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Security cmdlets (FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint)


Applies to: FAST Search Server 2010

Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint provides a full set of cmdlets to manage and control item level security through the FAST Search Authorization (FSA) component. By using item level security, users only gain access to search results that they are entitled to see.

FAST Search Authorization

Item level security is enforced in two phases:

  • Phase 1: Indexing - Content repositories are traversed and indexes are created. Authorization information is added to each item’s authorization managed properties (the item’s ACL, or access control list), identifying users and groups that are granted or denied access to the item.

  • Phase 2: Searching - A user submits a query and the indexes are used to determine search results. In this phase, the query processing service rewrites the user’s query so that the user only sees items that he is authorized to see. This security trimming is performed with the help of a user search security filter, which is created by FSA based on the user’s specific content permissions. By checking item managed properties (item ACLs which define who has permissions to view each item) against that user’s search security filter, inappropriate search results are filtered out.

FSA has two components: the FSA manager (one per FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint system) and the FSA worker (one on each server that processes queries).

  • The FSA manager service receives security changes from indexing connectors and pushes the updates to all the query processing nodes in the system. The FSA manager also keeps the security-related configuration of these nodes consistent by administering the FSA workers and synchronizing changes across the nodes.

  • The FSA worker is part of the Query and Result Service (query processing node). FSA workers generate user search security filters based on user credentials. To do this, the FSA worker obtains group membership information for users from the FSA user stores by using principal aliasing to map users/groups from one store to another.


Note that FSA does not authenticate users. Authentication is performed by the SharePoint Server search front-end. See Plan authentication methods (SharePoint Server 2010).

In this section:

  • Manage general FAST Search Authorization settings

  • Manage claims-based security user stores

  • Manage Lotus Notes security user stores

  • Manage principal alias mapping

Manage general FAST Search Authorization settings

There are many times when you must check or change general configuration settings for FAST Search Authorization (FSA). Several cmdlets address general settings such as log file configurations and system defaults.

Cmdlets for general FAST Search Authorization settings


To use the cmdlets, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: You are a member of the FASTSearchAdministrators local group on the computer where FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint is installed.

Use these cmdlets to help manage item level security in FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint:

Task Cmdlet

Retrieve and view general security settings, such as the following:

  • Default user store ID

  • CCTK server port number

  • Default log level

  • Log level namespaces

Note that not all settings apply to every kind of user store.


Check on or set the security configuration status of the current FSA worker node, which indicates if the node is configured correctly for secure searching. The query node will only accept search requests when this status is true.



View and change the default user store used when a user store is not specified at query time.



Retrieve one security user store or a list of all user stores.


Review and change the filter for publicly viewed items.



Retrieve the user search security filter for a specified user.


Retrieve a list of all groups that a user belongs to.

Get-FASTSearchSecurityUserStoreGroupExpansion retrieves all groups in one user store that the user is a member of. Get-FASTSearchSecurityCompleteGroupExpansion provides the user, expanded groups that contain the user, all groups that contain other expanded groups, and aliaser-mapped users and groups. Both cmdlets are used for troubleshooting a user search security filter.



Retrieve a user or group identity by decoding or encoding a Windows security identifier (SID).

Get-FASTSearchSecurityEncodedSid returns a Base64 encoded security identifier for a user, group, or Windows SID. Get-FASTSearchSecurityDecodedSid decodes an encoded security identifier (SID) and returns the user/group identifier (the common name) and Windows SID. Both cmdlets are used for troubleshooting.



View and change the log settings that control how much information is logged in all the FSA manager and FSA worker logs.



View the URI and status of one or more FSA workers (the Windows service that generates user search security filters).


Retrieve information about the caching of certain user search security filters.


Manage claims-based security user stores

FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint supports claims-based authentication, which is a set of operations that establishes trust relationships between claims providers and applications. Claims authentication foregoes the need to connect to a particular enterprise directory for looking up user identities. Instead, a user's request arrives with all the identity details that the application needs. These identity attributes may include name, e-mail address, membership, etc., and is called a claim. When a claim arrives, the user has already been authenticated, and FSA makes an access control decision based on that claim which is provided by the SharePoint front-end.

FSA works with security user stores, which are logical groupings of users, groups, and content permissions that serve as security gateways to third-party content repositories to help protect their content from unauthorized access. A claims user store is created as the default user store when you decide to work with claims authentication.

Claims user store cmdlets


To use the cmdlets, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: You are a member of the FASTSearchAdministrators local group on the computer where FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint is installed.

Use these cmdlets to manage your claims user stores:

Task Cmdlet

Add new claims content to the FSA configuration


Edit the claims content security configuration


Retrieve and view the configuration of one or more claims user stores


Delete a claims content user store


Manage Lotus Notes security user stores

A user store in FAST Search Authorization (FSA) is a logical grouping of users, groups, and content permissions that serves as a security gateway to a third-party content repository to help protect its content from unauthorized access. A Lotus Notes user store caches user credentials for Lotus Notes database collections.

A Lotus Notes user store is used by FSA to generate a user search security filter. This filter is attached to the user’s query to enforce access control that is based on the user’s credentials. Before you run the FAST Search Lotus Notes user directory connector, you must create a new Lotus Notes user store that will be populated with user and group information downloaded from your Lotus Domino server.

Lotus Notes user store cmdlets


To use the cmdlets, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: You are a member of the FASTSearchAdministrators local group on the computer where FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint is installed.

Use these cmdlets to help manage Lotus Notes user stores:

Task Cmdlet

Create a user store in FSA to provide item level security for Lotus Notes content


Edit a Lotus Notes user store configuration


Retrieve and view one or all previously defined Lotus Notes user stores


View the CCTK port number that uploads Lotus Notes credentials to FSA (CCTK=Content Connector Toolkit)



Delete a Lotus Notes security user store


Manage principal alias mapping

Principal aliasing defines equivalences between user stores.

When group expansion information is requested during user security filter generation, FAST Search Authorization (FSA) works through each user store to gather all the security IDs that apply to the user performing the query. Many users exist in multiple user stores. For example, a Windows user may have a Lotus Notes account that is a different ID. To narrow the query results, FSA must know the user's IDs and groups in all stores. FSA includes a process that is known as principal aliasing that maps users/groups from one user store to their equivalent IDs in another user store. Principal aliasing facilitates the gathering of security IDs, regardless of which user store the user or group is authenticated to. For example, you can map the user jbrown in a claims user store to be the same as the user brownj in the Lotus Notes user store.

There are two kinds of principal aliasing:

  • XML: Uses an XML file to map each specific security ID to its equivalent security ID in another store (recommended).

  • Regular expression (regex): Uses regular expression patterns to define maps from one user store to another. This kind of aliasing is used to pattern match a set of users/groups from one security store to another when their user ids are constructed following a specific pattern.

Principal aliasing cmdlets


To use the cmdlets, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: You are a member of the FASTSearchAdministrators local group on the computer where FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint is installed.

Use these cmdlets for your principal aliasing tasks:

Task Cmdlet

View, troubleshoot, and manage any mapping


Map users or groups from one user store to another by using an XML file format


Map users or groups from one user store to another by using a regular expression map


Change an XML alias mapping


Change a regular expression alias mapping


View XML principal alias mappings


View regular expression principal alias mappings


Create a regular expression pattern to use when you create or change a regular expression alias mapping (input to New-FASTSearchSecurityRegexAliaser and Set-FASTSearchSecurityRegexAliaser)


Remove a mapping
