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ResponseCode Members

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Represents possible well-known response codes that can be used when sending responses.

The ResponseCode type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public methodStatic member IsEndToEndProvisional Returns true if the provisional response code is a provisional, that is not hop by hop.
Public methodStatic member IsFailureResponse Returns true if the response code is in the range of failure responses; otherwise false. A return value of false does not necessarily indicate that the response code indicates success.
Public methodStatic member IsHopByHopProvisional Returns true if the provisional response code is used on directly connected SIP entities.
Public methodStatic member IsProvisionalResponse Returns true if the response code is in the range of provisional responses; otherwise false.
Public methodStatic member IsRedirectResponse Returns true if the response code is in the range of redirect responses; otherwise false.
Public methodStatic member IsSuccessfulResponse Returns true if the response is in the range of successful responses; otherwise false. A return value of false does not necessarily mean it is a failure response.



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member Accepted Refer accepted. (202)
Public fieldStatic member AddressIncomplete The Request-URI is incomplete. (484)
Public fieldStatic member AlternativeService The call was not successful, but alternative services are possible. (380)
Public fieldStatic member Ambiguous The Request-URI was ambiguous. (485)
Public fieldStatic member BadCallLeg The call leg (that is, call context) does not exist or has been cleaned up. (481)
Public fieldStatic member BadEvent The server did not understand the event package specified in a "Event" header field. (489)
Public fieldStatic member BadExtension Bad extension. The Proxy-Require or Require header filed is not understood. (420)
Public fieldStatic member BadGateway Bad Gateway. (502)
Public fieldStatic member BadRequest The request could not be understood due to malformed syntax. (400)
Public fieldStatic member BusyEverywhere The callee's end system was contacted successfully but the callee is busy and does not wish to take the call at this time. This response is returned only if the client knows that no other endpoint will answer the request. Using BusyHere is the best way to decline an Invite most of the time. (600)
Public fieldStatic member BusyHere The receiving system was contacted successfully but it is currently not willing or able to take additional calls. (486)
Public fieldStatic member Conflict The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. (409)
Public fieldStatic member DeclineAll The user wants to decline a signaling session everywhere including call routing. (605)
Public fieldStatic member DeclineEverywhere Used when the client wants to decline a signaling invitation at all forked locations. It is rare that a client would want to do this unless it knows somehow that all clients do not want to connect. Using BusyHere is the best way to decline an Invite most of the time. (603)
Public fieldStatic member DoesNotExistAnywhere The user does not exist anywhere. (604)
Public fieldStatic member ExtensionRequired A required extension is missing in the Supported header of the request. (421)
Public fieldStatic member FlowFailed The route set of dialog is invalid and must be updated. (430)
Public fieldStatic member Forbidden Forbidden. The request should not be repeated. (403)
Public fieldStatic member Forwarded Represents the provisional Call-Forwarded response. (181)
Public fieldStatic member InternalServerError Internal server error. (500)
Public fieldStatic member IntervalTooBrief The expiration time of the resource request is too short. (423)
Public fieldStatic member LoopDetected A loop has been detected. (482)
Public fieldStatic member MaximumFailureResponseCode The largest possible valid failure response code. Can be used for validating the range of the response codes. (699)
Public fieldStatic member MaximumProvisionalResponseCode Maximum valid provisional response code. Can be used to validate ranges of response codes. (199)
Public fieldStatic member MaximumRedirectResponseCode Maximum redirect response code. Can be used for validating response code ranges. (399)
Public fieldStatic member MaximumResponseCode The largest possible valid response code. Can be used for validating the range of the response codes. (699)
Public fieldStatic member MaximumSuccessfulResponseCode Maximum successful response code. Can be used for validating ranges of response codes. (299)
Public fieldStatic member MessageTooLarge The message is too large. (513)
Public fieldStatic member MethodNotAllowed The method is not allowed. (405)
Public fieldStatic member MinimumFailureResponseCode Minimum response code indicating failure. Can be used to validate response codes. (400)
Public fieldStatic member MinimumProvisionalResponseCode Minimum provisional response code. Can be used to validate ranges of response codes. (100)
Public fieldStatic member MinimumRedirectResponseCode Minimum redirect response code. Can be used for validating ranges of response codes. (300)
Public fieldStatic member MinimumResponseCode Minimum valid response code. Can be used to validate ranges of response codes. (100)
Public fieldStatic member MinimumSuccessfulResponseCode Minimum successful response code. (200)
Public fieldStatic member MovedPermanently The user is no longer available. (301)
Public fieldStatic member MultipleChoices Multiple Choices. (300)
Public fieldStatic member None Indicates invalid response code fields.
Public fieldStatic member NotAcceptable Could not find a compatible Accept: header. (406)
Public fieldStatic member NotAcceptableHere SDP is not acceptable, or is in an invalid format, or is not supported. (488)
Public fieldStatic member NotAcceptableMedia Media not acceptable. (606)
Public fieldStatic member NotFound The user does not exist at the domain specified. (404)
Public fieldStatic member NotImplemented Feature is not implemented. (501)
Public fieldStatic member ProgressReport Represents the provisional progress report. (101)
Public fieldStatic member ProxyAuthenticationRequired Proxy authentication is required. (407)
Public fieldStatic member ProxyShouldRedirect Proxy should redirect. (303)
Public fieldStatic member Queued Represents the provisional Queued response. (182)
Public fieldStatic member RedirectResponseCode The user has moved temporarily. Retry at the contact header specified. (302)
Public fieldStatic member RequestPending Request pending. (491)
Public fieldStatic member RequestTerminated The request was terminated by a BYE or CANCEL. (487)
Public fieldStatic member RequestTimeout The request could not be fullfilled in a suitable amount of time. (408)
Public fieldStatic member RequestTooLarge The request entity body is too large. (413)
Public fieldStatic member RequestUriTooLong The request URI is too long. (414)
Public fieldStatic member ResourceGone The requested resource is no longer available. (410)
Public fieldStatic member Ringing Represents the provisional Ringing response. (180)
Public fieldStatic member ServerTimeout Server time-out. (504)
Public fieldStatic member ServiceUnavailable Service unavailable. (503)
Public fieldStatic member SessionProgress Represents the provisional SessionInProgress response. (183)
Public fieldStatic member SessionTimerTooSmall The session timer indicated in the message is too small. (422)
Public fieldStatic member Success Successful. (200)
Public fieldStatic member TemporarilyUnavailable The user is unavailable. (480)
Public fieldStatic member TooManyHops Too many hops are detected. (483)
Public fieldStatic member Trying Represents the provisional Trying response. (100)
Public fieldStatic member Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. (401)
Public fieldStatic member UnsupportedMediaType The media type is unsupported. (415)
Public fieldStatic member UnsupportedUriScheme The scheme of the URI in the request URI is unknown. (416)
Public fieldStatic member UseProxy Proxy must be used to access the requested resource. (305)
Public fieldStatic member VersionNotSupported The SIP protocol version is not supported. (505)


See Also


ResponseCode Class

Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling Namespace