How to Configure a 5250 Local APPC LU

The following procedure details configuring a 5250 local APPC LU.

To configure a 5250 local APPC LU

  1. In SNA Manager, expand the server on which to configure the connection, and then expand SNA Service.

  2. Expand Local APPC LUs, right-click the appropriate 5250 local APPC LU, and then click Properties.

    Connection Properties lets you specify which LU alias to use, as well as the name of the network and LU name information. The choices you make depend on the purpose of the connection.

  3. After you have made your configuration changes, click OK.

  4. Right-click SNA Service, and then click Save configuration.

  5. Stop and then start SNA service.

See Also

IP-DLC Link Service
Configuring Connections
How to Configure a 3270 Connection
How to Configure a 5250 Connection
How to Configure a 5250 Remote APPC LU