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Configure targeted content

Applies To: Office SharePoint Server 2007

This Office product will reach end of support on October 10, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see , Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


Topic Last Modified: 2016-11-14

In this article:

  • Create and configure audiences

  • Configure published links to Office client applications

  • Configure personalization site links

  • Configure access to trusted My Site host locations

In Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, content in a site can be targeted to individuals and groups of users so that a site can provide a personalized experience for all users. This encourages collaboration across an organization.

Content is primarily targeted by using audiences. Audiences are defined by using audience rules based on properties in user profiles or membership in distribution lists and SharePoint groups. Properties and distribution list membership information are imported from directory services or from line-of-business applications that are registered in the Business Data Catalog. SharePoint groups are configured within each site or site collection.

SharePoint lists and Web Parts can be targeted by using audiences, so that only members of the targeted audience can view content.

Links to certain sites can be targeted by audience. Examples of targeted links include published links to Office client applications and personalization site links. Targeted links appear in Office client applications and My Sites only for users who are members of the target audiences.

Administrators of the Shared Services Provider (SSP) create and configure audiences, and then configure the compilation schedules for audiences. After audiences are created by SSP administrators, any other user with the correct permissions can use audiences to target content.

SSP administrators also configure the settings for published links to the Office client applications and personalization site links. In configurations that have more than one My Site location, the SSP administrator for personalization services configures trusted My Site locations so that some groups of users can view personalized content across all My Site locations.

Create and configure audiences

Audiences use the information from directory services and user profiles to target information in links, lists, Web Parts, document libraries, and sites. Before you can create, configure, and compile audiences, you must import user profiles from directory services.

After creating audiences, you can target content by configuring the audience targeting properties of the content.

Use the following procedures to create and configure audiences

Create and configure audiences

  1. On the SSP home page, in the Audiences section, click Audiences.

  2. On the Manage Audiences page, click Create audience.

  3. On the Create Audience page, type a name and description.

  4. In the Owner text box, type or select a person to own this audience.

  5. Select Satisfy all of the rules or Satisfy any of the rules depending on the rules you have planned for each audience.
    Note   Complex rules containing AND and OR can be created by developers using the SharePoint object model.

  6. Click OK.

  7. On the Add Audience Rule page, to add a rule based on a user:

    1. In the Operand section, select User.

    2. In the Operator section, select Reports Under to create a rule based on organizational hierarchy or select Member Of to target by group or distribution list.

    3. Type or select the user that you want to use to test this rule. For a Reports Under rule, select the person who is the manager of the users that you want to include in the audience. For a Member Of audience, select the group or distribution list to include for the audience rule.

  8. To add a rule based on a property of user profiles:

    1. In the Operand section, select Property, and then select a property from the menu.

    2. In the Operator menu, select an operator for the property. The operators vary by property, but common operators include =, Contains, and <>. Full descriptions of the operators are available in the planning and operations documentation for Office SharePoint Server 2007.

    3. Type a value to use when evaluating the property against this rule.

  9. Click OK.

Use the following procedure to configure audience compilation and compile audiences.

Configure audience compilation and compile audiences

  1. On the Manage Audiences page, click Specify compilation schedule.

  2. On the Specify Compilation Schedule page, select Enable scheduling.

  3. Select a start time in the Start at menu.

    • To compile audiences at the same time each day, select Every day.

    • To compile audiences at the same time once per week, select Every week on, and then select a day of the week

    • To compile audiences once a month, select Every month on this date, and then select a day of the month.

  4. Click OK.

On the Manage Audiences page, click Start compilation at any time to compile audiences. All audiences will be compiled.


You can compile audiences individually from the View Audiences page by clicking the audience, and then clicking Compile.

Actual targeting of content based on audiences is performed by site administrators or contributors. As part of planning for your initial deployment, your planning team will identify the key content to target. Audience administrators should work with site administrators during deployment to ensure that content is targeted according to plan.

Users of Office 2007 client applications can see links to SharePoint sites from those applications. This allows users to quickly and easily access sites and save documents to sites or document libraries.

SSP administrators configure published links to Office applications during initial deployment, and can add or change links as part of regular operations. Links can be visible for all users or only specific groups of users by using audiences.

Administrators configure published links to Office client applications and target them to audiences.

Use the following procedure to configure published links to Office client applications.

Configure published links to Office client applications

  1. On the SSP Home page, in the User Profiles and My Sites section, click Published links to Office client applications.

  2. On the Published links to Office client applications page, click New to add a link to Office client applications.

  3. On the Published links to Office client applications: New Item page, in the URL section, type the URL of the link that you want to appear in Office applications, and type a description for the link.

  4. In the Type section, select the kind of site for the URL. This will affect how client applications display the link.

  5. In the Target Audiences section, select one or more audiences to use. Only members of these audiences will have access to the link in Office client applications.

  6. Click OK.

Personalization sites are sites that present information that is personalized based on the current user of a site by using a filter Web Part to display only the information relevant for the current user. Creating a personalization site link adds the link to the My Site navigation bar.

Every user who is a member of a targeted audience can see the personalization link when viewing their personal site, along with other relevant personalization sites. This enables each user to have a single access point for personalized content.

The configuration page for personalization sites does not check the template of linked sites, so SSP administrators can theoretically create a link to any kind of sites. However, to focus the purpose of My Sites, it is recommended that only personalization site links or links to sites that use a similar template be added to the list on the Personalization site links page.

SSP administrators select an owner for each personalization site link. This provides a contact for the personalization link, but does not configure any permissions for audiences. The visibility of each link can be modified by the relevant site administrator of each site during regular operations, by changing the targeted audiences. Audience creation and membership can only be configured by the audiences administrator from the SSP administration pages.

Configure the personalization site links for the key personalization sites identified during site hierarchy and personalization planning. Additional links can be added as necessary as part of regular operations.

Use the following procedure to configure personalization site links.

Configure personalization site links

  1. On the SSP Home page, in the User Profiles and My Sites section, click Personalization site links.

  2. On the Personalization site links page, click New to add a link to a personalization site.

  3. On the Personalization site links: New Item page, in the URL section, type the URL of the link that you want to appear in the My Site navigation bar, and type a description for the link.

  4. In the Owner section, type the account name of an owner for the site link. This user is typically the site administrator for the personalization site.

  5. In the Target Audiences section, select one or more audiences to use. Only members of these audiences will see the link in the My Site navigation bar.

  6. Click OK.

Configure access to trusted My Site host locations

Users of personalization services have the permissions given to them by administrators, but these permissions are limited to a single SSP. While good planning can avoid many situations where users need access to multiple My Sites, some scenarios require that a user have access to more than one My Site host location. These scenarios typically involve geographically distributed server farms, each with its own set of shared services.

Consult your planning for SSPs and trusted My Site host locations to determine which trusted My Site host locations you need to add and the audiences you need to use when targeting those locations.

Use the following procedure to add trusted My Site host locations.

Add trusted My Site host locations

  1. On the SSP Home page, in the User Profiles and My Sites section, click Trusted My Site host locations.

  2. On the Trusted My Site Host Locations page, click New to add another Trusted My Site host location.

  3. On the Trusted My Site Host Locations: New Item page, in the URL section, type the URL of the trusted My Site host location, and type a description for the location.

  4. In the Target Audiences section, select one or more audiences to use. For trusted My Site locations, the relevant audiences typically represent the set of users that belong to each My Site host location.

  5. Click OK.

During regular operations, in response to changes in directory services, one or more users can end up with My Sites in different locations. This can happen when an account is migrated from one SSP to another, such as when an employee changes geographic divisions in an organization that uses different SSPs for geographically distributed locations. Trusted My Site host locations can be used to provide access to personalization features targeted for only these users, without enabling access to all users.

Download this book

This topic is included in the following downloadable book for easier reading and printing:

See the full list of available books at Office SharePoint Server technical library.

See Also


Plan for audiences
Configure personalization sites