Microsoft Azure PowerShell: polecenia cmdlet ConnectedMachine
Połączona maszyna
Connect-AzConnectedMachine |
API to register a new machine and thereby create a tracked resource in ARM |
Get-AzConnectedExtensionMetadata |
Gets an Extension Metadata based on location, publisher, extensionType and version |
Get-AzConnectedLicense |
Retrieves information about the view of a license. |
Get-AzConnectedLicenseProfile |
Retrieves information about the view of a license profile. |
Get-AzConnectedMachine |
Retrieves information about the model view or the instance view of a hybrid machine. |
Get-AzConnectedMachineExtension |
The operation to get the extension. |
Get-AzConnectedMachineRunCommand |
The operation to get a run command. |
Get-AzConnectedNetworkSecurityPerimeterConfiguration |
Gets the network security perimeter configuration for a private link scope. |
Get-AzConnectedPrivateLinkScope |
Returns a Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope. |
Install-AzConnectedMachinePatch |
The operation to install patches on a hybrid machine identity in Azure. |
Invoke-AzConnectedAssessMachinePatch |
The operation to assess patches on a hybrid machine identity in Azure. |
Invoke-AzConnectedReconcileNetworkSecurityPerimeterConfiguration |
Forces the network security perimeter configuration to refresh for a private link scope. |
New-AzConnectedLicense |
The operation to create a license. |
New-AzConnectedLicenseDetail |
Create an in-memory object for LicenseDetails. |
New-AzConnectedLicenseProfile |
The operation to create a license profile. |
New-AzConnectedLicenseProfileFeature |
Create an in-memory object for ProductFeature. |
New-AzConnectedMachineExtension |
The operation to create the extension. |
New-AzConnectedMachineRunCommand |
The operation to create a run command. |
New-AzConnectedPrivateLinkScope |
create (or create a Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope. Note: You cannot specify a different value for InstrumentationKey nor AppId in the Put operation. |
Remove-AzConnectedLicense |
The operation to delete a license. |
Remove-AzConnectedLicenseProfile |
The operation to delete a license profile. |
Remove-AzConnectedMachine |
The operation to delete a hybrid machine. |
Remove-AzConnectedMachineExtension |
The operation to delete the extension. |
Remove-AzConnectedMachineRunCommand |
The operation to delete a run command. |
Remove-AzConnectedPrivateLinkScope |
Deletes a Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope. |
Set-AzConnectedLicense |
The operation to update a license. |
Set-AzConnectedMachineExtension |
The operation to update the extension. |
Set-AzConnectedPrivateLinkScope |
update (or update a Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope. Note: You cannot specify a different value for InstrumentationKey nor AppId in the Put operation. |
Update-AzConnectedExtension |
The operation to Upgrade Machine Extensions. |
Update-AzConnectedLicenseProfile |
The operation to update a license profile. |
Update-AzConnectedLicenseProfileFeature |
Create an in-memory object for ProductFeatureUpdate. |
Update-AzConnectedMachine |
The operation to update a hybrid machine. |
Update-AzConnectedMachineExtension |
The operation to update the extension. |
Update-AzConnectedMachineRunCommand |
The operation to update a run command. |
Update-AzConnectedPrivateLinkScopeTag |
update an existing PrivateLinkScope's tags. To update other fields use the CreateOrupdate method. |