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How to Schedule the Managed Folder Assistant

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 will reach end of support on April 11, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


Applies to: Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP3

This topic explains how to use the Exchange Management Console or the Exchange Management Shell to schedule the managed folder assistant to run on the days and times that you specify.

The managed folder assistant is a Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistant that creates managed folders in users' mailboxes and applies managed content settings to them. When the managed folder assistant is running, it processes all of the mailboxes on a server. If the managed folder assistant does not finish processing the mailboxes on the server during the time that you have scheduled, it automatically resumes processing where it left off the next time it runs. There is one managed folder assistant for each server.

Before You Begin

Running the managed folder assistant is a resource-intensive process. You should only run the managed folder assistant when your server can tolerate the extra load. This is usually during off-peak hours. You should make that sure you run the mailbox assistant often enough to meet your legal needs with regard to messaging records resource management.


The first time the managed folder assistant runs, it typically processes a large number of items. This can be a resource-intensive process for the Mailbox server and the network. It can also result in Outlook clients consuming large amounts of time and network resources while synchronizing with the server. Administrators should plan carefully to avoid overloading resources.

To perform this procedure, the account you use must be delegated the following:

  • Exchange Server Administrator role and local Administrators group for the target server

For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations.


To use the Exchange Management Console to schedule the managed folder assistant

  1. Start the Exchange Management Console.

  2. In the console tree, expand Server Configuration, and then click Mailbox.

  3. In the result pane, right-click the Mailbox server for which you want to schedule the managed folder assistant, and then click Properties.

  4. Click the Messaging Records Management tab.

  5. In the Schedule the Managed Folder Assistant box, select Use Custom Schedule, and then click Customize.

  6. In Schedule, select the times and days during which you want the managed folder assistant to run.

  7. Click OK.

To use the Exchange Management Shell to schedule the managed folder assistant

  • Run the following command:

    Set-MailboxServer -Identity MyMailboxServer -ManagedFolderAssistantSchedule "Sun.14:00-Sun.13:00"

    The settings in this sample schedule the managed folder assistant to start running on 14:00 (2:00 P.M.) Sunday and continue running until all mailboxes are processed, or until 13:00 (1:00 P.M.) the following Sunday, whichever comes first.


    The managed folder assistant stops as soon as all mailboxes are processed. It does not run continuously until the end of the scheduled period.

You can also use the Set-MailboxServer cmdlet to enable messaging records management (MRM) audit logging. For detailed syntax and parameter information, see the Set-MailboxServer reference topic.

Using the Start-ManagedFolderAssistant Cmdlet to Start the Managed Folder Assistant

You can use the Start-ManagedFolderAssistant cmdlet to manually start the managed folder assistant. Every time the Start-ManagedFolderAssistant cmdlet is run, processing of mailboxes stops and then restarts, reprocessing all of the mailboxes on the server from the beginning.

To use the Exchange Management Shell to start the managed folder assistant

  • Run the following command:


For detailed syntax and parameter information, see the Start-ManagedFolderAssistant reference topic.


This command is part of the sample Exchange Management Shell script in How to Use Exchange Management Shell Scripts for Messaging Records Management.

For More Information

For more information about managing and deploying messaging records management, see the following topics:

For more information about how to use the messaging records management commands for Mailbox servers in the Exchange Management Shell, see the following command reference topics: