DeleteRecordingRequest Element
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Deletes a meeting recording by sending a request to a conference center.
<DeleteRecordingRequest erase = "True" | "False">
The following sections describe attributes, parent elements, and child elements.
Name |
Description |
erase |
Boolean attribute. Value range [True | False]. This attribute is optional. If True, the recording is deleted permanently. A True value can be specified only for already expired or deleted recordings, but not for an active or restored recording. ![]()
Only account administrators can erase recordings.
If False and restoration is set to ON for the account by the Administrator, the recording is deleted but can be restored within the buffer time. However, if False and restoration is set to OFF for the account by the Administrator, the recording is permanently deleted. A False value can be specified only for an active or undeleted recording, but not for already expired or deleted recordings. The restoration can be set for the account only through Live Meeting Manager by the account administrator through Administer->Roles and Policies->Edit Meeting Policies->Restoration. This attribute can only be specified by account administrators. Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007. |
Element Information
Parent Element
Element |
Occurrence |
1 |
Child Element
Element |
Occurrence |
1 |
The StringQuery child element must match exactly one non-deleted recording. The StringQuery element can search the following options:
When the recording is removed, a DeleteRecordingReply is sent; if it is not deleted, a Fault element is returned. For more information about meeting and recording states after deletion see Maintaining Meetings and Recordings.See Fault Element for a complete list of fault return values.
The following series of examples demonstrate a successful request to delete a recording and several examples of request faults.
Example 1
This is an example of a successful request to delete a recording
<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
<DeleteRecordingRequest erase="true">
<StringQuery fieldName="name" operator="=" value="strategy"/>
Example 2
This is an example of a request to delete a recording that is already deleted.
<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
<DeleteRecordingRequest >
<StringQuery fieldName="name" operator="=" value="apiRecording2" />
<FaultString> The recording you are trying to delete is already in Deleted state. It should be in either Active or Undeleted state.</FaultString>
<TimeOption value="2007-07-11T23:28:46Z" name="time">
<StringOption value="z8879kdb3t" name="rapid.requestId">