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Managing SharePoint Workspace users


Applies to: SharePoint Workspace 2010, Groove Server 2010

Topic Last Modified: 2010-02-11

This article describes how to perform the main administrative tasks involved in managing domain members in Groove Server Manager.

These procedures require that Groove Server 2010 Manager is installed as described in Install and configure Groove Server 2010 Manager.

In this article:

  • Displaying management domain member administration pages

  • Viewing or changing domain member properties and settings

  • Finding domain members

  • Exporting domain members

  • Deleting or disabling domain members

  • Viewing domain member status

Displaying management domain member administration pages

The following procedure describes how to display and use Groove Server Manager domain member pages to perform administration tasks that affect how information workers in your organization use Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 to collaborate.

To display domain member administration pages

  1. Log on to the Groove Server Manager administrative Web site and expand Members in the navigation pane. Three tabs let you perform different types of administration, as summarized in the following table:

    Member Information

    Member property Description


    Status indicators reflect the status of each member within the domain, such as whether they are active or pending Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 users. For more information about status indicators, see Viewing domain member status.

    Full Name

    Specifies the member’s display name.

    E-mail address

    Specifies the user’s e-mail address.

    Last modified

    Displays the date and time of the last modification to the user record. The time value reflects the time zone of the Groove Server Manager system.

    Relay pool

    Displays the Relay server pool to which the member is assigned.

    Last account backup

    If you set an identity policy to schedule automatic user account backup, specifies the date of last backup. For information about scheduling account backup, see Backing up SharePoint Workspace accounts.

  2. Review the content on the Members tab. This page displays the management domain members list and provides important information about each member, as described in the Members Information table at the end of this procedure. Most operations that you perform from this page affect selected members.

  3. To select a member, click the check box next to the member name. Click the check box again to clear the selection.

    To select all the members in the list, click the check box at the top of the list. Click the check box again to clear all the selections.

  4. To view or change individual member account and other properties, follow the procedure in Viewing or changing domain member properties and settings

  5. To find members in the list, follow the procedure in Finding domain members.

  6. To perform an administrative operation for selected members, click Manage Members in the toolbar and select the operation that you need. The remainder of this article provides procedures about how to perform most of these operations.

Members tabs Description


Lists members in the selected group and lets you add, move, export, and delete domain members.


Members are SharePoint Workspace user identities that you have integrated with a Groove Server Manager domain from Active Directory or that you have manually added to the domain.
For information about how to integrate or add users to the domain, see Create a SharePoint Workspace user directory for Groove Server Manager.


Lists groups in the selected domain or group and lets you add, change, and delete domain groups.


Lets you display reports of server and SharePoint Workspace client activity for a specified date range. For more information about how to generate and filter reports, see Generating Groove Server Manager reports.

Viewing or changing domain member properties and settings

The following procedure describes how to view and change properties for individual management domain members.

To view or change domain member properties and settings

  1. Log on to the Groove Server Manager administrative Web site, expand the domain, and then click Members in the navigation pane.

  2. Select a member to display property settings for the member. Three tabbed pages of member settings appear in the viewing area.

  3. Click the appropriate tab and change the fields as needed, using the following table for guidance:

    Member properties and settings Description

    Account Information

    Displays the following information and editable fields:

    • Account information - Includes the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the Groove Server Manager with which the account is associated, the SharePoint Workspace user account configuration code for your management domain, and the management domain name.

    • Policy template assigned to the user - Select another management policy template if necessary.

    • Relay pool assigned to the user – Select another Relay pool if necessary.

    • Devices with this identity – Displays the names of SharePoint Workspace devices associated with this account.

    • Relay provisioning – Displays Relay servers associated with this account.

    For information about how to assign management policy templates and Relay Pool assignments to domain members, see Deploying policies to SharePoint Workspace users and Assigning Relay servers to SharePoint Workspace users.

    Contact information

    Displays fields of member contact information as entered when members were added to the management domain. If this is not an Active Directory-integrated domain, you can change the information in these fields. An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

    For information about how to create a member directory in for Groove Server Manager, see Create a SharePoint Workspace user directory for Groove Server Manager.

    Restore Account

    Lets you restore a backed-up version of the member’s SharePoint Workspace account, as described in Recovering SharePoint Workspace accounts.

Finding domain members

You can use the navigation pane to find members in management domain member lists, or you can use search filters, as described in the following procedure.

To find domain members

  1. Log on to the Groove Server Manager administrative Web site, expand the domain, and select Members or a group from the navigation pane. The Members tab lists the members in the selected group.

  2. To find members in a short list, use the navigation arrows on the lower-right corner of the list page, together with the scroll bar.

  3. To search for specific members in a long list, use the Search text box on the upper-right of the Members list. Enter the name or e-mail address of the domain member that you want to find, and then click the Search tool. The search tool is not case-sensitive. You can search for partial strings without wildcard characters. For example, to search for all user names that contain ‘mc’, enter mc. Matches appear in the viewing area of the page.


    To search the full domain members list, including groups and individual members, select the Search entire domain check box. Leaving the box cleared (disabled) limits the search to the selected group.

  4. To restrict the search to a specific user category, click Advanced Search, enter the required information, and then click OK. The following table describes the Advanced Search Fields:

    Advanced Search Fields Descriptions

    Search For

    Lets you enter a search string for the domain member name that you want to find (for example, Jane Dow).

    Partial-string searches (without asterisks) are also acceptable. For example, enter jan to search for all names that contain the string ‘jan’.

    Drop-down menu options

    Restricts the search to one of the following domain member categories:

    Active, pending, and disabled members - Displays active, pending, and disabled domain group members, as described for the individual items as follows:

    • Active members - Displays SharePoint Workspace users who have entered their Groove account configuration codes into SharePoint Workspace, and are now management domain members.

    • Pending members - Displays SharePoint Workspace users in this domain or group for whom you have entered identity information but whose SharePoint Workspace account configuration codes have not been applied to the SharePoint Workspace client.

    • Disabled members - Displays SharePoint Workspace user identities that you have temporarily disabled (suspended), as described in Deleting or disabling domain members.

    • Members who are pending domain migration - Displays SharePoint Workspace users who are marked for migration to another domain. (Appears only if domain migration is enabled.)

    • Members who have already migrated to another domain - Displays migrated users who have logged into SharePoint Workspace as members of a new management domain. (Appears only if domain migration is enabled.)

    Default: Active, pending, and disabled members

    Search entire domain

    Searches all groups in the domain regardless of what is selected, or limits the search to the selected group.

    Default: cleared

Exporting domain members

You can export group member information to an .xml or a .csv file without disturbing user membership in the domain, as described in this procedure. You can use the resulting file to add multiple members to another domain, as described in Manually creating a SharePoint Workspace user directory for Groove Server Manager.

To export domain members

  1. Log on to the Groove Server Manager administrative Web site, expand the domain, and select Members or one of its sub-groups from the navigation pane.

  2. Select the checkboxes of members that you want to export.

  3. Click the Manage Members drop-down list in the toolbar and select Export Members. An Export pop-up window appears.

  4. Choose the option of Selected items, or accept the default option of All items.

  5. Select CSV or XML as a destination file type, and then click OK. A File Download pop-up window appears.

  6. Click Save, enter the file location for saving the .xml or .csv file, and then click Save again. You can now import this file to another domain using the Add Multiple Members link, as described in

The following columns of domain member information are exported (empty fields appear as blank values in the exported file):

  • FullName (required for import)

  • FirstName

  • LastName

  • E-mail

  • Title

  • Organization

  • Street

  • City

  • State

  • PostalCode

  • CountryOrRegion

  • Phone

  • Fax

  • Cell

  • ActivationKey

  • Status

  • DateLastBackup

  • SIPAddress

Deleting or disabling domain members

The Groove Server Manager administrative interface lets you delete or temporarily disable management domain members. Procedural details and outcomes depend on whether Active Directory is integrated with Groove Server Manager, as noted in the following procedure.

To delete or disable domain members

  • To delete or disable members from an Active Directory-integrated domain, delete or disable members from Active Directory to effect corresponding changes in Groove Server Manager. Manager domain member listings reflect member status in Active Directory.

    Deleting management domain members by deleting them from Active Directory has the following effects when the SharePoint Workspace client receives notification from Groove Server Manager:

    • Active Directory-deleted members cannot access their managed SharePoint Workspace accounts, and their workspaces and Shared Folders are no longer synchronized.

    • Active Directory-deleted members are deleted from domain member lists in Groove Server Manager.

    • Active Directory-deleted members appear in the Deleted group in the navigation pane, where they are given a disabled member icon. Deleting a member’s managed account is permanent. However, members that are un-deleted in Active Directory are automatically re-enabled and returned to the Groove Server Manager domain upon the next full synchronization of Groove Server Manager with Active Directory.

    • Active Directory-disabled members appear in Groove Server Manager member lists with a disabled member status.

    For information about how member status in Groove Server Manager reflects Active Directory actions, see Viewing domain member status.

  • To delete members from a domain that is not integrated with Active Directory, follow these steps:

    1. Log on to the Groove Server Manager administrative Web site and expand the domain.

    2. Click Members or a group in the navigation pane.

    3. Click Manage Members in the toolbar and then select Delete Members. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

    Deleting management domain members by using Delete Members in Groove Server Manager has the following effects when the SharePoint Workspace client receives notification from Groove Server Manager:

    • Deleted members cannot access their managed SharePoint Workspace accounts, and their workspaces and Shared Folder directories are no longer synchronized.

    • Deleted domain members are deleted from Groove Server Manager and no longer appear in domain member lists.

    • Deleted domain members appear in the Deleted group, where they are given a deleted member status. Domain member deletion is permanent. Once you delete a member from a domain, you can no longer access content or contact information associated with the deleted member.

    • If you use Delete Members to delete a domain member that retains an associated Active Directory listing, for example to renew a member’s lost or otherwise compromised SharePoint Workspace account, the member will automatically return to the Manager domain with a pending member status upon the next full synchronization of Groove Server Manager with Active Directory. You can then send the member a new managed account activation code so that the member can create a new account, as described in Manually delivering SharePoint Workspace account configuration codes. Note that the renewed member is a new domain listing and that the previous member listing still appears in the Deleted group with a deleted members status.

  • To temporarily disable a member in a domain that is not integrated with Active Directory, click the Manage Members drop-down list in the toolbar and then select Disable Members.

    To re-enable a disabled member, click Manage Members in the toolbar, select the members that you want to re-instate, and then select Enable Member.


    The Disable Members capability in Groove Server Manager is not available for Active Directory-integrated domains. Disabling a member for Active Directory-integrated domains is done in Active Directory.

For more information about how these and other actions affect member status, see Viewing domain member status.

Viewing domain member status

The Members page provides status information for each management domain member.

To check domain member status

  1. Log on to the Groove Server Manager administrative Web site and select Members or one of its sub-groups from the navigation pane. The Members tab displays the members list.

  2. From the Members page, use the Search and navigation controls to find domain members, as described in Finding domain members. Status indicators appear before each member’s name.

  3. Review the management domain member status, as needed. The following table describes status indicators for Active Directory-integrated management domains and non-integrated management domains:

    Domain member status

    Member status Meaning in Active Directory-integrated domains Meaning in non-Active Directory integrated domains

    Active member

    The management domain member is an active user of a managed SharePoint Workspace account, integrated with the Groove Server Manager domain as described in Create a SharePoint Workspace user directory for Groove Server Manager.

    The management domain member is an active user of a managed SharePoint Workspace account, added to the Groove Server Manager domain as described in Manually creating a SharePoint Workspace user directory for Groove Server Manager.

    Pending member

    Indicates one of the following conditions:

    • A SharePoint Workspace account has not been configured for the Active Directory-integrated domain member. For information about how to configure SharePoint Workspace user accounts, see Deploy SharePoint Workspace 2010.

    • The domain member has been automatically re-added to the domain through synchronization with Active Directory after the member’s account was deleted from Groove Server Manager through the Delete Member action. A new SharePoint Workspace account has not been configured for the Active Directory-integrated domain member. For information about configuring a new SharePoint Workspace account for the member, see Manually delivering SharePoint Workspace account configuration codes.

    A SharePoint Workspace account has not been configured for the domain member. For information about how to configure SharePoint Workspace user accounts, see Deploy SharePoint Workspace 2010.

    Disabled member

    Indicates one of the following conditions:

    • The Active Directory-integrated domain member has been temporarily disabled in Active Directory. The disabled member can only be re-enabled from Active Directory.

    • The Active Directory-integrated domain member has been deleted in Active Directory. The deleted member appears in the Deleted group with a disabled member status. Un-deleting the member in Active Directory will renew the member’s domain membership.

    The domain member has been temporarily disabled in Groove Server Manager and can be re-enabled, as described in Deleting or disabling domain members.

    Pending migration

    The Active Directory-integrated domain member is in the process of being migrated to another Groove Server Manager domain.

    The domain member is in the process of being migrated to another Groove Server Manager domain.


    The Active Directory-integrated domain member has been successfully migrated to another Groove Server Manager domain.

    The domain member has been successfully migrated to another Groove Server Manager domain.

    Deleted member

    The Active Directory-integrated domain member has been deleted from the domain through Delete Members in Groove Server Manager. The deleted domain member appears in the Deleted group with a deleted member status.

    The member has been permanently deleted from Groove Server Manager and can no longer access the associated SharePoint Workspace account. The deleted member appears in the Deleted group in the navigation pane.