Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.WebServiceProxy Namespace
This namespace includes proxy classes that represent the PSI Web services, for internal use by Project Server workflow activities.
The PSI proxy classes in the Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.WebServiceProxy namespace are used only by existing Project Server workflow activities. To access the PSI from a custom workflow, you must create a custom workflow activity.
For information about creating a custom workflow activity, and a complete code sample, see the \Samples\Workflow\CustomActivityWorkflow subdirectory in the Project 2010 SDK download. For a link to the download, see Project 2010 SDK Documentation. For information about creating a custom Project Server workflow, see Developing Project Server Workflows.
Project Server and custom applications execute Project Server workflows through built-in impersonation of a workflow user that has enhanced permissions for use of the proxy classes.
For documentation of the PSI services, see classes in the individual service namespaces. For example, for documentation of the Project class and members, see Project in the [Project Web service] namespace.
Proxy Classes
Each proxy class in the Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.WebServiceProxy namespace includes the same methods of the Project Server Interface (PSI) class; the classes and methods are visible in the Object Browser in Microsoft Visual Studio. The Project 2010 SDK does not include documentation of the proxy classes and members, because the PSI services are already documented.
For example, the Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.WebServiceProxy.Project proxy class includes the CheckOutProject method. For documentation of that method, see CheckOutProject in the [Project Web service] namespace of the PSI.
Each proxy class also includes members inherited from the WcfProxyBase and WcfWorkflowProxyBase classes. All of the members, such as the SetRoutingResultFromException method and the ContextString property, are for internal use by the built-in Project Server workflow activities. The Project 2010 SDK shows the Project proxy class as an example with the additional members inherited from the base classes; the SDK does not include the duplicate Project proxy members.
The following table lists the proxy classes in the Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.WebServiceProxy namespace, and has links to the corresponding PSI class documentation.
Proxy Class |
PSI Class |
Description / Remarks |
Admin |
Includes methods for managing administrative settings and operations in Project Server and related SharePoint sites. |
Archive |
Includes methods for managing backup and restore operations using the Archive database. |
Calendar |
Includes methods for managing calendar exceptions. |
CubeAdmin |
Includes methods for managing the OLAP Cube Build Service. |
CustomFields |
Includes methods for managing enterprise custom fields. |
Driver |
Provides methods that allow the departmentalization of project priorities and strategic business rule definitions. |
Events |
Includes methods for managing Project Server event handler associations. |
LoginForms |
Includes the Login and Logoff methods for Forms authentication on Project Server. |
LoginWindows |
The LoginWindows class is deprecated in Project Server 2010.
LookupTable |
Includes methods for managing custom field lookup tables and corresponding code masks. |
Notifications |
Includes methods for managing reminders and alerts. |
ObjectLinkProvider |
Includes methods for managing Web object links in Project Server and with external objects such as list items in SharePoint sites. |
P12Upgrade |
N/A |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
PortfolioAnalyses |
Provides methods to create project solutions that manage relationships between plans, resources, tasks, and projects. |
Project |
Includes methods for managing projects and entities in projects such as tasks, resources, and assignments. |
N/A |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
QueueSystem |
Includes methods for querying and managing the Project Server Queueing Service. |
Resource |
Includes methods for managing resources and users in Project Server. |
ResourcePlan |
Contains methods to manage resource plans. |
Security |
Includes methods for checking user permissions and managing security groups, templates, categories, and organizational permissions. |
Statusing |
Includes methods for managing status updates and assignments. |
TimeSheet |
Includes methods for managing timesheets. |
View |
N/A |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
WinProj |
N/A |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
Workflow |
Includes methods for managing Project Server workflows. |
WssInterop |
Includes methods for managing SharePoint workspaces for projects. |
Class | Description | |
![]() |
Project | Proxy of the Project class in the PSI, used internally for built-in Project Server workflow activities. |