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PerformancePoint Server protocol handler

Updated: 2009-04-09

The PerformancePoint Server protocol handler enables PerformancePoint Server users to open planning assignments through hyperlinks. This protocol handler is automatically installed on every client computer where the PerformancePoint Add-in for Excel is installed.

The PerformancePoint Server protocol handler is automatically registered when PerformancePoint Add-in for Excel is installed and appropriate registry keys are created.


When you uninstall PerformancePoint Server, it is automatically unregistered, but the registry keys are not removed. They must be manually removed.

During installation, the following lines are added to the registry:

When the protocol handler is registered for the computer :


@="URL:PerformancePoint Protocol"

"URL Protocol"=""




@="C:\Program Files\Microsoft OBA\Excel Client\ PerformancePointProtocolHandler.exe %1"

When the protocol handler is registered for the user :

Everything is the same as above, except that HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT above is replaced by HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes.

The location of the protocol handler depends on the location of the PPSProtocolHandler.exe file.

Installing and uninstalling the moniker

From the command line, here is how to install or uninstall the moniker:

Action Description

Install moniker

Install per user:

PerformancePointProtocolHandler.exe –REGISTER:U

Install per computer:

PerformancePointProtocolHandler.exe –REGISTER:M

The registry keys that are added after installing the moniker per computer are:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="URL:bizAssign Protocol"

"URL Protocol"=""




@="C:\Program Files\Microsoft OBA\Excel Client\ PerformancePointProtocolHandler.exe %1"

Uninstall moniker

Uninstall per computer:

PerformancePointProtocolHandler.exe –UNREGISTER

If the process is successful, the registry keys are removed

Download this book

This topic is included in the following downloadable book for easier reading and printing:

See the full list of available books at Downloadable content for PerformancePoint Monitoring Server.