AsyncEntitySetController<TEntity, TKey> Class
Provides a convenient starting point for a controller that exposes an OData entity set. This is the asynchronous version of EntitySetController<TEntity, TKey>.
Namespace: System.Web.Http.OData
Assembly: System.Web.Http.OData (in System.Web.Http.OData.dll)
Inheritance Hierarchy
System.Web.Http.OData.AsyncEntitySetController<TEntity, TKey>
public abstract class AsyncEntitySetController<TEntity, TKey> : ODataController
where TEntity : class
generic<typename TEntity, typename TKey>
where TEntity : ref class
public ref class AsyncEntitySetController abstract : ODataController
type AsyncEntitySetController<'TEntity, 'TKey when 'TEntity : not struct> =
inherit ODataController
Public MustInherit Class AsyncEntitySetController(Of TEntity As Class, TKey)
Inherits ODataController
Type Parameters
- TEntity
The type associated with the exposed entity set's entity type.
- TKey
The type associated with the entity key of the exposed entity set's entity type.
Name | Description | |
AsyncEntitySetController<TEntity, TKey>() |
Name | Description | |
ActionContext | Gets the action context.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Configuration | Gets the HttpConfiguration of the current ApiController.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
ControllerContext | Gets the HttpConfiguration of the current ApiController.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
ModelState | Gets the model state after the model binding process.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
ODataPath | Gets the OData path of the current request. |
QueryOptions | Gets the OData query options of the current request. |
Request | Gets or sets the HttpRequestMessage of the current ApiController.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
RequestContext | Gets the request context.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Url | Gets an instance of a UrlHelper, which is used to generate URLs to other APIs. (Inherited from ApiController.) |
User | Returns the current principal associated with this request.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Name | Description | |
BadRequest() | Creates a BadRequestResult.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
BadRequest(ModelStateDictionary) | Creates an InvalidModelStateResult with the specified model state.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
BadRequest(String) | Creates an T:System.Web.Http.Results.ErrorMessageResult (400 Bad Request) with the specified error message.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Conflict() | Creates a ConflictResult (409 Conflict).(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Content<T>(HttpStatusCode, T) | Creates a <see cref="T:System.Web.Http.NegotiatedContentResult`1" /> with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Content<T>(HttpStatusCode, T, MediaTypeFormatter) | Creates a <see cref="T:System.Web.Http.FormattedContentResult`1" /> with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Content<T>(HttpStatusCode, T, MediaTypeFormatter, MediaTypeHeaderValue) | Creates a <see cref="T:System.Web.Http.FormattedContentResult`1" /> with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Content<T>(HttpStatusCode, T, MediaTypeFormatter, String) | Creates a <see cref="T:System.Web.Http.FormattedContentResult`1" /> with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Created<TEntity>(TEntity) | Creates an action result with the specified values that is a response to a POST operation with an entity to an entity set.(Inherited from ODataController.) |
Created<T>(String, T) | Creates a CreatedNegotiatedContentResult<T> (201 Created) with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Created<T>(Uri, T) | Creates a CreatedNegotiatedContentResult<T> (201 Created) with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
CreatedAtRoute<T>(String, IDictionary<String, Object>, T) | Creates a CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult<T> (201 Created) with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
CreatedAtRoute<T>(String, Object, T) | Creates a CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult<T> (201 Created) with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
CreateEntityAsync(TEntity) | This method should be overridden to create a new entity in the entity set. |
CreateLink(TKey, String, Uri) | This method should be overridden to handle POST and PUT requests that attempt to create a link between two entities. |
Delete(TKey) | This method should be overridden to handles DELETE requests for deleting existing entities from the entity set. |
DeleteLink(TKey, String, String) | This method should be overridden to handle DELETE requests that attempt to break a relationship between two entities. |
DeleteLink(TKey, String, Uri) | This method should be overridden to handle DELETE requests that attempt to break a relationship between two entities. |
Dispose() | Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Dispose(Boolean) | Releases the unmanaged resources that are used by the object and, optionally, releases the managed resources.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Equals(Object) | (Inherited from Object.) |
ExecuteAsync(HttpControllerContext, CancellationToken) | Executes asynchronously a single HTTP operation.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Finalize() | (Inherited from Object.) |
Get() | This method should be overridden to handle GET requests that attempt to retrieve entities from the entity set. This method should asynchronously compute the matching entities by applying the request's query options. |
Get(TKey) | Handles GET requests that attempt to retrieve an individual entity by key from the entity set. |
GetEntityByKeyAsync(TKey) | This method should be overridden to retrieve an entity by key from the entity set. |
GetHashCode() | (Inherited from Object.) |
GetKey(TEntity) | This method should be overridden to get the entity key of the specified entity. |
GetType() | (Inherited from Object.) |
HandleUnmappedRequest(ODataPath) | This method should be overridden to handle all unmapped OData requests. |
Initialize(HttpControllerContext) | Initializes the ApiController instance with the specified controllerContext.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
InternalServerError() | Creates an InternalServerErrorResult (500 Internal Server Error).(Inherited from ApiController.) |
InternalServerError(Exception) | Creates an ExceptionResult (500 Internal Server Error) with the specified exception.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Json<T>(T) | Creates a JsonResult<T> (200 OK) with the specified value.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Json<T>(T, JsonSerializerSettings) | Creates a JsonResult<T> (200 OK) with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Json<T>(T, JsonSerializerSettings, Encoding) | Creates a JsonResult<T> (200 OK) with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
MemberwiseClone() | (Inherited from Object.) |
NotFound() | Creates a NotFoundResult.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Ok() | Creates an OkResult (200 OK).(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Ok<T>(T) | Creates an OkNegotiatedContentResult<T> with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Patch(TKey, Delta<TEntity>) | Handles PATCH and MERGE requests to partially update a single entity in the entity set. |
PatchEntityAsync(TKey, Delta<TEntity>) | This method should be overridden to apply a partial update to an existing entity in the entity set. |
Post(TEntity) | Handles POST requests that create new entities in the entity set. |
Put(TKey, TEntity) | Handles PUT requests that attempt to replace a single entity in the entity set. |
Redirect(String) | Creates a redirect result (302 Found) with the specified value.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Redirect(Uri) | Creates a redirect result (302 Found) with the specified value.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
RedirectToRoute(String, IDictionary<String, Object>) | Creates a redirect to route result (302 Found) with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
RedirectToRoute(String, Object) | Creates a redirect to route result (302 Found) with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
ResponseMessage(HttpResponseMessage) | Creates a ResponseMessageResult with the specified response.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
StatusCode(HttpStatusCode) | Creates a T:System.Web.Http.StatusCodeResult with the specified status code.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
ToString() | (Inherited from Object.) |
Unauthorized(AuthenticationHeaderValue[]) | Creates an UnauthorizedResult (401 Unauthorized) with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Unauthorized(IEnumerable<AuthenticationHeaderValue>) | Creates an UnauthorizedResult (401 Unauthorized) with the specified values.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Updated<TEntity>(TEntity) | Creates an action result with the specified values that is a response to a PUT, PATCH, or a MERGE operation on an OData entity.(Inherited from ODataController.) |
UpdateEntityAsync(TKey, TEntity) | This method should be overridden to update an existing entity in the entity set. |
Validate<TEntity>(TEntity) | Validates the given entity and adds the validation errors to the model state under the empty prefix, if any.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Validate<TEntity>(TEntity, String) | Validates the given entity and adds the validation errors to the model state, if any.(Inherited from ApiController.) |
Thread Safety
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
See Also
System.Web.Http.OData Namespace
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