AppSourceCop Error AS0001

Tables and table extensions that have been published must not be deleted.


Tables and table extensions that have been published must not be deleted. This might break the upgrade of existing installations and dependent extensions.


This rule validates tables independently of their Accessibility or ObsoleteState, because tables are always used when synchronizing the schema defined in the extension to the database.

This rule validates table extensions independently of the ObsoleteState of their target tables. Table extensions that extend a table, which is marked with obsolete state Removed must be preserved, since they're still contributing to the database schema defined by the extension. Only if the target table of an extension has been deleted, then the table extension can be deleted as well.

There's an exception for table extensions that target Microsoft tables, which have either been deleted or marked with ObsoleteState = Removed. In this case, it's possible to remove the table extensions as long as the extension requires a runtime with version '13.0' and higher.

How to fix this diagnostic?

Revert the changes done by adding back the tables and table extensions that have been removed.

Examples not triggering this rule

Example 1 - Removing a table extension on a Microsoft table which is obsolete removed

Version 1 of the extension

// The target table is removed from Business Central 15.0 and later
tableextension 50100 MyExtension extends "Bank Data Conversion Pmt. Type"
        field(50100; "MyField"; Code[20])
            DataClassification = CustomerContent;

Version 2 of the extension

// The table extension is removed

Example 2 - Targeting runtime less than 13.0

Version 1 of the extension

// The target table is removed from Business Central 15.0 and later
tableextension 50100 MyExtension extends "Bank Data Conversion Pmt. Type"
        field(50100; "MyField"; Code[20])
            DataClassification = CustomerContent;

The app.json file

    "runtime": "12.0"

In this case, it's not possible to just remove the table extension. A new version of the application, which targets runtime 13.0, must be created.

Version 2 of the extension

// table extension is removed

The app.json file

    "runtime": "13.0",
    "application": "" // or higher

Then for compatibility with the older runtime, hotfixes must be used for the previous version of the application, which is compatible with the older runtimes.

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