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Walkthrough 8: Use Parature knowledge base within your agent application


Applies To: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2013, Dynamics CRM 2015, Dynamics CRM 2016

This walkthrough demonstrates how to configure a panel in Unified Service Desk using the KM Control hosted control that displays knowledge base records from your Parature instance that is integrated with your Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) instance.

In this walkthrough, you’ll:

  • Display knowledge base articles from Parature to appear in a search panel in context with your currently open case record in Unified Service Desk. Users can filter and sort the results based on various criteria. Moreover, the search panel automatically appears when you open a case session, and automatically hides when you close the session.

  • Display the article in a tab when you choose the article title in the search panel.

  • Configure contextual actions for the article in the tab where it is displayed, such as copy an article link or associate an article with the current case.

More information:Use Dynamics 365 or Parature knowledge for effective customer engagement


This walkthrough doesn’t require you to complete other walkthroughs before you can use this one.


In This Walkthrough

Step 1: Create a hosted control of type KM Control

Step 2: Configure an action call to display the knowledge base search

Step 3: Configure action calls to automatically display and hide the knowledge base search panel

Step 4: Configure an action call to automatically search the knowledge base using the incident (case) title

Step 5: Configure hosted controls and action calls to display an article in a tab

Step 6: Configure contextual actions for the knowledge base article in the tab

Step 7: Test the application


Step 1: Create a hosted control of type KM Control

In this step, you’ll create a hosted control of type KM Control to display the knowledge base search pane.

  1. Sign in to Microsoft Dynamics 365.

  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk.

  3. Click Hosted Controls.

  4. Click New.

  5. On the New Hosted Control page, specify the following values.




    Sample KB Search

    Display Name

    Sample KB Search

    USD Component Type

    KM Control

    Allow Multiple Pages


    Hosting Type

    Internal WPF

    Application is Global


    Display Group


    Create a KM Control hosted control

  6. Click Save and Close.

Create an action call to display the newly created hosted control in the agent desktop. You’ll use the default action for the newly created hosted control to display it. After creating the action, add it to the SessionNew event for the Dynamics 365 Global Manager hosted control to automatically load and display the hosted control when a new session is created on opening a case.

  1. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk.

  2. Click Action Calls.

  3. Click New.

  4. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values.




    Sample: Open KB Search Control

    Hosted Control

    Sample KB Search



    Action call to open the KB Search panel

  5. Click Save and close.

  6. Go to Unified Service Desk page, and then click Events.

  7. Search for the SessionNew event, and then click it to open the event configuration page.

  8. Click the Add Action Call record button to add the action call.

    Add action to event

  9. Type Sample: Open KB Search Control in the search box, and press ENTER or click the search button to add the action to the event. Change the order of the added action to 1, and then click the the SaveAuto save button button in the lower-right corner.

Step 3: Configure action calls to automatically display and hide the knowledge base search panel

Create two action calls to display and hide the panel (RightPanel) that will display the newly added hosted control. Next, add those to appropriate events to automatically display (expand) and hide (collapse) the panel in the agent desktop when a new session is created and the session is closed respectively.

Use the new SetVisualProperty action to control the visual properties of the panel layout (Main Layout hosted control in the “Base sample application”). SetVisualProperty has to be manually added to the hosted control to be used. However, if you create a new instance of a Panel Layout type of hosted control, SetVisualProperty will be available by default.

  1. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk.

  2. Click Hosted Controls.

  3. Click Main Layout in the list of hosted controls.


    The Main Layout hosted control is available when you deploy the Base sample application in your Dynamics 365 instance.

  4. Click the down arrow next to Main layout, and then click UII Actions.

    Add UII action

  5. Click Add New UII Action.

  6. On the New UII Action page, type SetVisualProperty in the Name field, and then click Save and Close.

    Create a UII action for Main Layout hosted control

    The new action call gets added to the Main layout hosted control, and is ready to be used.

  7. On the navigation pane, click Unified Service Desk.

  8. Click Action Calls.

  9. Click New.

  10. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values.




    Sample: Expand Right Panel Action

    Hosted Control

    Main Layout


    The Main Layout hosted control is available when you deploy the Base sample application in your Dynamics 365 instance.





    Create action call

  11. Click Save and Close.

  12. Click New to create another action call.

  13. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values:




    Sample: Collapse Right Panel Action

    Hosted Control

    Main Layout


    The Main Layout hosted control is available when you deploy the Base sample application in your Dynamics 365 instance.





    Create action call

  14. Click Save and Close.

  15. Go to Unified Service Desk page, and then click Events.

  16. Search for the SessionNew event, and then click it to open the event configuration page.

  17. Click the Add Action Call record button to add the action call.

    Add action to event

  18. Type Sample: Expand Right Panel Action in the search box, and press ENTER or click the search button to add the action to the event. Change the Order of the added action to 2, and then click the SaveAuto save button button in the lower-right corner.

  19. Go to Unified Service Desk page, and then click Events.

  20. Search for the SessionClosed event for the Dynamics 365 Global Manager hosted control, and then click it to open the event configuration page.


    Ensure that you are editing the configuration of the SessionClosed event for the Dynamics 365 Global Manager hosted control.

  21. Click the Add Action Call record button to add the action call.

    Add action call to event

  22. Type Sample: Collapse Right Panel Action in the search box, and press ENTER or click the search button to add the action to the event. Change the order of the added action to 1, and then click the SaveAuto save button button in the lower-right corner.

Step 4: Configure an action call to automatically search the knowledge base using the incident (case) title

Create an action call to automatically populate the case title in the knowledge base search control to search based on the case title name. After creating the action, you’ll add it to the BrowserDocumentComplete event of the Incident hosted control to fire this action after the case records have loaded in the agent desktop.


The Incident hosted control is created when you deploy the Base sample application in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 instance.

  1. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk.

  2. Click Action Calls.

  3. Click New.

  4. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values




    Sample: Search KB with Incident (Case) Title Action

    Hosted Control

    Sample KB Search






    You can use additional data parameters in the Search action to specify knowledge base search parameters such as the number of search results to return, the type of knowledge base articles to be searched, and sorting options. More information:Search

    Create an action call

  5. Click Save.

  6. On the navigation pane, click Unified Service Desk, and then click Hosted Controls.

  7. Click Incident from the list of hosted controls.

  8. Click the down arrow next to Incident, and then click Events.

    View events for the Incident hosted control

  9. In the events list for the Incident hosted control, click BrowserDocumentComplete.

  10. Click the Add Action Call record button to add the action call.

    Add action to BrowserDocumentComplete event

  11. Type Sample: Search KB with Incident (Case) Title Action in the search box, and press ENTER or click the search button to add the action to the event. Click the SaveAuto save button button in the lower-right corner.


At this point, the knowledge base search control is configured to display knowledge bases from Parature in context with the currently opened case record. Also, the knowledge base search panel is configured to automatically display when a session is created, and automatically hide when you close the session. You can test this by running the Unified Service Desk client application and connecting to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 instance where you performed steps 1 through 4 of this walkthrough. More information:

Perform the rest of the steps to display a knowledge base article from the search results in a tab, and configure contextual actions for a selected knowledge base article in the search panel such as copying an article link and associating the article to the current case.

Step 5: Configure hosted controls and action calls to display an article in a tab

In this step, you will:

  • Configure a hosted control of type Standard Web Application to display the knowledge base article.

  • Configure action calls to display the article in the hosted control whose title is clicked in the knowledge base search pane.

  • Add the action calls to the ResultOpen event of the KM Control hosted control so that the action calls are executed when somebody clicks on the KB article title.

  1. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk.

  2. Click Hosted Controls.

  3. Click New.

  4. On the New Hosted Control page, specify the following values.




    Sample KB Article

    Display Name

    [[Sample KB Article.question]+]

    USD Component Type

    Standard Web Application

    Allow Multiple Pages


    Hosting Type

    Internal WPF

    Application is Global


    Display Group


    New hosted control for displaying the KB article

  5. Click Save and Close.

  6. You’ll now create an action call to set the context of the selected article in the knowledge base search pane. The context information is required if you want to perform additional actions on the currently displayed knowledge base article such as dynamically displaying the tab title based on the knowledge base article question title, copying the link of the article, and associating or dissociating an article with an incident (case) record.

    Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk.

  7. Click Action Calls.

  8. Click New.

  9. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values.




    Sample: Set KB Article Context Action



    Hosted Control

    Sample KB Search




    articleapplication=Sample KB Article

    Action call for setting article context

  10. Click Save and Close.

  11. Click New to create another action call for displaying the article in the hosted control created earlier in this step.

  12. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values.




    Sample: Open KB Article Action



    Hosted Control

    Sample KB Article




    url=[[Sample KB Search.articleurl]]

    Action call to display the KB article

  13. Click Save and Close.

  14. Click New to create another action call for displaying the hosted control created earlier in this step in the main panel.

  15. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values




    Sample: Show KB Article Tab Action



    Hosted Control

    Dynamics 365 Global Manager




    Sample KB Article

    Action call to display the KB article in a tab

  16. Click Save and Close.

  17. Now, you’ll add all the three new actions created in this step to the ResultOpen event of the KM Control hosted control that you created earlier.

    On the navigation pane, click Unified Service Desk, and then click Events.

  18. Search for ResultOpen event, and click the event name to open the event information page.

  19. Click the Add Action Call record button to add an action call.

  20. Type Sample: Set KB Article Context Action in the search box, and press ENTER or click the search button to add the action to the event.

  21. Repeat the previous step with the Sample: Open KB Article Action and Sample: Show KB Article Tab Action action calls to add them to the event.

  22. Click the SaveAuto save button button in the lower-right corner.

Step 6: Configure contextual actions for the knowledge base article in the tab

In this step, you’ll add buttons on the toolbar of the hosted control configured in the previous step (Step 5) and attach action calls to the buttons so that when the button is clicked, appropriate actions are performed in the context of the currently displayed article in the tab. You’ll configure a toolbar with two buttons and respective action calls for the buttons.

  1. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk.

  2. Click Toolbars.

  3. Click New.

  4. On the New Toolbar page, type Sample: KB Toolbar in the Name field, and click Save.

  5. In the Buttons area, click the + symbol to add buttons to the toolbar.

  6. On the New Toolbar Button page, specify the following values.




    Copy Link

    Button Text

    Copy Link




    The Order field defines the position of buttons in the toolbar. Buttons are arranged from left to right or top to bottom in an ascending order.

    New toolbar button

  7. Click Save.

  8. You’ll now create an action call for this button to copy the link of the currently displayed article when somebody clicks the button.

    In the Actions area, click + on the right corner to add an action call.

  9. In the search box in the Actions area, press ENTER or click the search button.

  10. In the search results box, click New in the lower right corner to create an action call for this toolbar button.

    Create a new action call for the toolbar button

  11. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values.




    Sample: Copy KB Article Link Action

    Hosted Control

    Dynamics 365 Global Manager




    data=[[Sample KB Article.publicUrl]+]

  12. Click Save and Close. The new action call gets added to the Copy Link button.

  13. Click SaveAuto save button button in the lower-right corner of the page.

  14. Close the Copy Link toolbar button page, and return to the Sample: KB Toolbar page to add another button.

  15. In the Buttons area, click the + button to add buttons to the toolbar.

  16. On the New Toolbar Button page, specify the following values.




    Link Article

    Button Text

    Link Article




    The Order field defines the position of buttons in the toolbar. Buttons are arranged from left to right or top to bottom in an ascending order.

    1. Click Save.

    2. You’ll now create an action call for this button to associate the currently displayed article with the current case record.

      In the Actions area, click + on the right corner to add an action call.

    3. In the search box in the Actions area, press ENTER or click the search button.

    4. In the search results box, click New in the lower-right corner to create an action call for this toolbar button.

    5. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values:




      Sample: Associate KB Article to Case Action

      Hosted Control

      Sample KB Search




      recordid =[[incident.Id]]
      articleuniqueid=[[Sample KB Article.articleUId]]
      articletitle=[[Sample KB Article.question]]
      articleprivateurl=[[Sample KB Article.serviceDeskUri]]
      articlepublicurl=[[Sample KB Article.publicUrl]+]

      New action call to associate KB article to case

    6. Click Save and Close. The new action call gets added to the Link Article button.

    7. Click the SaveAuto save button button in the lower-right corner of the page.

    8. Close the Link Article toolbar button page, and return to the Sample: KB Toolbar page.

    9. We will now associate the Sample: KB Toolbar tool bar to the hosted control (Sample KB Article) where we want it to be displayed.

    10. On the navigation bar, click the down arrow next to Sample: KB Toolbar, and then click Hosted Controls.

      Add tool bar to a hosted control

    11. Click Add Existing Hosted Control.

    12. In the search box, type Sample KB Article, and press ENTER or click the search button to add the hosted control.

    13. Click the SaveAuto save button button in the lower-right corner of the page.

    Step 7: Test the application

    To test the application:

    1. Start the Unified Service Desk client application, and sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance where you configured Unified Service Desk entities as described earlier.

    2. In the Unified Service Desk application, click My Work in the toolbar to display a list of cases assigned to you.

    3. In the My Work tab, click a case title to open it in a session. The Sample KB Search panel is automatically displayed on the right side, with the current case title pre-populated in the search box.

      KB Search pane in your agent desktop

    4. Click a case title in the search results to display the article in the main panel. Notice the two buttons in the article tab: Copy Link and Link Article.

      Article displayed in the main panel

      • Click Copy Link to copy the URL of the article. You can paste the URL in the browser to go directly to the article or can copy it in an email and send it to your customer.

      • Click Link Article to associate the article with the current case. A message is displayed at the top of the Sample KB Search panel to inform you that the article has been linked.

        Link article to a case


    In this walkthrough, you learned how to use the KM Control hosted control to use Parature knowledge from within Unified Service Desk.

    See Also

    Use Dynamics 365 or Parature knowledge for effective customer engagement
    Configure Unified Service Desk to use Dynamics 365 or Parature knowledge
    KM Control (Hosted Control)
    Unified Service Desk configuration walkthroughs

    Unified Service Desk 2.0

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