
The WinAsyncCSV function provides an asynchronous entry point for TRANSFER_MS_DATA only. If this function is used for any other verb, the behavior will be synchronous. This function was used instead of the blocking version of the verb under Microsoft Windows version 3.x. Windows version 3.x is no longer supported.



    HWND hWnd,  
    long lpVcb  


Handle of window to receive message.

Pointer to the verb control block.

Return Value

The return value specifies whether the asynchronous resolution request was successful. If the function was successful, the return value is an asynchronous task handle. If the function was not successful, a zero is returned.


When the asynchronous operation is complete, the applications window hWnd receives the message returned by RegisterWindowMessage with "WinAsyncCSV" as the input string. The wParam argument contains the asynchronous task handle returned by the original function call. The lParam argument contains the original VCB pointer and can be dereferenced to determine the final return code.

If the function returns successfully, a "WinAsyncCSV" message will be posted to the application when the operation completes or the conversation is canceled.