site/subsite/folder).

    • Hostname. Select this option if you want to specify a host name. All items in the host name will be included or excluded from the scope (according to the behavior rules).

    • Domain or subdomain. Select this option if you want to specify a domain or subdomain (for example, widgets.contoso.com). All items in the domain or subdomain will be included in or excluded from the scope.

  3. In the Behavior section, select one of the following options:

    • Include. Select this option if you want the rule to be applied (if another rule precludes its inclusion, it won't be included). The Include option is analogous to the logical operator AND.

    • Require. Select this option if you want the rule to be applied regardless of other rules. The Require option is analogous to the logical operator OR.

    • Exclude. Select this option if you want items that match this rule to be excluded from the scope. The Exclude option is analogous to the logical operator AND NOT.

  4. Click OK.

Use the following procedure to create scope rules by using the Property query scope rule type.

Create scope rules by using the Property query scope rule type

  1. On the Add Scope Rule page, in the Scope Rule Type section, select Property Query.

  2. In the Property Query section, select the managed property that you want to use to limit the scope from the Add property restrictions menu.

  3. In the = box, type the string (value) that the managed property needs to match.

  4. In the Behavior section, select one of the following options:

    • Include. Select this option if you want the rule to be applied (if another rule precludes its inclusion, it won't be included). The Include option is analogous to the logical operator AND.

    • Require. Select this option if you want the rule to be applied regardless of other rules. The Require option is analogous to the logical operator OR.

    • Exclude. Select this option if you want items that match this rule to be excluded from the scope. The Exclude option is analogous to the logical operator AND NOT.

  5. Click OK.

Use the following procedure to create scope rules by using the Content source scope rule type.

Create scope rules by using the Content source scope rule type

  1. On the Add Scope Rule page, in the Scope Rule Type section, select Content source.

  2. In the Content Source section, in the corresponding menu, select the content source from the list that you want to associate with this rule.

  3. In the Behavior section, select one of the following options:

    • Include. Select this option if you want the rule to be applied (if another rule precludes its inclusion, it won't be included). The Include option is analogous to the logical operator AND.

    • Require. Select this option if you want the rule to be applied regardless of other rules. The Require option is analogous to the logical operator OR.

    • Exclude. Select this option if you want items that match this rule to be excluded from the scope. The Exclude option is analogous to the logical operator AND NOT.

  4. Click OK.

Use the following procedure to create scope rules by using the All content scope rule type.

Create scope rules by using the All content scope rule type

  1. On the Add Scope Rule page, in the Scope Rule Type section, select All Content.

  2. Click OK.

Specify authoritative pages

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Authoritative pages section of the Plan the end-user search experience worksheet (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=74967&clcid=0x409), to specify authoritative pages.

Specify authoritative pages

  1. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  2. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Authoritative Pages section, click Specify authoritative pages.

  3. On the Specify Authoritative Pages page, in the Authoritative Web Pages section, in the Most authoritative pages box, list the URLs that are central or authoritative.


    Separate the URLs by hard returns so that you list one full URL per line.

  4. In the Second-level authoritative pages box, list the URLs that are secondary.

  5. In the Third-level authoritative pages box, list the URLs that are tertiary.

  6. In the Non-authoritative Sites section, in the Sites to demote box, list the URLs that you want to mark as unimportant when search results are returned (for example, URLs of sites that contain outdated information but are kept for record-keeping).


    Any URL or item whose prefix matches the provided URLs in the Sites to demote box is demoted.

  7. If you want the ranking calculations to begin after you click OK, in the Refresh Now section, select the Refresh now check box. If the check box is cleared, ranking calculations occur according to a predetermined schedule.

  8. Click OK.

Create server name mappings

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Server name mappings section of the Plan the end-user search experience worksheet (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=74967&clcid=0x409), to specify server name mappings.

Specify server name mappings

  1. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  2. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Crawl Settings section, click Server name mappings.

  3. On the Server Name Mappings page, click New Mapping.

  4. On the Add Server Name Mapping page, in the Address in index box, type the address for the crawled content.

  5. In the Address in search results box, type the address that you want users to see on the Search Results page when they receive query results for the address you typed in the Address in index box.

  6. Click OK.

Manage search-based alerts

Search-based alerts are active, by default. However, you can deactivate them. Refer to the decision you recorded in the Search-based alerts section of the Plan the end-user search experience worksheet (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=74967&clcid=0x409), and do the following steps if you want to deactivate search-based alerts.

Deactivate search-based alerts

  1. On the Shared Services Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.

  2. On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Crawl Settings section, click Search-based alerts.

  3. On the Configure Search-based Alerts page, click Deactivate.

Site collection–level configuration

The procedures in this section are performed at the site collection level. To perform these procedures, you must be a site collection administrator for the site collection on which you want to perform them.

Create scopes at the site collection level

Site collection administrators can choose to use scopes that were created at the SSP level, copy scopes that were created at the SSP level and modify them, or create new site collection level scopes.

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Site-collection level scopes section of the Plan the end-user search experience worksheet (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=74967&clcid=0x409), to copy shared scopes at the site collection level.

Copy shared scopes

  1. On the top-level site of the site collection on which you want to create a scope, click Site actions, point to Site Settings, and then click Modify All Site Settings.

  2. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search scopes.

  3. On the View Scopes page, position the cursor over the name of the shared scope you want to copy, and then click Make Copy on the menu that appears.


    The copy of the shared scope appears in the Unused Scopes section of the View Scopes page.

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Site-collection level scopes section of the Plan the end-user search experience worksheet (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=74967&clcid=0x409), to create scopes at the site collection level.

Create scopes at the site collection level

  1. On the top-level site of the site collection on which you want to create a scope, click Site actions, point to Site Settings, and then click Modify All Site Settings.

  2. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search scopes.

  3. On the View Scopes page, click New Scope.

  4. On the Create Scope page, in the Title and Description section, type a brief title for the scope that will best explain it to your users. You can also type a fuller description for reference by site administrators.

  5. Ignore the Display Groups section for now. We will assign display groups to scopes later in this article.

  6. In the Target Results Page section, select one of the following:

    • Use the default Search Results Page. Select this option if you want search results from this scope to be presented by using the standard Search Results page.

    • Specify a different page for searching this scope. Select this option if you want search results from this scope to be presented on a custom page. If you select this option, type the URL for the custom Search Results page in the Target results page box.

  7. Click OK.

Create scope rules at the site collection level

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Site-collection level scopes section of the Plan the end-user search experience worksheet (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=74967&clcid=0x409), to create scope rules.

The following table describes the scope rule types that you can choose from when creating a site-collection level scope rule. For simplicity, a separate procedure is provided for each scope rule type.

Scope rule type Purpose

Web address

Select this option if you want the scope to include or exclude content from any resource in the search index that can be identified either by a URL (such as Web sites, file shares, and Exchange public folders) or by a host name, domain name, or subdomain name.

  • Folder. Select this option if you want to include or exclude items in the folder and subfolders of the indicated URL (for example, http://site/subsite/folder).

  • Hostname. Select this option if you want to specify a host name. All items in the host name will be included or excluded from the scope (according to the behavior rules).

  • Domain or subdomain. Select this option if you want to specify a domain or subdomain (for example, widgets.contoso.com). All items in the domain or subdomain will be included in or excluded from the scope.

Property query

Select this option if you want the scope to include or exclude content that has a managed property with a particular value. For example, Author="John Doe".

All content

Select this option if the rule should not restrict the scope (the scope will include or exclude all content in the search index).

Use the following procedure to open the Add Scope Rule page.

Open the Add Scope Rule page

  1. On the top-level site of the site collection on which you want to create a scope rule, click Site actions, point to Site Settings, and then click Modify All Site Settings.

  2. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search scopes.

  3. On the View Scopes page, position the cursor over the scope that you want to edit, click the arrow that appears, and then click Edit Properties and Rules on the menu that appears.


    You cannot add scope rules to shared scopes at the site collection level.

  4. On the Scope Properties and Rules page, in the Rules section, click New rule.

Use the following procedure to create scope rules by using the Web address scope rule type.

Create scope rules by using the Web address scope rule type

  1. On the Add Scope Rule page, in the Scope Rule Type section, select Web Address.

  2. In the Web Address section, select one of the following options and provide the address you want to associate with this rule:

    • Folder. Select this option if you want to include or exclude items in the folder and subfolders of the indicated URL (for example, http://site/subsite/folder).

    • Hostname. Select this option if you want to specify a host name. All items in the host name will be included or excluded from the scope (according to the behavior rules).

    • Domain or subdomain. Select this option if you want to specify a domain or subdomain (for example, widgets.contoso.com). All items in the domain or subdomain will be included in or excluded from the scope.

  3. In the Behavior section, select one of the following options:

    • Include. Select this option if you want the rule to be applied (if another rule precludes its inclusion, it won't be included). The Include option is analogous to the logical operator AND.

    • Require. Select this option if you want the rule to be applied regardless of other rules. The Require option is analogous to the logical operator OR.

    • Exclude. Select this option if you want items that match this rule to be excluded from the scope. The Exclude option is analogous to the logical operator AND NOT.

  4. Click OK.

Use the following procedure to create scope rules by using the Property Query scope rule type.

Create scope rules by using the Property Query scope rule type

  1. On the Add Scope Rule page, in the Scope Rule Type section, select Property Query.

  2. In the Property Query section, select the managed property that you want to use to limit the scope from the Add property restrictions list.

  3. In the = box, type the string (value) that the managed property needs to match.

  4. In the Behavior section, select one of the following options:

    • Include. Select this option if you want the rule to be applied (if another rule precludes its inclusion, it won't be included). The Include option is analogous to the logical operator AND.

    • Require. Select this option if you want the rule to be applied regardless of other rules. The Require option is analogous to the logical operator OR.

    • Exclude. Select this option if you want items that match this rule to be excluded from the scope. The Exclude option is analogous to the logical operator AND NOT.

  5. Click OK.

Use the following procedure to create scope rules by using the All content scope rule type.

Create scope rules by using the All content scope rule type

  1. On the Add Scope Rule page, in the Scope Rule Type section, select All Content.

  2. Click OK.

Manage display groups

To support a customized search experience, you can set up new display groups with which to associate your scopes, and you can assign scopes to the default display groups. Site administrators can also control the order in which scopes appear within a particular display group. After you create a display group, designers can modify the Search Box Web Part to display it.

Create a new display group

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Display groups section of the Plan the end-user search experience worksheet (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=74967&clcid=0x409), to create display groups at the site collection level and to assign the scopes you want to them.

Create display groups

  1. On the top-level site of the site collection on which you want to create a display group, click Site actions, point to Site Settings, and then click Modify All Site Settings.

  2. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search scopes.

  3. On the View Scopes page, click New Display Group.

  4. On the Create Scope Display Group page, type a title and description that easily identifies the purpose of the group.

  5. In the Scopes section, select the check box next to each scope that you want to include in this display group. You can manage the ordering of the scopes in the group by using the Position from Top lists.

  6. In the Default Scope section, in the Default Scope list, select the scope that you want to be applied if users do not make a choice on their own.

  7. Click OK.

Assign scopes to default display groups

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Display groups section of the Plan the end-user search experience worksheet (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=74967&clcid=0x409), to assign scopes to the default Search Drop-down and Advanced Search display groups.

Assign scopes to default display groups

  1. On the top-level site of the site collection on which you want to assign scopes, click Site actions, point to Site Settings, and then click Modify All Site Settings.

  2. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search scopes.

  3. On the View Scopes page, in the Title column, click Search Dropdown.

  4. On the Edit Scope Display Group page, in the Scopes section, select the check boxes for the scopes you want to be included in this display group, and clear the check boxes for the scopes you want to remove from this display group.

  5. Optionally use the Position from Top lists to specify the order in which the scopes will appear to the user for this display group.

  6. Click OK.

  7. On the View Scopes page, in the Title column, click Advanced Search.

  8. On the Edit Scope Display Group page, in the Scopes section, select the check boxes for the scopes you want to be included in this display group, and clear the check boxes for the scopes you want to remove from this display group.

  9. Optionally use the Position from Top lists to specify the order in which the scopes will appear to the user for this display group.

  10. Click OK.

Modify the Search Box Web Part for a new display group

Use the following procedure to modify the Search Box Web Part for a new display group.

Modify the Search Box Web Part for a new display group

  1. Go to the Search Center page on the site collection on which you want to modify the Search Box Web Part.

  2. Click Site actions, and then click Edit Page.

  3. In the search box, click Edit, and then click Modify Shared Web Part.

  4. In the Search Box tool pane, click the plus sign (+) next to Miscellaneous.

  5. In the Scope Display Group text box, type the name of the display group that you want to use, and then click Apply.

  6. Click OK to close the tool pane.

  7. On the Search Center page, click either Publish or Check In to Share Draft, depending on your site permissions and workflow.

Create keywords and Best Bets

Search keywords and Best Bets enable you to provide two important features to help your users get the search results they need:

  • Search keywords enable you to create a glossary of important terms within your organization. When a user types the keyword in a search query, the definition that has been created for that keyword is displayed at the top of the Search Results page.

  • Best Bets enable you to prominently present editorially selected search results. Best Bets are URLs to pages, documents, or external Web sites that you associate with particular search keywords. When a user types a keyword in a search query that has one or more Best Bets, the Search Results page prominently displays the Best Bet URLs, including the title and description of each one.

Best Bets are most helpful in situations in which a site administrator wants to promote specific pages. Because the Best Bet URLs are displayed prominently on the Search Results page, end users may be more inclined to view them.

Use the following procedure, along with the decisions you recorded in the Keywords and Best Bets section of the Plan the end-user search experience worksheet (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=74967&clcid=0x409), to create keywords and Best Bets.

Create keywords and Best Bets

  1. On the top-level site of the site collection on which you want to create keywords and Best Bets, click Site actions, point to Site Settings, and then click Modify All Site Settings.

  2. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search keywords.

  3. On the Manage Keywords page, click Add Keyword.

  4. On the Add Keyword page, in the Keyword Information section, in the Keyword Phrase box, type the keyword phrase you want to create.

  5. In the Synonyms box, type the synonyms you want to associate with this keyword phrase. You can type more than one synonym by separating them with semicolons.

  6. If you want to associate a Best Bet with this keyword, in the Best Bets section, click Add Best Bet. Otherwise, skip to step 13.

  7. If this is the first Best Bet you will create on this site collection, skip to step 9. Otherwise, in the Add Best Bet dialog box, do one of the following:

    • To create a new Best Bet, select Add new best bet and then skip to step 9.

    • To select an existing Best Bet, select Select existing best bet, click the Best Bet you want from the Select best bets from the list below box, and then click OK. Skip to step 13.

  8. In the URL box, type the URL you want to associate with this Best Bet.

  9. In the Title box, type the title you want to associate with this Best Bet. This title appears in the Select best bets from the list below box, when selecting an existing Best Bet.

  10. In the Description box, type a description for this Best Bet. This description appears with the Best Bet on the Search Results page.

  11. Click OK.

  12. If you want to create a definition for this keyword, in the Keyword Definition section, type the definition that you want to appear next to Best Bets for this keyword on the Search Results page (optional).

  13. In the Contact section, type the user name of the person to inform when the keyword is past its review date (optional).

  14. In the Publishing section, you can optionally choose end and review dates for this keyword.

  15. Click OK.

  16. Repeat steps 4 through 16 to create additional keywords and best bets.

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