What's new: MorphX features for developers
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3
This topic lists the new and enhanced features and tools for the Microsoft MorphX development environment that is available in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
What is new or changed?
The following MorphX development features have been added or changed in AX 2012:
Models and the Model Store
Object IDs
The AxUtil Command Line Utility and PowerShell Cmdlets
Development Workspace
Some Layers Have Been Renamed
Installation-specific IDs
The following tools have been added or enhanced in AX 2012:
X++ Editor
Type Hierarchy Browser and Type Hierarchy Context
Unit Test Framework
Tools Used With Models and the Model Store
Code Upgrade Tools
Models and the Model Store
What can you do? |
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 |
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 |
Why is this important? |
Where can I find more information? |
In earlier versions, application model data for Microsoft Dynamics AX was stored in a proprietary database that was named the Application Object Database (AOD). Each layer of the application had a corresponding .aod file. AX 2012 introduces the model store, which is based on Microsoft SQL Server. Use the model store to work with business data or customer data. |
The model store did not exist. Application model data was stored in .aod files. You can load .aod files during version upgrade. You can also load .aod files by using the Tools menu. |
The following model features are new:
Storing models in SQL Server increases quality, reliability, and performance. In addition, you can use the tools that are available in SQL Server for backup and administration. |
Content is not yet available. |
Object IDs
What can you do? |
AX 2009 |
AX 2012 |
Why is this important? |
Where can I find more information? |
In earlier versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX, the number of object IDs that was available for application elements was limited, both in the range of IDs and by layer. In AX 2012, the 16-bit object ID is upgraded to 32 bits. This change exponentially increases the number of object IDs. Therefore, you no longer have to worry that you might run out of object IDs. |
Object IDs were 16 bits long. |
Object IDs are 32 bits long. |
Changing the length of object IDs from 16 bits to 32 bits exponentially increases the number of object IDs that are available. |
Content is not yet available. |
The AxUtil Command-Line Utility and Windows PowerShell Cmdlets
What can you do? |
AX 2009 |
AX 2012 |
Why is this important? |
Where can I find more information? |
Use AxUtil to import and export application model data and work with the model store. |
The feature was not available. |
AxUtil is a command-line utility that you can use to import and export .axmodel files into the model store. You can also use AxUtil to delete one or more models, create new empty models, and list all the models in a layer. All the capabilities of AxUtil are also exposed as Windows PowerShell cmdlets. |
Users can use these tools to work with models from outside the development environment. Therefore, there are more options for scripting deployment processes. |
Content is not yet available. |
Development Workspace
What can you do? |
AX 2009 |
AX 2012 |
Why is this important? |
Where can I find more information? |
In AX 2012, the development experience is separated from the application experience as a new workspace. You now use the development environment when you write code in Microsoft Dynamics AX. |
Development occurred directly in the Application Workspace. |
The Developer Workspace contains all the tools and features that a developer requires to create and customize a Microsoft Dynamics AX application. Changes that you save in the Development Workspace are always synchronized with the Application Workspace. You can still open application elements in the AOT. You can also open an Application Workspace from the Development Workspace to view your customizations. You can open Microsoft Dynamics AX directly from a Development Workspace by using the Ax32.exe command-line flag /development. |
The new Development Workspace provides a more streamlined environment for writing code. The menus have also been customized, so that you can more easily find the tools and commands that you use when you write code. |
Content is not yet available. |
Some Layers Have Been Renamed
What can you do? |
AX 2009 |
AX 2012 |
Why is this important? |
Where can I find more information? |
In AX 2012, 16 layers are supported. Because multiple solutions can be installed in parallel in the same layer, some layers have been renamed to emphasize the new usage. |
Old layer names:
New layer names:
The new layer names more accurately describe the usage of the layers. |
Content is not yet available. |
Installation-Specific IDs
What can you do? |
AX 2009 |
AX 2012 |
Why is this important? |
Where can I find more information? |
Object IDs, such as table IDs, field IDs, and class IDs, are now installation specific. Therefore, you no longer have to worry about conflicting object IDs in different installations. |
Objects IDs were assigned when a model element was created. |
When a new model element is saved, imported, or installed, a unique ID is assigned to the model element at that installation site. For example, when a new class is added by a developer and saved to the model store, the class is assigned a class ID. However, when the same class is imported into another installation at a customer site, the class ID might differ from the ID that was assigned in the first installation site. The new object IDs that are assigned for AX 2012 installations have a larger range than the previous object IDs and will not conflict with any of the earlier versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX. In an upgrade scenario, object IDs are preserved, because they are automatically assigned to the new LegacyId property on the application objects. |
Because IDs are installation specific, an ID is not assigned until installation time. Therefore, conflicts are avoided. Because the assignment of object IDs is handled at the installation site, Team Server no longer has to manage IDs. Team Server is no longer installed, and the setup of version control no longer depends on Team Server. |
Content is not yet available. |
X++ Editor
What can you do? |
AX 2009 |
AX 2012 |
Why is this important? |
Where can I find more information? |
Develop Microsoft Dynamics AX applications in the X++ code editor. |
The code editor was unique to Microsoft Dynamics AX. |
The code editor is now based on the code editor for Microsoft Visual Studio, and includes many of the same features and shortcuts. The following new and changed features are available:
The new X++ editor adds features and is more familiar to developers who have worked with Visual Studio. |
Type Hierarchy Browser and Type Hierarchy Context
What can you do? |
AX 2009 |
AX 2012 |
Why is this important? |
Where can I find more information? |
View detailed information about elements in the AOT and also information about the hierarchy of those elements. |
You used the Application Hierarchy Tree. |
Use the Type Hierarchy Browser to see detailed information about an element and its components, such as methods, fields, or properties, and the element from which the element inherits. In the form, you can view information about classes, tables, maps, views, extended data types (EDTs), and enumerations. Use the Type Hierarchy Context to display a pane that shows the hierarchy details for a class, table, map, view, EDT, or enumeration that is selected in the AOT. Click any element in the tree to open the Type Hierarchy Browser for that object. |
The Type Hierarchy Browser and Type Hierarchy Context provide more functionality than the Application Hierarchy Tree. |
Unit Test Framework
What can you do? |
AX 2009 |
AX 2012 |
Why is this important? |
Where can I find more information? |
Attach a predefined attribute to a test class or test method to provide more information. |
The feature was not available. |
Use predefined attributes to specify that a test is active, or that it is a check-in test. You can also use predefined attributes to provide the target element that you are testing. |
A test can be self-describing with regard to organization and when the test is run. For example, to run only the check-in tests, you can attach an attribute to the test that indicates that the test is a check-in test. |
Add custom attributes to further categorize test cases. |
You categorized test cases by creating them and adding them to a test project. |
Add attributes to test cases, or remove attributes, to provide detail. For example, to satisfy requirements for integration-level testing, you can attach an attribute to all tests that cross module boundaries. |
A test can be self-describing with regard to organization and when the test is run. |
At a glance, know whether a test case passed or failed. |
You viewed the test detail by clicking Details on the Unit Test toolbar. Alternatively, you displayed results by using a listener. |
In a test project, an icon appears next to each test case to indicate whether the test case passed or failed. |
At a glance, you can understand how well a given project is running. |
If a test case fails, rest the mouse pointer on the test case to display the exception that occurred. |
You accessed the exception detail in a listener. |
In a test project, rest the mouse pointer on a failed test case to display the exception that occurred. |
At a glance, you can know the exceptions that were introduced for a project. |
Use test metrics to measure performance. |
The feature was not available. |
Click Details on the Unit Test toolbar to view how long the test case ran. |
You can use the duration metrics to help improve performance. |
Use test metrics to guarantee the integrity of the test data that you start with. |
The feature was not available. |
Click Details on the Unit Test toolbar to view the number of records that were updated in the database. |
You can use the metrics that indicate the number of records that were updated to troubleshoot data integrity issues. When you run successive test cases, the integrity of the data that you start with for each test is very important. |
Tools Used With Models and the Model Store
What can you do? |
AX 2009 |
AX 2012 |
Why is this important? |
Where can I find more information? |
Select the model to work with. |
The feature was not available. |
Use the Change Current Model tool to select the model to work with. |
You can now change the current model. |
Use the Create Project from Model form. |
The feature was not available. |
Use this form to create a project from the contents of a model. |
You can now create a project that contains only the contents of a model. |
Use the Create Model Tool form. |
The feature was not available. |
Use this form to create a new model. |
You can now create a new model. |
Use the Import AOD File form. |
The feature was not available. |
Use this form to load an .aod file from an earlier version of Microsoft Dynamics AX into the model store. |
You can now load an .aod file from an earlier version of Microsoft Dynamics AX into the model store. |
Code Upgrade Tools
What can you do? |
AX 2009 |
AX 2012 |
Why is this important? |
Where can I find more information? |
Detect conflicts when code is upgraded. |
The feature was not available. |
Use the Detect Code Upgrade Conflicts tool to analyze a system, and then create projects that contain the application objects that must be upgraded manually. |
You can now see how much manual work is required to upgrade from an earlier version of Microsoft Dynamics AX. |
Migrate EDT relations. |
The feature was not available. |
Use the EDT Relation Migration tool to move the previous relations that are defined under the EDT nodes in the AOT to the table nodes. |
In earlier versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX, the relations of tables to EDTs were stored in two locations: relations in tables and relations in EDTs. In the current version of Microsoft Dynamics AX, relations in EDTs are obsolete. Instead, we recommend that developers migrate their EDT relations to table relations. The EDT Relation Migration tool makes it easy to transfer relations from EDTs to tables. |