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ConferenceAccessInformation |
Represents the properties of a conference that can be provided to other clients that allows them to join the conference. |
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ContextEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a ContextSent or ContextReceived events. |
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Conversation |
Describes a conversation. It includes details such as the conversation participants, modalities (InstantMessaging, AudioVideo), state, etc., and implements actions such as merge, park, terminate or other conversation actions. |
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ConversationActionAvailabilityEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a ConversationActionAvailability event. |
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ConversationManager |
Manages conversation creation and removal, retrieves the collection of the conversations, joins a conference, and other conversation collection-related actions. |
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ConversationManagerEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a ConversationsManager event. |
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ConversationPropertyChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a ConversationPropertyChanged event. |
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ConversationStateChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a ConversationStateChanged event. |
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InitialContextEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a the BeginSendInitialContext event. |
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InstantMessageModality |
Defines the instant messaging modality. It supports actions such as sending an instant message, checking or setting the composing (typing) flag, etc. This class exposes events such as messages being sent or received. |
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IsContributingChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a ContributingChanged event. |
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IsTypingChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a IsTypingChanged event. |
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MessageSentEventArgs |
Represents the event data of an InstantMessageReceived event. |
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Modality |
Abstract class representing a conversation mode such as audio, video, and instant messaging. |
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ModalityActionAvailabilityChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a ModalityActionAvailability event. |
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ModalityPropertyChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a ModalityPropertyChanged event. |
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ModalityStateChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a ModalityStateChanged event. |
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MutedChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a MutedChanged event. |
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Participant |
A participant is a contact (person or phone number) that was added to a conversation. Each participant has its own modality set that represents the state of the participant in this conversation for each modality. |
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ParticipantActionAvailabilityChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a ParticipantActionAvailability event. |
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ParticipantCollectionChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a ParticipantCollection event. |
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ParticipantPropertyChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event data of a ParticipantPropertyChanged event. |