The UNICODE_STRING structure specifies a Unicode string.
typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING { unsigned short Length; unsigned short MaximumLength; [size_is(MaximumLength / 2), length_is((Length) / 2)] unsigned short* Buffer; } UNICODE_STRING, *PUNICODE_STRING;
Length: The length, in bytes, of the string pointed to by the Buffer member, not including the terminating null character, if any. This value MUST be a multiple of 2.
MaximumLength: The total size, in bytes, of the Buffer. If this value is not a multiple of 2, the server (2) MUST decrement this value by 1. This value MUST NOT be less than Length.
Buffer: The Unicode UTF-8 string. If the MaximumLength value is greater than zero, this field MUST contain a non-null character. Buffer can contain a terminating null character.