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Planning Server command-line reference

Updated: 2009-04-09

As described in the installing section earlier, Planning Server Setup is accomplished in two phases — first the software installation, using the Windows Installer package (PPLSrv.msi), and then software configuration, using the Planning Server Configuration Manager (PPLServerConfigManager.exe).

Similarly, the silent installation of Planning Server is done by a two-step process.

Installing from command line

To install Planning server from the command line, the following two steps need to be done:

Step 1: Silent installation of the Windows Installer Package (PPLSrv.msi)

Msiexec.exe /i <msi_name> PPLSrv.msi

For the complete list of switches for Windows Installer, type in msiexec /? at the command prompt. You can also refer online for the Standard Installer Command-Line Options

Step 2: Silent installation of the Configuration Manager (PPLServerConfigManager.exe)

The syntax for running the Configuration Manager silently is

PPLServerConfigManage.exe /qn MODE=<specify action - Install/Uninstall> FEATURE=<specify features affected by the action - Feature1,Feature2,...FeatureN> <FEATURE_PARAMETER1>=<value> FEATURE_PARAMETER2>=<value> .... <FEATURE_PARAMETERN>=<value>


When installing multiple features, the various features (feature1,feature2, … featureN) must be separated by commas and not contain any blank spaces. The Planning System Database remains intact during uninstallation and does not get deleted.

The following table lists the Configuration Manager command-line parameters, along with the available features for Planning Server and the supporting feature parameters required for each feature:




/HELP-For Help text on command line parameters and its usage. Launches a dialog with all the configuration options.

/qnActivates silent installation, with no user interface. Any required parameters must be passed in the command line.

Mode=Install |

Uninstall Mandatory Parameters.

Indicates if the mode is Installation or Uninstallation.

Feature=All | AdminConsole,Database,WebService,WindowsServiceApply mode to all features. Feature=<feature1>,<feature2>…<featureN>.

When specifying multiple features, they should be comma separated and should not contains by blank spaces.

Supporting parameters required when installing all features are:

SQL_DATABASE_SERVER = =<computername\instance>

SQL_DATABASE_CONFIGURATION = =Create | Provision default(Create)

GA_IDENTITY_DOMAIN = =<Name of Active Directory domain>

GA_IDENTITY_NAME = =<User name>

SQLAS_SERVER = =<localcomputer\instance> (Required only if the database is local)

SERVICE_IDENTITY_DOMAIN = =<Name of Active Directory domain>



LOG_LOCATION = =<valid file path> The default path is <Installation drive:>\Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server\.

AUDIT_WRITER = =<false|true> default(false)

TRACE_WRITER = =<false|true> default(false)

SSL = =<true|false> default(true)

WEBSERVICE_SSL_PORT = =<1-65535> default(blank) [required only if SSL=true]

ADMIN_CONSOLE_SSL_PORT = =<1-65535> default(blank) [required only if SSL=true]

WEBSERVICE_PORT = =<1-65535> default(46787)

ADMIN_CONSOLE_PORT = =<1-65535> default(46788)

FeatureDatabaseDatabaseApply mode only to Database feature

Creates and provisions a new Planning Server databases and sets connection information.

Supporting parameters required for installing only this feature are:

SQL_DATABASE_SERVER = =<computername\instance>

SQL_DATABASE_CONFIGURATION = =Create | Provision default(Create)

GA_IDENTITY_DOMAIN = =<Name of Active Directory domain>

GA_IDENTITY_NAME = =<Username>

Feature= WindowsServiceThis enables and starts the service that performs asynchronous processing of jobs.

Supporting parameters required for installing only this feature are:

1.SQL_DATABASE_SERVER = =<machinenamecomputername\instance>

2.SERVICE_IDENTITY_DOMAIN = =<Name of Active Directory domain>


4.LOG_LOCATION = =<valid file path> default(Installation driveC:\Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server\)

5.AUDIT_WRITER = =<false|true> default(false)

6.TRACE_WRITER = =<false|true> default(false)

Feature= WebServiceThis will install the front end Web service site for Planning Business Modeler and Planning Add-in for Excel

Supporting parameters required for installing only this feature are:

SQL_DATABASE_SERVER = =<computername\instance>

SSL = =<true|false> default(true)

WEBSERVICE_SSL_PORT = =<1-65535> default(blank) **required only if SSL=true**

WEBSERVICE_PORT = =<1-65535> default(46787)

SERVICE_IDENTITY_DOMAIN = =<Name of Active Directory domain>



Feature=AdminConsoleA thin client that allows administrators to make configurations to any computer running Planning Server. Configurations include creating and editing applications, creating and editing model sites, and adding users to or removing users from the Global Administrator role. Web services allow the Planning Administration Console to connect to the Planning Server system remotely.

SSL = =<true|false> default(true)

ADMIN_CONSOLE_SSL_PORT = =<1-65535> default(blank) **required only if SSL=true**

ADMIN_CONSOLE_PORT = =<1-65535> default(46788)

SERVICE_IDENTITY_DOMAIN = =<Name of Active Directory domain>




1.Install all features

PPLServerConfigManager.exe /qn MODE=Install Feature=ALL SQL_DATABASE_SERVER = =<computername\instance> SQL_DATABASE_CONFIGURATION = =Create | Provision default(Create) GA_IDENTITY_DOMAIN = =<Name of Active Directory domain> GA_IDENTITY_NAME = =<User name> SQLAS_SERVER = =<localcomputer\instance> (Required only if the database is local) SERVICE_IDENTITY_DOMAIN = =<Name of Active Directory domain> SERVICE_IDENTITY_USERNAME = =<Domain user name> SERVICE_IDENTITY_PASSWORD = =<password> LOG_LOCATION = =<valid file path> The default path is <Installation drive:>\Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server\ AUDIT_WRITER = =<false|true> default(false) TRACE_WRITER = =<false|true> default(false) SSL = =<true|false> default(true) WEBSERVICE_SSL_PORT = =<1-65535> default(blank) [required only if SSL=true] ADMIN_CONSOLE_SSL_PORT = =<1-65535> default(blank)[required only if SSL=true] WEBSERVICE_PORT = =<1-65535> default(46787) ADMIN_CONSOLE_PORT = =<1-65535> default(46788)

-- OR --

PPLServerConfigManager.exe /qn MODE=Install Feature=AdminConsole,Database,WebService,WindowsService SQL_DATABASE_SERVER = =<computername\instance> SQL_DATABASE_CONFIGURATION = =Create | Provision default(Create) GA_IDENTITY_DOMAIN = =<Name of Active Directory domain> GA_IDENTITY_NAME = =<User name> SQLAS_SERVER = =<localcomputer\instance> (Required only if the database is local) SERVICE_IDENTITY_DOMAIN = =<Name of Active Directory domain> SERVICE_IDENTITY_USERNAME = =<Domain user name> SERVICE_IDENTITY_PASSWORD = =<password> LOG_LOCATION = =<valid file path> The default path is <Installation drive:>\Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server\ AUDIT_WRITER = =<false|true> default(false) TRACE_WRITER = =<false|true> default(false) SSL = =<true|false> default(true) WEBSERVICE_SSL_PORT = =<1-65535> default(blank) [required only if SSL=true] ADMIN_CONSOLE_SSL_PORT = =<1-65535> default(blank)[required only if SSL=true] WEBSERVICE_PORT = =<1-65535> default(46787) ADMIN_CONSOLE_PORT = =<1-65535> default(46788)

2.Install a specific feature (for example, Planning Server Databases)

PPLServerConfigManager.exe /qn MODE=Install Feature= Database SQL_DATABASE_SERVER = =<computername\instance> SQL_DATABASE_CONFIGURATION = =Create | Provision default(Create) GA_IDENTITY_DOMAIN = =<Name of Active Directory domain> GA_IDENTITY_NAME = =<Username>

3.Uninstalling a specific feature (for example, Planning Administration Console)

PPLServerConfigManager.exe /qn MODE=UnInstall Feature=AdminConsole

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This topic is included in the following downloadable book for easier reading and printing:

See the full list of available books at Downloadable content for PerformancePoint Monitoring Server.