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The latest version of this topic can be found at CRowset::Update.

Transmits any pending changes made to the current row since the last fetch or Update call on it.


      HRESULT Update(   
   DBCOUNTITEM* pcRows = NULL,   
   HROW* phRow = NULL,   
   DBROWSTATUS* pStatus = NULL    
) throw( );  


[out] A pointer to the location where Update returns the number of rows it attempted to update, if required.

[out] A pointer to the location where Update returns the handle of the row it attempted to update. No handle is returned if phRow is null.

[out] A pointer to the location where Update returns the row status value. No status is returned if pStatus is null.

Return Value

A standard HRESULT.


Transmits any pending changes made to the current row since that row was last fetched or updated (using Update or UpdateAll). You typically call SetData to set data values in columns in a row, and then call Update to transmit those changes.

This method requires the optional interface IRowsetUpdate, which might not be supported on all providers; if this is the case, the method returns E_NOINTERFACE. You must also set DBPROP_IRowsetUpdate to VARIANT_TRUE before calling Open on the table or command containing the rowset.


Header: atldbcli.h

See Also

CRowset Class