XmlDataDocument Input to XslTransform
The XslTransform class is obsolete in the .NET Framework version 2.0. You can perform Extensible Stylesheet Language for Transformations (XSLT) transformations using the XslCompiledTransform class. See Using the XslCompiledTransform Class and Migrating From the XslTransform Class for more information.
The Microsoft .NET Framework implements the XML Document Object Model (DOM) to provide access to data in XML documents and additional classes to read, write, and navigate in XML documents. The XmlDataDocument, found in the System.Xml namespace, provides relational access to data with its ability to synchronize with the relational data in the DataSet. You can simultaneously view and manipulate structured XML through the relational representation of the DataSet or manipulate the semi-structured XML through the DOM representation of the XmlDataDocument. The XmlDataDocument therefore crosses the boundaries of the XML and the relational worlds.
If data is stored in a relational structure and you want it to be input to an XSLT transformation, you can load the relational data into a DataSet and associate it with the XmlDataDocument. The XPathNavigator, the input to the XslTransform, is implemented on the XmlDataDocument through the IXPathNavigable interface. By taking relational data, loading it into a DataSet, and using the synchronizing within the XmlDataDocument, the relational data can now have XSLT transformations performed on it.
For more information on applying a transform to relational data, see Appling an XSLT Transform to a DataSet (ADO.NET).
See Also
XSLT Transformations with the XslTransform Class
XslTransform Class Implements the XSLT Processor
XPathNavigator in Transformations
XPathNodeIterator in Transformations
XPathDocument Input to XslTransform
XmlDocument Input to XslTransform