Submit VAT returns electronically

In the Danish localization, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central supports using the Danish Tax Agency's VAT API to report value-added tax (VAT) returns.


This feature allows you to report draft VAT Return version to website from Business Central. You'll still need to manually log in into your account on the tax authorities site, review the draft, and submit it finally. Reporting such draft needs to be set up first in the tax authorities account. Learn more in Onboarding legal entities on the website.


Before you begin, make sure that the Electronic VAT Declaration for Denmark app is installed and enabled.

To generate a VAT return and send it directly to the Danish Tax Agency's VAT API, complete the following setup:

  • On the Company Information page, configure the Registration No. and VAT Registration No. fields for the legal entity. In the Registration No. field, enter the legal entity's Central Business Register (CVR) number.
  • On the VAT Posting Setup SAF-T page, associate a VAT posting group setup with Sales VAT Reporting Code and Purchase VAT Reporting Code.
  • Obtain certificates to work with the Danish Tax Agency's VAT API, and store them in the Azure key vault.

Set up VAT return submission

Complete the following procedures to set up VAT return submission.

Set up certificates


If you use Business Central online, you don't need to configure your certificates, as you'll use preinstalled Microsoft security certificate for VAT submission.

If you use on-premises Business Central version, before you begin the setup, an administrator must configure the certificates using the following procedure:

  1. Select the Tell Me feature icon, enter Certificates, and then select the related link.
  2. Select New to create a client certificate. This certificate is a company certificate (VOCES3) that's issued by MitID Erhverv (OCES3). It must include a private key for signing.
  3. Select New to create a server certificate. This certificate is a certificate that NemVirksomhed provides to verify response XML.


If you opt for the online option, the Microsoft Denmark A/S CVR number must be used to authorize your Business Central in your company's profile. This allows the Business Central to submit VAT drafts, as Microsoft already provides a default certificate for connecting to the

Set up electronic VAT declaration

Follow these steps to configure the electronic VAT declaration:

  1. Select the Tell Me feature icon, enter Electronic VAT Declaration Setup, and then select the related link.
  2. On the Electronic VAT Declaration Setup page, enter your legal SE/CVR number in the ERP SE Number field as a number used to report the VAT return to Skat service. After you enter your CVR number, you'll have to give a consent that your data would be shared with the third-party system ( in this process. If you agree, you need to select the I accept button.

Set up VAT report

Follow these steps to configure a VAT reporting:

  1. Select the Tell Me feature icon, enter VAT Reports Configuration, and then select the related link.
  2. Make sure that the setup for VAT Return with version DK ELE.VAT exists, and gets selected in the VAT Report Version field on the VAT Reports Configuration page. This setup activates the following fields: Suggest Lines Codeunit ID, Content Codeunit ID, Submission Codeunit ID, and Validate Codeunit ID and populate the values.
  3. Select the Tell Me feature icon, enter VAT Report Setup, and then select the related link.
  4. On the VAT Report Setup page, select the Return Period FastTab, and verify that the Report Version field contains the DK ELE.VAT setup report version that you previously configured.
  5. The Manual Receive Codeunit ID field where you can specify the codeunit ID associated with a manual receipt of the VAT return periods. If codeunit 13610 is selected, the Manual Receive Codeunit Caption field is automatically populated with the Elec. VAT Decl. Get Periods value.

Set up VAT statements

Follow these steps to configure a VAT statement:

  1. Select the Tell Me feature icon, enter VAT Statements, and then select the related link.
  2. On the VAT Statements page, create a new VAT statement by using the VAT Statement Name page, or use a default statement.
  3. On the VAT Statement page, use the Box No. field to set up VAT setup lines so that they point VAT setups to the correct export boxes. Each box number is linked to the ModtagMomsangivelseForeloebig XML field.
  4. Select the Tell Me feature icon, enter VAT Return E-Submission Setup, and then select the related link.
  5. Set up endpoints for the VirksomhedKalenderHent, ModtagMomsangivelseForeloebig, and MomsangivelseKvitteringHent services. You can select Set Default Endpoints to have the system run automatically. Alternatively, you can make updates if the default values are no longer usable.
  6. Set Client Certificate Code and Server Certificate Code to the certificates that you previously created and uploaded on the Certifications page.

Use and submit a VAT return

Follow these steps to submit a VAT return:

  1. Select the Tell Me feature icon, enter VAT Return Periods, and then select the related link.
  2. Select Get VAT Return Periods. Dynamics 365 Business Central contacts the VirksomhedKalenderHent endpoint and gets VAT return periods for your company.
  3. Select an existing VAT return period, and then select Create VAT Return. Business Central creates a new VAT Return record.
  4. Select Suggest Lines to get suggested and created lines/records for the VAT return.
  5. When you check and confirm the validity of the suggested lines, select Release to protect any changes in the VAT return before you submit the return.
  6. When you're ready to submit the VAT return, select Submit to generate the XML body for the request and submit the request to the ModtagMomsangivelseForeloebig service.

If the process is done correctly, you receive a "Request has been submitted" message, and the VAT return's status is changed to Submitted.

You can double-check the request message for the VAT return later by choosing the Download action.

After a VAT return is submitted

You won't always know the final status that's confirmed by the authorities. Therefore, Business Central regularly checks the MomsangivelseKvitteringHent service through the configured endpoint, to look for any response about submitted VAT returns. If a response is available, it's received, and the status of the company's VAT return is changed to Accepted or Rejected.

You can download a Response message by selecting Download. If the status is Accepted, you can save the receipt link for the VAT return.

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