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How to: Manipulate Flow Content Elements through the Inlines Property

These examples demonstrate some of the more common operations that can be performed on inline flow content elements (and containers of such elements, such as TextBlock) through the Inlines property. This property is used to add and remove items from InlineCollection. Flow content elements that feature an Inlines property include:

These examples happen to use Span as the flow content element, but these techniques are applicable to all elements or controls that host an InlineCollection collection.


The following example creates a new Span object, and then uses the Add method to add two text runs as content children of the Span.

            Dim spanx As New Span()
            spanx.Inlines.Add(New Run("A bit of text content..."))
            spanx.Inlines.Add(New Run("A bit more text content..."))
Span spanx = new Span();
spanx.Inlines.Add(new Run("A bit of text content..."));
spanx.Inlines.Add(new Run("A bit more text content..."));

The following example creates a new Run element and inserts it at the beginning of the Span.

            Dim runx As New Run("Text to insert...")
            spanx.Inlines.InsertBefore(spanx.Inlines.FirstInline, runx)
Run runx = new Run("Text to insert...");
spanx.Inlines.InsertBefore(spanx.Inlines.FirstInline, runx);

The following example gets the number of top-level Inline elements contained in the Span.

            Dim countTopLevelInlines As Integer = spanx.Inlines.Count
int countTopLevelInlines = spanx.Inlines.Count;

The following example deletes the last Inline element in the Span.


The following example clears all of the contents (Inline elements) from the Span.


See Also


How to: Manipulate a FlowDocument through the Blocks Property

How to: Manipulate a Table's Columns through the Columns Property

How to: Manipulate a Table's Row Groups through the RowGroups Property






Flow Document Overview