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ConferenceInvitation Members

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Include Inherited Members

Receives and responds to an invitation to join a conference.

The ConferenceInvitation type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ConferenceInvitation(Conversation) Creates a new instance of the ConferenceInvitation class and binds it to the given conversation.
Public method ConferenceInvitation(Conversation, ConferenceInvitationSettings) Creates a new instance of the ConferenceInvitation class and binds it to the given conversation.



  Name Description
Public property AvailableMediaTypes Gets a collection of the media types available in the conference for which this invitation was sent.
Public property ConferenceUri Gets the URI of the conference for which this invitation was sent.
Public property Conversation Gets the conversation associated with the conference.
Public property IsImmediateAutoAcceptNeeded Gets whether this invitation should be accepted immediately upon receipt.
Public property OriginalDestinationUri Gets the URI to which the conference invitation was originally addressed.
Public property State Gets the current state of the conference invitation.



  Name Description
Public method BeginAccept(AsyncCallback, Object) Begins an asynchronous operation to accept the incoming conference invitation.
Public method BeginAccept(ConferenceInvitationAcceptOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Begins an asynchronous operation to accept the incoming conference invitation with the given ConferenceInvitationAcceptOptions.
Public method BeginDeliver(String, AsyncCallback, Object) Begins an asynchronous operation to deliver the conference invitation.
Public method BeginDeliver(String, ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Begins an asynchronous operation to deliver the conference invitation.
Public method Decline() Declines the incoming conference invitation with response code 603 (DeclineEverywhere).
Public method Decline(ConferenceInvitationDeclineOptions) Declines the incoming conference invitation with the given ConferenceInvitationDeclineOptions.
Public method DeclineAll Declines the incoming conference invitation with response code DeclineAll on behalf of all endpoints of this owner.
Public method DeclineEverywhere Declines the incoming conference invitation with response code DeclineEverywhere.
Public method EndAccept Determines whether the corresponding operation completed successfully. This method will wait if the operation has not yet completed.
Public method EndDeliver Determines whether the corresponding operation completed successfully. This method will wait if the operation has not yet completed.
Public method Equals (inherited from Object)
Protected method Finalize (inherited from Object)
Public method GetAvailableMediaTypes Obsolete. This method will be removed from future versions. Instead, use the AvailableMediaTypes property. Gets a collection of the media types available in the conference for which this invitation was sent.
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
Public method GetType (inherited from Object)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)
Public method ToString (inherited from Object)



  Name Description
Public event AutoAcceptNeeded Raised when the conference invitation needs to be automatically accepted by the application.
Public event StateChanged Raised when the state of the conference invitation changes.


See Also


ConferenceInvitation Class

Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration Namespace