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Please see Azure Cognitive Services for Speech documentation for the latest supported speech solutions.

Simulator Results Analyzer Command-Line Syntax

The command-line syntax for Simulator Results Analyzer contains the following options and values:

SimulatorResultsAnalyzer [-?] /In <input file name(s)> /Out <output file name> /SemanticPath <path of semantic value node(s)> /RecoConfig <configuration file name>

The following table describes the command-line option names and values for Simulator Results Analyzer.

Option Name



Required. One or more EMMA XML files to be analyzed.

If multiple input files are specified and a file cannot be found, the Simulator Results Analyzer issues a warning and begins processing the next file in the list. Wildcards (* and ?) can be used.


Required. The output file with the results of analysis.


Optional. The XML node(s) to use when comparing semantics. If the value for this option begins with a forward slash, you must precede it with an additional forward slash, for example //MyXmlNode.

The value of the /SemanticPath option is used to filter utterances and compare their semantics. If the /SemanticPath option is not specified, the Simulator Results Analyzer processes all utterances and compares their semantics, both simple and complex.

The default value of the /SemanticPath option is a string that contains a single period ".". This option value indicates that no filtering should occur and that all semantics comparisons are to occur at the root level.

For more information, see Semantic Value Selection.


Optional. The name of the configuration file to use for the speech recognition engine. If not specified, the tool will look for a default configuration file named “RecoConfig.xml” in the current working directory and in the directory that contains SimulatorResultsAnalyzer.exe.


Optional. Displays a list of acceptable option/value pairs.


  • Command-line options and values are not case-sensitive.

  • Command-line options can be preceded by a forward slash (0x002F), a dash (0x002d), an en dash (0x2013), an em dash (0x2014), or a horizontal bar (0x2015).

  • You can enter option/value pairs in any sequence.


If an existing file has the same name as the file name specified by the /Out option, it will be overwritten. The tool does not warn that a file will be overwritten.


Get help for using command-line options and values with Simulator Results Analyzer.

SimulatorResultsAnalyzer.exe /?

A sample command-line syntax for simple semantics: Analyze EMMAInput.xml and send the output to Results.xml. When '.' is specified as the value for the /SemanticPath option, only utterances with simple semantics are filtered.

SimulatorResultsAnalyzer /In EMMAInput.xml /Out Results.xml /SemanticPath "."

A sample command-line syntax for complex semantics: Analyze all files whose names match the wildcard specification SimOutput*.xml and send the output to Results.xml.

SimulatorResultsAnalyzer -In SimOutput*.xml -Out Results.xml -SemanticPath //city

A sample command-line syntax for complex semantics: Analyze the files whose names match the wildcard specification SimOutput*.xml and AnotherFile.xml, and send the output to Results.xml.

SimulatorResultsAnalyzer /In SimOutput*.xml AnotherFile.xml /Out Results.xml /SemanticPath //city