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Configure User and Resource Mailbox Properties


Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP3, Exchange Server 2010 SP2

Mailboxes are the most common recipient type used by information workers in an Exchange organization. Each mailbox is associated with an Active Directory user account. The user can use the mailbox to send and receive messages, and to store messages, appointments, tasks, notes, and documents. You can also use mailboxes for resources such as meeting rooms and equipment. Mailboxes are the primary messaging and collaboration tools for the users in your organization. To learn more about mailboxes, see Understanding Recipients.

Looking for other management tasks related to mailboxes? See Managing User Mailboxes.

What Do You Want to Do?

  • Use the EMC to view or configure user mailbox properties

  • Use the EMC to configure resource mailbox properties

  • Use the Shell to configure user mailbox properties

Use the EMC to view or configure user mailbox properties

You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "Provisioning Recipient Permissions" section in the Mailbox Permissions topic.

Properties specific to a mailbox user are controlled by the Set-Mailbox cmdlet. The EMC allows you to set additional properties and the permissions may vary depending upon the feature that you're configuring. The permissions listed above grant permission to edit all of the properties of the < User Mailbox> Properties dialog box.

  1. In the console tree, navigate to Recipient Configuration > Mailbox.

  2. In the result pane, select the user or resource mailbox you want to configure.

  3. In the action pane, click Properties.

  4. Use the General tab to view or modify the following settings:

    • Display name Use this unlabeled box at the top of the page to view or change the display name.

    • Organizational unit This read-only field displays the organizational unit (OU) that contains the user account.

    • Last logged on by This read-only field displays the Active Directory user that last logged on to the mailbox.


      To obtain the information that's displayed in this field, the Exchange Management Console (EMC) queries the mailbox database that hosts the mailbox. If the EMC is unable to communicate with the Exchange store that contains the mailbox database, this field will be blank. This field will also be blank if no user has logged on to the mailbox since the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service was last started.

    • Total items This read-only field displays the total number of items in the mailbox.


      To obtain the information that's displayed in this field, the EMC queries the mailbox database that hosts the mailbox. If the EMC is unable to communicate with the Exchange store that contains the mailbox database, this field will be blank.

    • Size (KB) This read-only field displays the total size of the mailbox in kilobytes (KB).


      To obtain the information that's displayed in this field, the EMC queries the mailbox database that hosts the mailbox. If the EMC is unable to communicate with the Exchange store that contains the mailbox database, this field will be blank.

    • Mailbox database This read-only field displays the name of the storage group and mailbox database that host the mailbox.

    • Archive database   This read-only field displays the name of the mailbox database that host the archive mailbox. If an archive doesn't exist for the mailbox, this field will be blank.

    • Modified This read-only field displays the last date and time that a configuration change was made to the user mailbox.

      Configuration changes made through any other method, such as the Exchange Management Shell or Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) Edit, will also update this field.

    • Alias Use this text box to view or change the user's alias. The alias cannot exceed 64 characters and must be unique in the forest. One of the reasons why the alias must be unique is because it is used to generate the SMTP address in a default installation.

    • Hide from Exchange address lists Select this check box to prevent the recipient from appearing in the global address list (GAL) and other address lists that are defined in your Exchange organization.

      After you select this check box, users in your Exchange organization can still send messages to the recipient by using the e-mail address.

    • Custom Attributes Click this button to open the Custom Attributes dialog box. You can specify up to 15 custom attributes for the recipient. To specify the custom attribute values, use the corresponding boxes, and then click OK. To learn more, see Understanding Custom Attributes.

  5. Use the User Information tab to modify the following fields.

    • First name Use this box to modify the recipient's first name.

    • Initials   Use this box to modify the recipient's middle initials.

    • Last name Use this box to modify the recipient's last name.

    • Name Use this box to modify the recipient's directory name. This is the name that's listed in Active Directory.

    • Simple display name Use this box to modify the recipient's simple display name. The simple display name field accepts only ASCII characters.

      In Exchange 2010, the Display name field (located on the General tab) can contain Unicode characters. However, third-party applications and older clients may not support Unicode characters. If the system that is displaying the recipient properties doesn't support Unicode characters, you can use the simple display name. For more information about Unicode characters, see Unicode.

    • Web page   Use this box to modify the recipient's Web page address.

    • Notes Use this box to modify administrative notes about the recipient.

      These notes are also visible in Outlook. When a user views the recipient's properties in Outlook, the notes will be displayed on the Phone/Notes tab.

  6. Use the Address and Phone tab to view or modify the following fields:

    • Street address Use this box to view or change the recipient's street.

    • City Use this box to view or change the city where the recipient is located.

    • State/Province Use this box to view or change the state or province where the recipient is located.

      You can use the State/Province field as a condition for dynamic distribution groups and e-mail address policies. If you plan to use this field as a condition, you must devise and follow a consistent naming convention to ensure accurate results for dynamic distribution groups and e-mail address policies.

    • ZIP/Postal code Use this box to view or change the ZIP code or the postal code where the recipient is located.

    • Country/region Use this list to view or change the country or region where the recipient is located.

    • Business Use this box to view or change the recipient's business phone number.

    • Pager Use this box to view or change the recipient's pager number.

    • Fax Use this box to view or change the recipient's fax number.

    • Home Use this box to view or change the recipient's home phone number.

    • Mobile Use this box to view or change the recipient's mobile phone number.

  7. Use the Organization tab to view or change the information about the recipient's role in your organization.

    • Title Use this box to view or change the recipient's title.

    • Company Use this box to view or change the company for which the recipient works. You can use this field to create recipient conditions for dynamic distribution groups, e-mail address policies, or address lists.

    • Department Use this box to view or change the department in which the recipient works. You can use this field to create recipient conditions for dynamic distribution groups, e-mail address policies, or address lists.

    • Office Use this box to view or change the office location for the recipient.

    • Manager Select this check box if you want to specify this recipient's manager. By specifying the manager for each recipient in your organization, you can create a virtual organization chart that is accessible from e-mail clients such as Outlook.

      Click Browse to open the Select Recipient User or Contact dialog box. Select the recipient's manager, and then click OK to return to the property page.

    • Direct Reports Use this box to view the list of mailbox users and contacts that are managed by this recipient. This field is read-only and is populated automatically when this recipient is designated as a manager for another recipient.

  8. Use the Account tab to modify the logon names for the Active Directory domain service user account that is associated with the recipient:

    • User logon name (User Principal Name) The user logon name consists of a user name and a suffix. Use this box to type the user name that the user will use to log on to the Active Directory domain. The user logon name cannot exceed 1,024 characters and must be unique in the forest.

      Use the corresponding drop-down list to select the suffix for this user. Typically, the suffix is the Active Directory domain name in which the user account resides. To view or change the list of available domain suffixes in your forest, use Active Directory Domains and Trusts. In the Active Directory Domains and Trusts console tree, right-click Active Directory Domains and Trusts, and then click Properties. In the property page, use the UPN suffixes tab to view the list of available domain suffixes in the forest.

    • User logon name (pre-Windows 2000) Use this box to type a user name that is compatible with legacy versions of Windows (prior to the release of Windows 2000 Server). The user logon name for a version of Windows earlier than Windows 2000 Server can't exceed 20 characters and can't contain any of the following characters: \/ [] : | <> + = ; ? , *.

      When the user account is first created, this field is automatically populated based on the User logon name (User Principal Name) field.

    • User must change password at next logon Select this check box if you want the user to change the password at next logon. The user won't be able to log on until the password is successfully changed.

  9. Use the Mail Flow Settings tab to configure delivery options and message size or message delivery restrictions for the mailbox.

    • Delivery Options Select this setting and then click Properties to open the Delivery Options dialog box. Use this dialog box to configure the following settings:

      Send on behalf   Click Add to open the Select Mailbox or Mail-Enabled User dialog box. Use this dialog box to grant a recipient the permissions to send e-mail on behalf of the selected mailbox. Click Remove icon to remove a recipient from the list.

      Forward to   Select this check box, and then click Browse to open the Select Recipient dialog box. Use this dialog box to select a recipient to whom you want to forward all e-mail messages that are sent to this mailbox.

      Deliver message to both forwarding address and mailbox   If you selected the Forward to check box, you can select this check box to specify that e-mail messages be delivered to both the mailbox and to the forwarding address.

      Maximum Recipients   Select this check box to limit the number of recipients to which this mailbox can send e-mail messages at one time.

    • Message Size Restrictions Select this setting and then click Properties to open the Message Size Restrictions dialog box. In this dialog box, use the Maximum message size (in KB) check boxes to set the maximum size for messages that can be sent and received by this recipient. Use the corresponding text boxes to type the maximum message size allowed (in KB). The message size must be between 0 and 2,097,151 KB. If a message larger than the specified size is sent to the recipient, the message will be returned to the sender with a descriptive error message.

    • Message Delivery Restrictions   Select this setting and then click Properties to open the Message Delivery Restrictions dialog box. Use this dialog box to configure the following settings:

      All senders   Click this button to specify that the recipient can accept messages from all senders. This includes senders in both your Exchange organization and external senders. This button is selected by default. This option includes external users only if you clear the Require that all senders are authenticated check box. If you select this check box, messages from external users will be rejected.

Only senders in the following list Click this button to specify that the recipient can accept messages only from a specified set of senders in your Exchange organization. Click Add to open the Select Recipient dialog box. This dialog box displays a list of all recipients in the Active Directory forest. Select the recipients you want, and then click OK. You can also search for a specific recipient by typing its name in the Search box and then clicking Find Now.

Require that all senders are authenticated Select this check box to prevent anonymous users from sending messages to the recipient.

No senders Click this button to specify that the recipient will not reject messages from any senders in the Exchange organization. This button is selected by default.

Senders in the following list Click this button to specify that the recipient will reject messages from a specified set of senders in your Exchange organization. Click Add to open the Select Recipient dialog box. This dialog box displays a list of all recipients in the Active Directory forest. Select the recipients you want, and then click OK. You can also search for a specific recipient by typing its name in the Search box and then clicking Find Now.

  1. Use the Mailbox Features tab to view or modify the following mailbox features:

    • Outlook Web App   This feature is enabled by default. Click Disable to disable this feature for the mailbox. Click Properties, and then use the corresponding property page to add an Outlook Web App mailbox policy to the user's mailbox. Outlook Web App enables access to an Exchange mailbox from a Web browser. To learn more, see Understanding Outlook Web App Mailbox Policies.

    • Exchange ActiveSync   This feature is enabled by default. Click Disable to disable this feature for the mailbox. Click Properties, and then use the corresponding property page to apply an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy to the user's mailbox. Exchange ActiveSync enables access to an Exchange mailbox from a mobile device. To learn more, see Understanding Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policies.

    • Unified Messaging   This feature is disabled by default. To enable Unified Messaging (UM) for the mailbox, in the EMC result pane, select the mailbox, and then, in the action pane, click Enable Unified Messaging. For details, see Enable a User for Unified Messaging.

      If UM is enabled, click Properties and use the corresponding property page to configure UM settings for the user. For details see View or Configure the Properties of a UM-Enabled User.

    • MAPI   This feature is enabled by default. Click Disable to disable this feature for the mailbox. MAPI enables access to an Exchange mailbox from a MAPI client such as Outlook. There is no property page available for this feature.

    • POP3 and IMAP4   These features are enabled by default. Click Disable to disable these features for the mailbox. Click Properties, and then use the corresponding property pages to specify the MIME format of messages that are retrieved from the server.

    • Archive If an archive doesn't exist for the mailbox, this feature is disabled . To enable an archive for this mailbox, in the EMC result pane, select the mailbox and then, in the action pane, click Enable Archive. If an archive does exist for the mailbox, click Properties, and then use the corresponding property page to specify a name for the archive associated with this mailbox. For more information, see Enable a Personal (On-Premises) or Cloud-Based Archive for an Existing Mailbox.

  2. Use the Calendar Settings tab to modify the Calendar Attendant settings for this mailbox. The Calendar Attendant processes meeting requests as they come in, even if users are not currently logged on by means of a client such as Outlook. Meetings are automatically placed on the calendar as "Tentative" so timeslots won't be overbooked. You can use the Calendar Attendant to accept and decline requests for users.


    This tab isn't displayed for resource mailboxes. To configure calendar settings for resource mailboxes, see Use the EMC to configure resource mailbox properties later in this topic.

    • Enable the Calendar attendant   Select this check box to enable the Calendar Attendant or clear the check box to disable it. It is enabled by default. When Calendar Attendant is enabled, the following settings are made available:

      Remove meeting forward notifications to the Deleted Items folder   If you select this check box, meeting forwarding notifications are moved to the Deleted Items folder after they are processed by the Calendar Attendant. This setting is disabled by default.

      Remove old meeting requests and responses   If you select this check box, the Calendar Attendant removes old and redundant updates and responses. This setting is enabled by default.

      Mark new meeting requests as Tentative   If you select this check box, incoming meeting requests are marked as "Tentative" on the calendar. If you don't select this check box, pending requests are marked as "Free". This setting is enabled by default.

      Process meeting requests and responses originating outside the Exchange organization   If you select this check box, the Calendar Attendant will process meeting requests that originate outside the Exchange organization. This setting is disabled by default.

  3. Use the Member Of tab to view a list of the groups to which this recipient belongs. Some of these groups may not be mail-enabled. Mail-enabled groups will have an envelope icon next to them. You can't use this tab to modify membership information. The recipient may match the criteria for one or more dynamic distribution groups in your organization. However, dynamic distribution groups aren't displayed on this tab because their membership is calculated each time they are used. For more information, see Managing Distribution Groups.

  4. Use the E-Mail Addresses tab to configure the e-mail addresses for the recipient. You can modify the existing addresses or create additional ones. Each recipient must have at least one primary STMP address that is internal to your Exchange organization and one external address.

    • Add  Click Add to add a new e-mail address for this recipient. Use the drop-down box to select from the following address types:

      SMTP Address   This is the default address type. Click this button and use the corresponding dialog box to add an SMTP address.

      EUM Address   This address type is available only for user mailboxes. It's not available for mail users, mail contacts, distribution groups, or mail-enabled public folders. An EUM (Exchange Unified Messaging) address is used by Unified Messaging servers to locate UM-enabled users within an Exchange 2010 organization. EUM addresses contain the extension number and the UM dial plan for the UM-enabled user. Click this button and use the corresponding dialog box to add an EUM address.

      Custom Address   Click this button and use the corresponding dialog box to add a custom address (for example, fax or X.400).


      With the exception of X.400 addresses, Exchange doesn't validate custom addresses for proper formatting. You must make sure that the custom address you specify complies with the format requirements for that address type.

    • Edit  Click this button to modify the selected e-mail address.

    • Remove icon   Click this button to remove the selected e-mail address.

    • Set as Reply Click this button to set your selected address as the "reply to" address. A recipient can have multiple e-mail addresses for a specific address type. This allows the recipient to receive messages that are addressed to any one of these e-mail addresses. However, a single address must be used for any messages that are sent by the recipient. If a recipient has multiple e-mail addresses, the primary address is used for any messages sent by the recipient.

      This button is available only when an address other than the primary address is selected. Primary addresses for each address type are displayed in bold type.

      If an e-mail address policy in your Exchange organization applies to this mailbox, the Set as Reply setting will be controlled by that policy. To change the primary address for a specific address type, you must clear the Automatically update e-mail addresses based on e-mail address policy check box.

    • Set as External   This button is available only for mail users and mail contacts. It's not available for user mailboxes, distribution groups, or mail-enabled public folders. Click Set as External to designate the selected e-mail address as the external e-mail address for the recipient.


      This button is enabled when an address other than the external e-mail address is selected.

    • Automatically update e-mail addresses based on e-mail address policy Select this check box to have the recipient's e-mail addresses automatically updated based on changes made to e-mail address policies in your organization. This box is selected by default.

  5. Use the Mailbox Settings tab to configure the following settings for this mailbox.

    • Messaging Records Management   Select this setting and then click Properties to open the Messaging Records Management dialog box. Use this dialog box to configure the following settings:

Apply Retention Policy Select this check box and then click Browse to select a retention policy for the mailbox. To learn more about retention policies, see Understanding Retention Tags and Retention Policies.

Halt Retention Policy during this period   Select this check box to place the mailbox on retention hold, and then use the Start Date and End Date settings to specify a timeframe for the retention hold. To learn more about retention holds, see Understanding Retention Tags and Retention Policies.

Enable Litigation Hold   Select this check box to place the mailbox on litigation hold. Litigation hold preserves deleted mailbox items and records changes made to mailbox items. Deleted items and all instances of changed items are returned in a discovery search. To learn more about Litigation Hold, see Understanding Litigation Hold.

Messaging Records Management Description URL   Use this box to enter the location of a Web page or document that contains more information about the litigation hold or retention hold policies in your organization. The URL is displayed in the Backstage area of Microsoft Outlook 2010. This makes it easier for users to access linked Help documents, and may reduce calls to your Help desk or Legal department by answering common questions.

Comments   Use this field to type a comment that you want to be displayed to the mailbox user in the Backstage view of Microsoft Outlook 2010.

  • Sharing   Select this setting and then click Properties to open the Sharing dialog box. Use this dialog box to set the sharing policy for this mailbox. For more information, see Apply a Sharing Policy to Mailboxes.

  • Storage Quotas   Select this setting and then click Properties to open the Storage Quotas dialog box. Use this dialog box to set the storage quotas for this mailbox. For more information, see Configure Storage Quotas for a Mailbox.

  • Archive Quota   Select this setting and then click Properties to open the Archive Quota dialog box. Use this dialog box to set the archive quotas for this mailbox. If archiving isn't enabled for this mailbox, the Properties button will be unavailable. For more information, see Configure Archive Quotas for a Personal (On-Premises) Archive.

  • Role Assignment Policy   Select this setting and then click Properties to open the Role Assignment Policy dialog box. Use this dialog box to apply a role assignment policy for this user. Click Browse to view the available role assignment policies. For more information, see Change the Assignment Policy on a Mailbox.

  • Address book policy   Select this setting and then click Properties to open the Address Book Policy dialog box. Use this dialog box to apply an address book policy (ABP) for this mailbox. Click Browse to open the Select Address Book Policy dialog box. Use this dialog box to select the policy you want associated with this mailbox. To learn more, see Understanding Address Book Policies.

Use the EMC to configure resource mailbox properties

You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "Provisioning Recipient Permissions" section in the Mailbox Permissions topic.

In addition to the properties listed in the previous section, resource mailboxes have specific settings that you can configure by using the EMC. For more information about how to configure resource mailboxes by using the Shell, see Configure Custom Resource Properties for a Resource Mailbox.

  1. In the console tree, navigate to Recipient Configuration > Mailbox.

  2. In the result pane, select the resource mailbox that you want to configure.

  3. In the action pane, under the name of the resource mailbox, click Properties.

  4. Use the Resource General tab to configure general settings for the resource mailbox:

    • Resource capacity Use this box to specify the capacity of this resource. For example, if this is a room resource, specify the maximum occupancy of the room.

    • Resource custom properties Use this box to specify custom resource properties that can be searched by users. In Outlook, the properties appear in the Description column when users select the All Rooms address book.

    • Enable the Resource Booking Attendant Select this check box to allow the Resource Booking Attendant to process resource requests and cancellations automatically.


      If you don't select this check box, the settings that you configure on the Resource Policy tab, the Resource In-Policy Requests tab, and the Resource Out-of-Policy Requests tab aren't enabled.

  5. Use the Resource Policy tab to specify under which conditions the resource mailbox automatically accepts requests:

    • Allow conflict meeting requests Select this check box to allow conflicting meeting requests to be scheduled by the Resource Booking Attendant.

    • Allow repeating meetings Select this check box to allow repeating or recurring meetings to be scheduled.

    • Allow scheduling only during working hours Select this check box to allow scheduling for the resource to occur during working hours. Users can set working hours either by using Outlook or Outlook Web App. Administrators can set working hours by using the Set-MailboxCalendarConfiguration cmdlet on the resource mailbox.

    • Reject repeating meetings that have an end date beyond the booking window Select this check box to allow the Resource Booking Attendant to reject recurring meeting requests that are outside of the resources booking window.

    • Booking window (days) Use this box to specify the number of days that the room can be booked in advance. For example, if the booking window is set for 90 days and a request is received for scheduling the resource 4 months from today's date, the Resource Booking Attendant rejects the request.

    • Maximum duration (minutes) Use this box to specify the maximum number of minutes that the resource can be scheduled for.

    • Maximum conflict instances Use this box to specify the maximum number of conflicts allowed for recurring meetings. If the number of instances for a recurring meeting in conflict exceeds this number, the recurring meeting request is declined.

    • Conflict percentage allowed Use this box to specify the conflict percentage threshold from recurring meetings. If the percentage of instances of a recurring meeting that conflicts with other meetings exceeds the threshold, the recurring meeting request is denied.

    • Specify delegates of this mailbox Click Add to add delegates who can control the scheduling options for the resource mailbox. Click Remove to remove delegates from this resource mailbox.

    • Forward meeting requests to delegates Select this check box to forward all meeting requests to the delegates.

  6. Use the Resource Information tab to specify the meeting information that appears in the resource's calendar:

    • Delete attachments   Select this check box to remove attachments from all incoming requests.

    • Delete comments   Select this check box to remove comments from all incoming requests.

    • Delete the subject   Select this check box to remove the subject of all incoming requests.

    • Delete non-calendar items   Select this check box to remove non-calendar items from all incoming requests.

    • Add the organizer's name to the subject   Select this check box to specify whether the resource requestor's name is added to the subject of the request.

    • Remove the private flag on an accepted meeting   Select this check box to remove the private flag for all incoming requests.

    • Send organizer information when a meeting request is declined because of conflicts Select this check box to send the meeting organizer information regarding a denied request.

    • Customize the response message that organizers will receive   Select the Add additional text check box to customize the message that the requester receives when the meeting has been declined, and then type the additional information in the Additional text field.

    • Mark pending requests as Tentative on the calendar   Select this checkbox to specify that all pending requests are marked as Tentative in the resource's calendar. The delegate can then accept or deny the request as needed.

  7. Use the Resource In-Policy Requests tab to specify users who are allowed to submit requests within the resource policy's configuration:

    • Specify users who are allowed to submit in-policy meeting requests that will be automatically approved   Click All users or Selected recipients. If you click Selected recipients, you need to click Add to select the recipients. You can also remove selected recipients by clicking Remove.

    • Specify who can submit in-policy meeting requests that are subject to approval by a resource mailbox delegate   Click All users or Selected recipients. If you click Selected recipients, you need to click Add to select the recipients. You can also remove selected recipients by clicking Remove.

  8. Use the Resource Out-of-Policy Requests tab to specify the users who are allowed to submit out-of-policy requests. Users who have permission to submit out-of-policy requests won't have their request denied, but the requests require approval by one of the resource's delegates:

    • All users   Click this button to allow all users to submit resource requests that don't meet the resource policy's configuration.

    • Selected recipients   Click this button to select specific users who can submit out-of-policy requests.

Use the Shell to configure user mailbox properties

You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "Provisioning Recipient Permissions" section in the Mailbox Permissions topic.

This example shows how to forward John Peoples' e-mail messages to Jose De Oliveira's (jose@contoso.com) mailbox.

Set-Mailbox -Identity John -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $true -ForwardingAddress jose@contoso.com 

This example uses the Get-Mailbox command to find all the mailboxes in the Marketing organizational unit, and then uses the Set-Mailbox command to configure these mailboxes. The custom warning, prohibit send, and prohibit send and receive limits are set to 200 megabytes (MB), 250 MB, and 280 MB respectively, and the mailbox database's default limits are ignored. This command can be used to configure a specific set of mailboxes to have larger or smaller limits than other mailboxes in the organization.

Get-Mailbox -OrganizationalUnit "Marketing" | Set-Mailbox -IssueWarningQuota 209715200 -ProhibitSendQuota 262144000 -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 293601280 -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false 

This example uses the Get-User command to find all users in the Customer Service department, and then uses the Set-Mailbox command to change the maximum message size for sending messages to 2 MB.

Get-User -Filter "Department -eq 'Customer Service'" | Set-Mailbox -MaxSendSize 2097152

This example sets the MailTip translation in French and Chinese.

Set-Mailbox JohnD@contoso.com -MailTipTranslations ("FR: C'est la langue française", "CHT: 這是漢語語言")

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