Jak kontrolować scenorys po uruchomieniu
W tym przykładzie pokazano, jak używać kodu do kontrolowania Storyboard kodu po jego uruchomieniu. Aby kontrolować scenorys w języku XAML, używać Trigger i TriggerAction obiektów. Aby na przykład kontrolować scenorys po uruchomieniu, zobacz Używanie wyzwalaczy zdarzeń do sterowania scenorysem po uruchomieniu.
Aby rozpocząć scenorys, należy użyć jej Begin metody, która dystrybuuje animacje scenorysu do właściwości, które animują i uruchamiają scenorys.
Aby kontrolować scenorys, należy użyć Begin metody i określić wartość true jako drugi parametr. Następnie możesz użyć metod interaktywnych scenorysu, aby wstrzymać, wznowić, wyszukać, zatrzymać, przyspieszyć lub zwolnić scenorys lub przejść do okresu wypełnienia. Poniżej znajduje się lista metod interaktywnych scenorysu:
Pause: wstrzymuje scenorys.
Resume: wznawia wstrzymaną scenorys.
SetSpeedRatio: ustawia interakcyjną szybkość scenorysu.
Seek: szuka scenorysu określonej lokalizacji.
SeekAlignedToLastTick: szuka scenorysu w określonej lokalizacji. Seek W przeciwieństwie do metody ta operacja jest przetwarzana przed następnym znacznikem.
SkipToFill: Przechodzi do scenorysu do jego okresu wypełnienia, jeśli ma jeden.
Stop: zatrzymuje scenorys.
W poniższym przykładzie kilka metod scenorysu służy do interaktywnego sterowania scenorysem.
Aby zapoznać się z przykładem kontrolowania scenorysu przy użyciu wyzwalaczy za pomocą języka XAML, zobacz Używanie wyzwalaczy zdarzeń do kontrolowania scenorysu po uruchomieniu.
This example shows how to control
a storyboard after it has started.
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
namespace Microsoft.Samples.Animation.TimingBehaviors
public partial class ControlStoryboardExample : Page
private Storyboard myStoryboard;
public ControlStoryboardExample()
// Create a name scope for the page.
NameScope.SetNameScope(this, new NameScope());
this.WindowTitle = "Controlling a Storyboard";
this.Background = Brushes.White;
StackPanel myStackPanel = new StackPanel();
myStackPanel.Margin = new Thickness(20);
// Create a rectangle.
Rectangle myRectangle = new Rectangle();
myRectangle.Width = 100;
myRectangle.Height = 20;
myRectangle.Margin = new Thickness(12,0,0,5);
myRectangle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(170, 51, 51, 255));
myRectangle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
// Assign the rectangle a name by
// registering it with the page, so that
// it can be targeted by storyboard
// animations.
this.RegisterName("myRectangle", myRectangle);
// Create an animation and a storyboard to animate the
// rectangle.
DoubleAnimation myDoubleAnimation =
new DoubleAnimation(100, 500, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)));
Storyboard.SetTargetName(myDoubleAnimation, "myRectangle");
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(myDoubleAnimation, new PropertyPath(Rectangle.WidthProperty));
myStoryboard = new Storyboard();
// Create some buttons to control the storyboard
// and a panel to contain them.
StackPanel buttonPanel = new StackPanel();
buttonPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
Button beginButton = new Button();
beginButton.Content = "Begin";
beginButton.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(beginButton_Clicked);
Button pauseButton = new Button();
pauseButton.Content = "Pause";
pauseButton.Click +=new RoutedEventHandler(pauseButton_Clicked);
Button resumeButton = new Button();
resumeButton.Content = "Resume";
resumeButton.Click +=new RoutedEventHandler(resumeButton_Clicked);
Button skipToFillButton = new Button();
skipToFillButton.Content = "Skip to Fill";
skipToFillButton.Click +=new RoutedEventHandler(skipToFillButton_Clicked);
Button setSpeedRatioButton = new Button();
setSpeedRatioButton.Content = "Triple Speed";
setSpeedRatioButton.Click +=new RoutedEventHandler(setSpeedRatioButton_Clicked);
Button stopButton = new Button();
stopButton.Content = "Stop";
stopButton.Click +=new RoutedEventHandler(stopButton_Clicked);
this.Content = myStackPanel;
// Begins the storyboard.
private void beginButton_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
// Specifying "true" as the second Begin parameter
// makes this storyboard controllable.
myStoryboard.Begin(this, true);
// Pauses the storyboard.
private void pauseButton_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
// Resumes the storyboard.
private void resumeButton_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
// Advances the storyboard to its fill period.
private void skipToFillButton_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
// Updates the storyboard's speed.
private void setSpeedRatioButton_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
// Makes the storyboard progress three times as fast as normal.
myStoryboard.SetSpeedRatio(this, 3);
// Stops the storyboard.
private void stopButton_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
' This example shows how to control
' a storyboard after it has started.
Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Media
Imports System.Windows.Shapes
Imports System.Windows.Media.Animation
Namespace Microsoft.Samples.Animation.TimingBehaviors
Partial Public Class ControlStoryboardExample
Inherits Page
Private ReadOnly myStoryboard As Storyboard
Public Sub New()
' Create a name scope for the page.
NameScope.SetNameScope(Me, New NameScope())
WindowTitle = "Controlling a Storyboard"
Background = Brushes.White
Dim myStackPanel As New StackPanel With {
.Margin = New Thickness(20)
' Create a rectangle.
Dim myRectangle As New Rectangle With {
.Width = 100,
.Height = 20,
.Margin = New Thickness(12, 0, 0, 5),
.Fill = New SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(170, 51, 51, 255)),
.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left
' Assign the rectangle a name by
' registering it with the page, so that
' it can be targeted by storyboard
' animations.
RegisterName("myRectangle", myRectangle)
' Create an animation and a storyboard to animate the
' rectangle.
Dim myDoubleAnimation As New DoubleAnimation(100, 500, New Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)))
Storyboard.SetTargetName(myDoubleAnimation, "myRectangle")
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(myDoubleAnimation, New PropertyPath(Rectangle.WidthProperty))
myStoryboard = New Storyboard()
' Create some buttons to control the storyboard
' and a panel to contain them.
Dim buttonPanel As New StackPanel With {
.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
Dim beginButton As New Button With {
.Content = "Begin"
AddHandler beginButton.Click, AddressOf beginButton_Clicked
Dim pauseButton As New Button With {
.Content = "Pause"
AddHandler pauseButton.Click, AddressOf pauseButton_Clicked
Dim resumeButton As New Button With {
.Content = "Resume"
AddHandler resumeButton.Click, AddressOf resumeButton_Clicked
Dim skipToFillButton As New Button With {
.Content = "Skip to Fill"
AddHandler skipToFillButton.Click, AddressOf skipToFillButton_Clicked
Dim setSpeedRatioButton As New Button With {
.Content = "Triple Speed"
AddHandler setSpeedRatioButton.Click, AddressOf setSpeedRatioButton_Clicked
Dim stopButton As New Button With {
.Content = "Stop"
AddHandler stopButton.Click, AddressOf stopButton_Clicked
Content = myStackPanel
End Sub
' Begins the storyboard.
Private Sub beginButton_Clicked(sender As Object, args As RoutedEventArgs)
' Specifying "true" as the second Begin parameter
' makes this storyboard controllable.
myStoryboard.Begin(Me, True)
End Sub
' Pauses the storyboard.
Private Sub pauseButton_Clicked(sender As Object, args As RoutedEventArgs)
End Sub
' Resumes the storyboard.
Private Sub resumeButton_Clicked(sender As Object, args As RoutedEventArgs)
End Sub
' Advances the storyboard to its fill period.
Private Sub skipToFillButton_Clicked(sender As Object, args As RoutedEventArgs)
End Sub
' Updates the storyboard's speed.
Private Sub setSpeedRatioButton_Clicked(sender As Object, args As RoutedEventArgs)
' Makes the storyboard progress three times as fast as normal.
myStoryboard.SetSpeedRatio(Me, 3)
End Sub
' Stops the storyboard.
Private Sub stopButton_Clicked(sender As Object, args As RoutedEventArgs)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
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