Offset Inventory Visibility adjustments


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jan 29, 2024 Mar 15, 2024

Business value

It's common for omnichannel business operators to update inventory using the inventory adjustment API in the Inventory Visibility service for real-time inventory tracking. Then, they create sales orders or inventory journals in Supply Chain Management core modules such as inventory management and sales and marketing. It is, therefore, necessary to reconcile or offset the update in Supply Chain Management to the Inventory Visibility service so that an inventory change that has been adjusted in Inventory Visibility won't be duplicated when data is synchronized between the systems. This feature provides out-of-box offset configuration and synchronization in Supply Chain Management for transactions that could use inventory adjustments in the Inventory Visibility service.

Feature details

Configure offsets for inventory changes generated by transactions in Supply Chain Management (such as sales orders, the invitatory adjustment journal, or inventory movement journal) to prevent duplicate data from being synchronized with the Inventory Visibility service. This feature enables you to do the following:

  • Configure offset trigger points, the offset data source, and the physical measure mapping.
  • Exclude tracking dimensions such as batch IDs and serial numbers from the offset mapping.
  • Run out-of-box offset data synchronization from Supply Chain Management to the Inventory Visibility service.

The feature is intended for businesses that use the APIs /api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand and /api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand/bulk to update Inventory Visibility with quantity changes.

See also

Inventory Visibility adjustment offset (docs)