Transaction Object (OLE DB Provider for DB2)

The Transaction object is created by a Session object. The Transaction object is used to manage transactions on one or more Rowset objects.

The following interfaces of the Transaction object are supported by the current version of Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2:

  • ISupportErrorInfo

  • ITransaction

    The current implementation of OLE DB Provider for DB2 services all OLE DB Session, Command, and Rowset objects present in a given instance of the DataSource object through a single Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (APPC) conversation or TCP/IP connection. One implication of this design is that if two Rowset objects, each created from a different OLE DB Session object, use explicit commitment control through the ITransaction interface, they will interfere with each other. When a Commit or Abort for one instance is invoked, all work for the DataSource object will be either committed or aborted. This may yield undesirable results. The work around to this problem is to instantiate two instances of the DataSource object.