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Please see Azure Cognitive Services for Speech documentation for the latest supported speech solutions.

Microsoft Speech Platform


SPMATCHINGMODE enumerates the modes of subset matching.

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <strong>typedef enum SPMATCHINGMODE</strong> <strong>{</strong> <strong> AllWords,</strong> <strong> Subsequence,</strong> <strong> OrderedSubset,</strong> <strong> SubsequenceContentRequired,</strong> <strong> OrderedSubsetContentRequired</strong> <strong>} SPMATCHINGMODE;</strong> </pre>


  • AllWords
    Recognition of the grammar phrase will occur if all words in the speech input occur in the exact same sequence as in the phrase.
  • Subsequence
    Recognition of the grammar phrase will occur if one or more words in the speech input occur in the exact same sequence as in the phrase. Speech input may consist of only prepositions and articles.
  • OrderedSubset
    Recognition of the grammar phrase will occur if one or more words in the speech input are recognized in the audio input, and the relative order of those recognized words is the same as in the phrase. Speech input may consist of only prepositions and articles.
  • SubsequenceContentRequired
    Same as Subsequence, except speech input cannot consist of only prepositions and articles.
  • OrderedSubsetContentRequired
    Same as OrderedSubset, except speech input cannot consist of only prepositions and articles.


Subset matching allows a speech recognition to recognize a phrase even though only a subset of its contents is found in the audio input. SPMATCHINGMODE is used by ISpGrammarBuilder2::AddTextSubset.