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Security considerations for UE-V 2.1 SP1

This article contains a brief overview of accounts and groups, log files, and other security-related considerations for Microsoft User Experience Virtualization (UE-V) 2.1 SP1.

Security considerations for UE-V configuration


When you create the settings storage share, limit the share access to users who require access.

Because settings packages might contain personal information, you should take care to protect them and possible. In general, do the following actions:

  • Restrict the share to only those users who require access. Create a security group for users who have redirected folders on a particular share and limit access to only those users.

  • When you create the share, hide the share by putting a $ after the share name. This addition hides the share from casual browsers, and the share isn't visible in My Network Places.

  • Only give users the minimum permissions that they must have. The following tables show the required permissions.

    1. Set the following share-level SMB permissions for the setting storage location folder.

      User account Recommended permissions
      Everyone No permissions
      Security group of UE-V Full control
    2. Set the following NTFS file system permissions for the settings storage location folder.

      User account Recommended permissions Folder
      Creator/Owner Full control Subfolders and files only
      Domain Admins Full control This folder, subfolders, and files
      Security group of UE-V users List folder/read data, create folders/append data This folder only
      Everyone Remove all permissions No permissions
    3. Set the following share-level SMB permissions for the settings template catalog folder.

      User account Recommend permissions
      Everyone No permissions
      Domain computers Read permission Levels
      Administrators Read/write permission levels
    4. Set the following NTFS permissions for the settings template catalog folder.

      User account Recommended permissions Apply to
      Creator/Owner Full control This folder, subfolders, and files
      Domain Computers List folder contents and Read permissions This folder, subfolders, and files
      Everyone No permissions No permissions
      Administrators Full Control This folder, subfolders, and files

Use Windows Server as of Windows Server 2003 to host redirected file shares

User settings package files contain personal information that is transferred between the client computer and the server that stores the settings packages. Because of this process, you should ensure that the data is protected while it travels over the network.

User settings data is vulnerable to these potential threats: interception of the data as it passes over the network, tampering with the data as it passes over the network, and spoofing of the server that hosts the data.

As of Windows Server 2003, several features of the Windows Server operating system can help secure user data:

  • Kerberos - Kerberos is standard on all versions of Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server beginning with Windows Server 2003. Kerberos ensures the highest level of security to network resources. NTLM authenticates the client only; Kerberos authenticates the server and the client. When NTLM is used, the client doesn't know whether the server is valid. This difference is important if the client exchanges personal files with the server, as is the case with Roaming User Profiles. Kerberos provides better security than NTLM. Kerberos isn't available on the Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 or earlier operating systems.

  • IPsec - The IP Security Protocol (IPsec) provides network-level authentication, data integrity, and encryption. IPsec ensures the following:

    • Roamed data is safe from data modification while data is en route.

    • Roamed data is safe from interception, viewing, or copying.

    • Roamed data is safe from access by unauthenticated parties.

  • SMB Signing - The Server Message Block (SMB) authentication protocol supports message authentication, which prevents active message and "man-in-the-middle" attacks. SMB signing provides this authentication by placing a digital signature into each SMB. Both the client and the server then verify the digital signature. In order to use SMB signing, you must first either enable it, or you must require it on both the SMB client and the SMB server.


    SMB signing imposes a performance penalty. It doesn't consume any more network bandwidth, but it uses more CPU cycles on the client and server side.

Always use the NTFS file system for volumes that hold user data

For the most secure configuration, configure servers that host the UE-V settings files to use the NTFS file system. Unlike the FAT file system, NTFS supports Discretionary access control lists (DACLs) and system access control lists (SACLs). DACLs and SACLs control who can perform operations on a file and what events trigger the logging of actions that is performed on a file.

Don't rely on EFS to encrypt user files when they're transmitted over the network

When you use the Encrypting File System (EFS) to encrypt files on a remote server, the encrypted data isn't encrypted during transit over the network; it only becomes encrypted when it's stored on disk.

This encryption process doesn't apply when your system includes Internet Protocol security (IPsec) or Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV). IPsec encrypts data while it's transported over a TCP/IP network. If the file is encrypted before it's copied or moved to a WebDAV folder on a server, it remains encrypted during the transmission and while it's stored on the server.

Let the UE-V agent create folders for each user

To ensure that UE-V works optimally, create only the root share on the server, and let the UE-V agent create the folders for each user. UE-V creates these user folders with the appropriate security.

This permission configuration enables users to create folders for settings storage. The UE-V agent creates and secures a settings package folder while it runs in the context of the user. Users receive full control to their settings package folder. Other users don't inherit access to this folder. You don't have to create and secure individual user directories. The agent that runs in the context of the user does it automatically.


When you use a Windows Server for the settings storage share, you can configure more security. You can configure UE-V to verify that either the local Administrators group or the current user is the owner of the folder where settings packages are stored. To enable additional security, use the following command:

  1. Add the REG_DWORD registry key RepositoryOwnerCheckEnabled to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\UEV\Agent\Configuration.

  2. Set the registry key value to 1.

When this configuration setting is in place, the UE-V agent verifies that the local Administrators group or current user is the owner of the settings package folder. If not, then the UE-V agent doesn't grant access to the folder.

If you must create folders for the users, ensure that you have the correct permissions set.

Don't precreate folders. Instead, let the UE-V agent create the folder for the user.

Ensure correct permissions to store UE-V 2 settings in a home directory or custom directory

If you redirect UE-V settings to a user's home directory or a custom Active Directory (AD) directory, ensure that the permissions on the directory are set appropriately for your organization.

Technical reference for UE-V 2.1 SP1