Change the terminology of inventory closing cancellation to inventory closing reverse
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Enabled for | Public preview | General availability |
End users, automatically | Aug 3, 2020 | Sep 16, 2020 |
Business value
Changes a label to make the command for reversing an inventory close operation easier for users to understand.
Feature details
The Closing and adjustment page includes a button that enables users to cancel a selected inventory close operation; however, if a user tries to cancel an inventory close operation while it is still running, the request is blocked to prevent potential data corruption. Instead, the system will reverse the selected close operation after it has finished. To avoid confusion, we have relabeled the button and other labels related to this functionality from Cancellation to Reverse.
This change is applied by default starting with release 10.0.13, but it is also visible on the Feature management page in Supply Chain Management where the feature is named Change the label of Cancellation in Closing and adjustment to Reverse. You can use feature management to turn the feature off if you prefer the previous labeling.
See also
Inventory close (docs)