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Jak opakować kontrolkę formularzy systemu Windows przy użyciu ToolStripControlHost

ToolStripControlHost została zaprojektowana tak, aby umożliwić hostowanie dowolnych kontrolek windows Forms przy użyciu konstruktora ToolStripControlHost lub przez rozszerzenie samego ToolStripControlHost. Łatwiej jest opakowować kontrolkę, rozszerzając ToolStripControlHost i implementując właściwości i metody, które uwidaczniają często używane właściwości i metody kontrolki. Możesz również udostępnić zdarzenia dla kontrolki na poziomie ToolStripControlHost.

Aby umieścić kontrolkę w obiekcie ToolStripControlHost poprzez dziedziczenie

  1. Rozszerz ToolStripControlHost. Zaimplementuj konstruktor bez parametrów, który wywołuje konstruktor klasy bazowej, przekazując żądany obiekt sterujący.

    // Call the base constructor passing in a MonthCalendar instance.
    ToolStripMonthCalendar() : ToolStripControlHost( gcnew MonthCalendar ) {}
    // Call the base constructor passing in a MonthCalendar instance.
    public ToolStripMonthCalendar() : base (new MonthCalendar()) { }
    ' Call the base constructor passing in a MonthCalendar instance.
    Public Sub New() 
        MyBase.New(New MonthCalendar())
    End Sub
  2. Zadeklaruj właściwość tego samego typu co opakowana kontrolka i zwróć Control jako prawidłowy typ kontrolki w akcesorze właściwości.

    property MonthCalendar^ MonthCalendarControl 
       MonthCalendar^ get()
          return static_cast<MonthCalendar^>(Control);
    public MonthCalendar MonthCalendarControl
            return Control as MonthCalendar;
    Public ReadOnly Property MonthCalendarControl() As MonthCalendar 
            Return CType(Control, MonthCalendar)
        End Get
    End Property
  3. Uwidacznia inne często używane właściwości i metody kontrolki zawiniętej poprzez właściwości i metody w klasie rozszerzonej.

    property Day FirstDayOfWeek 
       // Expose the MonthCalendar.FirstDayOfWeek as a property.
       Day get()
          return MonthCalendarControl->FirstDayOfWeek;
       void set( Day value )
          MonthCalendarControl->FirstDayOfWeek = value;
    // Expose the AddBoldedDate method.
    void AddBoldedDate( DateTime dateToBold )
       MonthCalendarControl->AddBoldedDate( dateToBold );
    // Expose the MonthCalendar.FirstDayOfWeek as a property.
    public Day FirstDayOfWeek
            return MonthCalendarControl.FirstDayOfWeek;
        set { MonthCalendarControl.FirstDayOfWeek = value; }
    // Expose the AddBoldedDate method.
    public void AddBoldedDate(DateTime dateToBold)
    ' Expose the MonthCalendar.FirstDayOfWeek as a property.
    Public Property FirstDayOfWeek() As Day 
            Return MonthCalendarControl.FirstDayOfWeek
        End Get
            MonthCalendarControl.FirstDayOfWeek = value
        End Set
    End Property
    ' Expose the AddBoldedDate method.
    Public Sub AddBoldedDate(ByVal dateToBold As DateTime) 
    End Sub
  4. Opcjonalnie przesłoń metody OnSubscribeControlEventsi OnUnsubscribeControlEvents i dodaj zdarzenia sterujące, które chcesz uwidocznić.

    void OnSubscribeControlEvents( System::Windows::Forms::Control^ c )
       // Call the base so the base events are connected.
       __super::OnSubscribeControlEvents( c );
       // Cast the control to a MonthCalendar control.
       MonthCalendar^ monthCalendarControl = (MonthCalendar^)c;
       // Add the event.
       monthCalendarControl->DateChanged += gcnew DateRangeEventHandler( this, &ToolStripMonthCalendar::HandleDateChanged );
    void OnUnsubscribeControlEvents( System::Windows::Forms::Control^ c )
       // Call the base method so the basic events are unsubscribed.
       __super::OnUnsubscribeControlEvents( c );
       // Cast the control to a MonthCalendar control.
       MonthCalendar^ monthCalendarControl = (MonthCalendar^)c;
       // Remove the event.
       monthCalendarControl->DateChanged -= gcnew DateRangeEventHandler( this, &ToolStripMonthCalendar::HandleDateChanged );
    protected override void OnSubscribeControlEvents(Control c)
        // Call the base so the base events are connected.
        // Cast the control to a MonthCalendar control.
        MonthCalendar monthCalendarControl = (MonthCalendar) c;
        // Add the event.
        monthCalendarControl.DateChanged +=
            new DateRangeEventHandler(OnDateChanged);
    protected override void OnUnsubscribeControlEvents(Control c)
        // Call the base method so the basic events are unsubscribed.
        // Cast the control to a MonthCalendar control.
        MonthCalendar monthCalendarControl = (MonthCalendar) c;
        // Remove the event.
        monthCalendarControl.DateChanged -=
            new DateRangeEventHandler(OnDateChanged);
    Protected Overrides Sub OnSubscribeControlEvents(ByVal c As Control) 
        ' Call the base so the base events are connected.
        ' Cast the control to a MonthCalendar control.
        Dim monthCalendarControl As MonthCalendar = _
            CType(c, MonthCalendar)
        ' Add the event.
        AddHandler monthCalendarControl.DateChanged, _
            AddressOf HandleDateChanged
    End Sub
    Protected Overrides Sub OnUnsubscribeControlEvents(ByVal c As Control)
        ' Call the base method so the basic events are unsubscribed.
        ' Cast the control to a MonthCalendar control.
        Dim monthCalendarControl As MonthCalendar = _
            CType(c, MonthCalendar)
        ' Remove the event.
        RemoveHandler monthCalendarControl.DateChanged, _
            AddressOf HandleDateChanged
    End Sub
  5. Podaj niezbędne opakowanie dla zdarzeń, które chcesz udostępnić.

    // Declare the DateChanged event.
    // Raise the DateChanged event.
    void HandleDateChanged( Object^ sender, DateRangeEventArgs^ e )
       if ( DateChanged != nullptr )
          DateChanged( this, e );
    // Declare the DateChanged event.
    public event DateRangeEventHandler DateChanged;
    // Raise the DateChanged event.
    private void OnDateChanged(object sender, DateRangeEventArgs e)
        if (DateChanged != null)
            DateChanged(this, e);
        ' Declare the DateChanged event.
        Public Event DateChanged As DateRangeEventHandler
        ' Raise the DateChanged event.
        Private Sub HandleDateChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _
            ByVal e As DateRangeEventArgs)
            RaiseEvent DateChanged(Me, e)
        End Sub
    End Class


//Declare a class that inherits from ToolStripControlHost.
public ref class ToolStripMonthCalendar: public ToolStripControlHost
   // Call the base constructor passing in a MonthCalendar instance.
   ToolStripMonthCalendar() : ToolStripControlHost( gcnew MonthCalendar ) {}

   property MonthCalendar^ MonthCalendarControl 
      MonthCalendar^ get()
         return static_cast<MonthCalendar^>(Control);
   property Day FirstDayOfWeek 
      // Expose the MonthCalendar.FirstDayOfWeek as a property.
      Day get()
         return MonthCalendarControl->FirstDayOfWeek;

      void set( Day value )
         MonthCalendarControl->FirstDayOfWeek = value;

   // Expose the AddBoldedDate method.
   void AddBoldedDate( DateTime dateToBold )
      MonthCalendarControl->AddBoldedDate( dateToBold );

   // Subscribe and unsubscribe the control events you wish to expose.
   void OnSubscribeControlEvents( System::Windows::Forms::Control^ c )
      // Call the base so the base events are connected.
      __super::OnSubscribeControlEvents( c );
      // Cast the control to a MonthCalendar control.
      MonthCalendar^ monthCalendarControl = (MonthCalendar^)c;
      // Add the event.
      monthCalendarControl->DateChanged += gcnew DateRangeEventHandler( this, &ToolStripMonthCalendar::HandleDateChanged );

   void OnUnsubscribeControlEvents( System::Windows::Forms::Control^ c )
      // Call the base method so the basic events are unsubscribed.
      __super::OnUnsubscribeControlEvents( c );
      // Cast the control to a MonthCalendar control.
      MonthCalendar^ monthCalendarControl = (MonthCalendar^)c;
      // Remove the event.
      monthCalendarControl->DateChanged -= gcnew DateRangeEventHandler( this, &ToolStripMonthCalendar::HandleDateChanged );

   event DateRangeEventHandler^ DateChanged;

   // Declare the DateChanged event.
   // Raise the DateChanged event.
   void HandleDateChanged( Object^ sender, DateRangeEventArgs^ e )
      if ( DateChanged != nullptr )
         DateChanged( this, e );
//Declare a class that inherits from ToolStripControlHost.
public class ToolStripMonthCalendar : ToolStripControlHost
    // Call the base constructor passing in a MonthCalendar instance.
    public ToolStripMonthCalendar() : base (new MonthCalendar()) { }

    public MonthCalendar MonthCalendarControl
            return Control as MonthCalendar;

    // Expose the MonthCalendar.FirstDayOfWeek as a property.
    public Day FirstDayOfWeek
            return MonthCalendarControl.FirstDayOfWeek;
        set { MonthCalendarControl.FirstDayOfWeek = value; }

    // Expose the AddBoldedDate method.
    public void AddBoldedDate(DateTime dateToBold)

    // Subscribe and unsubscribe the control events you wish to expose.
    protected override void OnSubscribeControlEvents(Control c)
        // Call the base so the base events are connected.

        // Cast the control to a MonthCalendar control.
        MonthCalendar monthCalendarControl = (MonthCalendar) c;

        // Add the event.
        monthCalendarControl.DateChanged +=
            new DateRangeEventHandler(OnDateChanged);

    protected override void OnUnsubscribeControlEvents(Control c)
        // Call the base method so the basic events are unsubscribed.

        // Cast the control to a MonthCalendar control.
        MonthCalendar monthCalendarControl = (MonthCalendar) c;

        // Remove the event.
        monthCalendarControl.DateChanged -=
            new DateRangeEventHandler(OnDateChanged);

    // Declare the DateChanged event.
    public event DateRangeEventHandler DateChanged;

    // Raise the DateChanged event.
    private void OnDateChanged(object sender, DateRangeEventArgs e)
        if (DateChanged != null)
            DateChanged(this, e);
'Declare a class that inherits from ToolStripControlHost.

Public Class ToolStripMonthCalendar
    Inherits ToolStripControlHost
    ' Call the base constructor passing in a MonthCalendar instance.
    Public Sub New() 
        MyBase.New(New MonthCalendar())
    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property MonthCalendarControl() As MonthCalendar 
            Return CType(Control, MonthCalendar)
        End Get
    End Property

    ' Expose the MonthCalendar.FirstDayOfWeek as a property.
    Public Property FirstDayOfWeek() As Day 
            Return MonthCalendarControl.FirstDayOfWeek
        End Get
            MonthCalendarControl.FirstDayOfWeek = value
        End Set
    End Property
    ' Expose the AddBoldedDate method.
    Public Sub AddBoldedDate(ByVal dateToBold As DateTime) 
    End Sub

    ' Subscribe and unsubscribe the control events you wish to expose.
    Protected Overrides Sub OnSubscribeControlEvents(ByVal c As Control) 

        ' Call the base so the base events are connected.
        ' Cast the control to a MonthCalendar control.
        Dim monthCalendarControl As MonthCalendar = _
            CType(c, MonthCalendar)

        ' Add the event.
        AddHandler monthCalendarControl.DateChanged, _
            AddressOf HandleDateChanged
    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub OnUnsubscribeControlEvents(ByVal c As Control)
        ' Call the base method so the basic events are unsubscribed.

        ' Cast the control to a MonthCalendar control.
        Dim monthCalendarControl As MonthCalendar = _
            CType(c, MonthCalendar)

        ' Remove the event.
        RemoveHandler monthCalendarControl.DateChanged, _
            AddressOf HandleDateChanged

    End Sub

    ' Declare the DateChanged event.
    Public Event DateChanged As DateRangeEventHandler

    ' Raise the DateChanged event.
    Private Sub HandleDateChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As DateRangeEventArgs)

        RaiseEvent DateChanged(Me, e)
    End Sub
End Class

Kompilowanie kodu

Ten przykład wymaga:

  • Odwołania do zestawów System i System.Windows.Forms.

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