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Click here for more information on the Microsoft Certified app program.

Last updated by the developer on: 2023-08-18T00:00:00

General information

Information provided by CC4ALL to Microsoft:

Information Response
App name CC4Teams
ID contactcenter4all1634641680587.cc4all_01
Partner company name CC4ALL
URL of partner website https://contactcenter4all.com
URL of Privacy Policy
URL of Terms of Use https://contactcenter4all.com/contactcenter4all-saas-agreem...


Questions or updates to any of the information you see here? Contact us!

How the app handles data

This information has been provided by CC4ALL about how this app collects and stores organizational data and the control that your organization will have over the data the app collects.

Data access using Microsoft Graph

List any Microsoft Graph permissions this app requires.

This application does not use Microsoft Graph.

Non-Microsoft services used

If the app transfers or shares organizational data with non-Microsoft service, list the non-Microsoft service the app uses, what data is transferred, and include a justification for why the app needs to transfer this information.

Non-Microsoft services are not used.

Telemetry data

Does any organizational identifiable information (OII) or end-user identifiable information (EUII) appear in this application's telemetry or logs? If yes, describe what data is stored and what are the retention and removal policies?

No OII or EUII appear in the applications telemetry or logs.

Organizational controls for data stored by partner

Describe how organization's administrators can control their information in partner systems? e.g. deletion, retention, auditing, archiving, end-user policy, etc.

Partner information is not stored.


Questions or updates to any of the information you see here? Contact us!