(RUS) Create and post a vacation resolution
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
This topic describes how to create and confirm a vacation resolution before an employee can be granted vacation time. You can create a resolution line manually or by using a vacation schedule in the Vacation resolution lines form. The vacation resolution is used by the payroll department to pay the employee for the vacation. You can also create a vacation resolution for an employee who returns early to work from a childcare vacation.
The following table shows the prerequisites that must be in place before you start.
Category |
Prerequisite |
Version |
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Payroll for Russia Feature Pack |
Country/region |
The primary address for the legal entity must be in the following countries/regions: Russia |
Configuration tasks |
1. Create a vacation resolution manually
You can use the Vacation resolution form to create a resolution line manually. The vacation resolution is used by the payroll department to pay the employee for the vacation.
To create a vacation resolution manually, follow these steps:
Click Payroll (Russia) > Staff administration > Resolution journals > Vacations.
Click New or press CTRL+N to create a new vacation resolution journal.
On the Overview tab, in the Name field, select the journal name.
In the Resolution date field, select the resolution creation date.
Click Lines to open the Vacation resolution lines form.
Click New or press CTRL+N to create a new vacation resolution line.
On the Overview tab, specify the following details.
Select an employee code. The name of the employee is automatically displayed in the Employee name field.
Type of vacation
Select the type of vacation.
On the General tab, specify the following details.
Period start
Select the default starting date of the working period.
End of period
Select the default ending date of the working period.
The vacation is earned by the employee for this working period. You can also print the vacation balance of an employee in the Balance of vacation days report. For more information, see (RUS) Vacation, business trip, and sick list reports.
Start date
Select the starting date of the vacation.
Quantity of days
The number of vacation days.
The end date of the vacation is automatically displayed in the End date field.
End date
Select the ending date of the vacation.
The number of the vacation days is automatically displayed in the Quantity of days field.
Document number
The number of the original document that grants the vacation.
Document date
The date of the original document that grants the vacation.
The document argument details are displayed from the Document-arguments form, where the employee request for vacation is registered. The vacation schedule details are displayed from the Vacation schedule form when the vacation resolution is created from it.
Click Validate to validate the resolution lines, and then click OK in the Check journal form.
The time period of the vacation resolution lines for an employee must not overlap with each other, or with the time periods for sick lists and business trips that are already registered for the employee. You must resolve the conflict before you can validate the resolution.
Click Post to post the journal, and then click OK in the Post journal form.
The Posted check box is automatically selected in the Vacation resolution form.
You can cancel the posted journal when you need to update the vacation resolution or correct a mistake in the vacation resolution.
Click Restore to cancel the journal posting in the Post journal form.
Click OK to cancel the journal posting. You must cancel the related payments in the resolution journal, and then cancel the journal posting.
To print the statutory reports, follow these steps:
Click Payroll (Russia) > Staff administration > Reports > Form T-7. to print the vacation schedule report.
Click Payroll (Russia) > Staff administration > Resolution journals > Vacations.
Click Print > Form T-6a to print the vacation resolution report for employees.
To print the vacation resolution report for an employee, click Lines to open the Vacation resolution lines form, and then click Print > Form T-6.
To view the posted vacation resolution lines for an employee, in the Employees form, on the Employment tab, click Vacations.
2. Create a vacation resolution using a vacation schedule
You can create a vacation resolution using a vacation schedule. A vacation schedule contains information about annual paid vacations that are allocated to an employee for a calendar year, and is the basis for the vacation resolution. You can use the Vacation schedule form to create a vacation schedule.
To create a vacation schedule, follow these steps:
Click Payroll (Russia) > Staff administration > Periodic > Vacation schedule.
Click New or press CTRL+N to create a new vacation schedule.
In the Years field, modify the creation year of the vacation schedule, if necessary.
By default, this field displays the year that follows the current calendar year. The vacation schedule document number is automatically displayed in the Document number field in the Vacation resolution lines form when the resolution line is created for the scheduled vacation that refers to the vacation schedule line.
In the Formation date field, select the creation date of the vacation schedule.
Click Lines to open the Vacation schedule lines form.
Click New or press CTRL+N to create a new vacation schedule line, and then on the Overview tab, specify the following details.
Select an employee code.
Type of vacation
Select the type of vacation.
Start date
Select the starting date of the vacation.
Quantity of days
The number of vacation days.
The ending date of the vacation is displayed in the Finish date field based on the starting date and the number of vacation days.
To create a vacation resolution from a vacation schedule, follow these steps:
Click Payroll (Russia) > Staff administration > Resolution journals > Vacations.
Repeat steps 2 through 5 from the "Create a vacation resolution manually" section.
In the Vacation resolution lines form, click Creating from schedule to open the Creating order lines on the basis of vacation schedule form.
Select the required vacation schedule, and then click Add.
The vacation schedule lines for the selected employee are automatically added to the vacation resolution in the Vacation resolution lines form.
Repeat steps 9 through 10 from the "Create a vacation resolution manually" section.
3. Create a vacation resolution to reimburse an employee for early return from a childcare vacation
Use the Early end of childcare vacation form to create a vacation resolution for an employee who returns early to work from a childcare vacation.
When an employee registers for a childcare vacation, the employee is paid from the social insurance fund for the period of absence, and the timesheet of the employee resumes from the day of return. The employee is paid along with the allowances from the social insurance fund. When the resolution is posted, the end date of the registered childcare vacation is changed based on the date that is entered in the resolution.
Next step
(RUS) Configure standard deductions calculation
(RUS) Register and calculate compensation for vacations and business trips
(RUS) Register sick lists and calculate compensation
Related tasks
Technical information for system administrators
If you don't have access to the pages that are used to complete this task, contact your system administrator and provide the information that is shown in the following table.
Category |
Prerequisite |
Configuration keys |
Click System administration > Setup > Licensing > License configuration. Select the CIS Payroll and CIS Staff administration configuration keys. |
Security roles and duties |
To perform this task, you must have the following roles:
To create a vacation resolution, you must be a member of a security role that includes the following duties:
Security roles and privileges |
To create a vacation resolution, you must be a member of a security role that includes the privileges that are described in the following table.
Privileges Name Procedure
Maintain vacations resolution RPayVacResolutionMaintain Create a vacation resolution manually.
View vacations resolution RPayVacResolutionView
Maintain vacation schedules RPayVacScheduleMaintain Create a vacation resolution using a vacation schedule.
View vacation schedules RPayVacSchedulesView