Ta sekcja zawiera tematy pomocy dotyczące poleceń cmdlet programu Service Provider Foundation. Administratorzy dostawcy usług hostingowych mogą używać tych poleceń cmdlet do tworzenia dzierżaw, zasobów i uwierzytelniania opartego na oświadczeniach oraz zarządzania nimi.
Aby uzyskać informacje o sposobie programowania programu Service Provider Foundation, zobacz zestaw SERVICE Provider Foundation SDK.
Get-SCSPFConnectionString |
Gets the connection string for the database used by the Service Provider Foundation service. |
Get-SCSPFEventRegistration |
Gets the event used to automate runbooks. |
Get-SCSPFExtensibleEventHandler |
Gets the configuration of a runbook in Orchestrator. |
Get-SCSPFServer |
Gets a server object. |
Get-SCSPFSetting |
Gets a setting for a database connection or for a portal endpoint. |
Get-SCSPFStamp |
Gets one or more stamp objects. |
Get-SCSPFTenant |
Gets one or more tenant objects. |
Get-SCSPFTenantUserRole |
Gets one or more tenant user roles. |
Get-SCSPFTrustedIssuer |
Gets one or more trusted issuer objects. |
Get-SCSPFVMRoleGalleryItem |
Gets a gallery item. |
Get-SCSPFVMRoleGalleryItemIcon |
Gets the icon associated with a gallery item. |
Get-SCSPFVMRoleGalleryItemPackage |
Gets the package that created an item in the gallery. |
Import-SCSpfVMRoleGalleryItem |
Imports a gallery item for use by applications hosted on the Azure portal. |
Adds a new event for ETW logging. Internal use only. |
New-SCSPFServer |
Adds a server to the Service Provider Foundation database. |
New-SCSPFSetting |
Creates a new setting for a database connection or a portal endpoint. |
New-SCSPFStamp |
Creates a stamp for a server or an instance of a System Center component. |
New-SCSPFTenant |
Creates a new tenant for a hoster. |
New-SCSPFTenantUserRole |
Creates an association between a tenant and one or more self-service user roles. |
New-SCSPFTrustedIssuer |
Creates a trusted issuer for claims-based authentication. |
Remove-SCSPFServer |
Removes one or more server objects. |
Remove-SCSPFSetting |
Removes a setting from a database or a portal endpoint. |
Remove-SCSPFStamp |
Removes one or more stamps. |
Remove-SCSPFTenant |
Removes one or more tenant objects. |
Remove-SCSPFTenantUserRole |
Removes one or more tenant user roles. |
Remove-SCSPFTrustedIssuer |
Removes one or more trusted issuer objects. |
Remove-SCSPFVMRoleGalleryItem |
Removes an item from the gallery. |
Set-SCSPFConnectionString |
Sets the connection string to the database used by the Service Provider Foundation service. |
Set-SCSPFEventRegistration |
Sets a Service Management Automation event to automate a runbook. |
Set-SCSPFExtensibleEventHandler |
Sets an extensible event handler in Service Provider Foundation. |
Set-SCSPFServer |
Associates a server with one or more stamps. |
Set-SCSPFStamp |
Associates a stamp with offers, servers, and tenants. |
Set-SCSpfTelemetry |
Sets telemetry. |
Set-SCSPFTenant |
Sets resources and data for a tenant. |
Set-SCSPFVMRoleGalleryItem |
Sets the publishing status of an item in the gallery. |
Start-SCOrchestratorRunbook |
Starts a runbook in Service Provider Foundation. |