Instrukcje: Tworzenie podstawowego kanału informacyjnego RSS
Program Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) umożliwia utworzenie usługi, która uwidacznia źródło danych syndykacji. W tym temacie omówiono sposób tworzenia usługi syndykacji, która uwidacznia źródło danych syndykacji RSS.
Aby utworzyć podstawową usługę syndykacji
Zdefiniuj kontrakt usługi przy użyciu interfejsu oznaczonego atrybutem WebGetAttribute . Każda operacja uwidoczniona jako źródło danych syndykacji powinna zwrócić Rss20FeedFormatter obiekt.
[ServiceContract] public interface IBlog { [OperationContract] [WebGet] Rss20FeedFormatter GetBlog(); }
<ServiceContract()> _ Public Interface IBlog <OperationContract()> _ <WebGet> _ Function GetBlog() As Rss20FeedFormatter End Interface
Wszystkie operacje usługi, które stosują WebGetAttribute atrybut, są mapowane na żądania HTTP GET. Aby zamapować operację na inną metodę HTTP, użyj metody WebInvokeAttribute . Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, zobacz How to: Create a Basic WCF Web HTTP Service (Jak utworzyć podstawową usługę HTTP sieci Web WCF).
Zaimplementuj kontrakt usługi.
public class BlogService : IBlog { public Rss20FeedFormatter GetBlog() { SyndicationFeed feed = new SyndicationFeed("My Blog Feed", "This is a test feed", new Uri("http://SomeURI")); feed.Authors.Add(new SyndicationPerson("")); feed.Categories.Add(new SyndicationCategory("How To Sample Code")); feed.Description = new TextSyndicationContent("This is a how to sample that demonstrates how to expose a feed using RSS with WCF"); SyndicationItem item1 = new SyndicationItem( "Item One", "This is the content for item one", new Uri("http://localhost/Content/One"), "ItemOneID", DateTime.Now); SyndicationItem item2 = new SyndicationItem( "Item Two", "This is the content for item two", new Uri("http://localhost/Content/Two"), "ItemTwoID", DateTime.Now); SyndicationItem item3 = new SyndicationItem( "Item Three", "This is the content for item three", new Uri("http://localhost/Content/three"), "ItemThreeID", DateTime.Now); List<SyndicationItem> items = new List<SyndicationItem>(); items.Add(item1); items.Add(item2); items.Add(item3); feed.Items = items; return new Rss20FeedFormatter(feed); } }
Public Class BlogService Implements IBlog Public Function GetBlog() As Rss20FeedFormatter Implements IBlog.GetBlog Dim feed As SyndicationFeed = New SyndicationFeed("My Blog Feed", "This is a test feed", New Uri("http://SomeURI")) feed.Authors.Add(New SyndicationPerson("")) feed.Categories.Add(New SyndicationCategory("How To Sample Code")) feed.Description = New TextSyndicationContent("This is a how to sample that demonstrates how to expose a feed using RSS with WCF") Dim item1 As SyndicationItem = New SyndicationItem( _ "Item One", _ "This is the content for item one", _ New Uri("http://localhost/Content/One"), _ "ItemOneID", _ DateTime.Now) Dim item2 As SyndicationItem = New SyndicationItem( _ "Item Two", _ "This is the content for item two", _ New Uri("http://localhost/Content/Two"), _ "ItemTwoID", _ DateTime.Now) Dim item3 As SyndicationItem = New SyndicationItem( _ "Item Three", _ "This is the content for item three", _ New Uri("http://localhost/Content/three"), _ "ItemThreeID", _ DateTime.Now) Dim items As New List(Of SyndicationItem)() items.Add(item1) items.Add(item2) items.Add(item3) feed.Items = items Return New Rss20FeedFormatter(feed) End Function End Class
Utwórz obiekt i dodaj autora, kategorię SyndicationFeed i opis.
SyndicationFeed feed = new SyndicationFeed("My Blog Feed", "This is a test feed", new Uri("http://SomeURI")); feed.Authors.Add(new SyndicationPerson("")); feed.Categories.Add(new SyndicationCategory("How To Sample Code")); feed.Description = new TextSyndicationContent("This is a how to sample that demonstrates how to expose a feed using RSS with WCF");
Dim feed As SyndicationFeed = New SyndicationFeed("My Blog Feed", "This is a test feed", New Uri("http://SomeURI")) feed.Authors.Add(New SyndicationPerson("")) feed.Categories.Add(New SyndicationCategory("How To Sample Code")) feed.Description = New TextSyndicationContent("This is a how to sample that demonstrates how to expose a feed using RSS with WCF")
Utwórz kilka SyndicationItem obiektów.
SyndicationItem item1 = new SyndicationItem( "Item One", "This is the content for item one", new Uri("http://localhost/Content/One"), "ItemOneID", DateTime.Now); SyndicationItem item2 = new SyndicationItem( "Item Two", "This is the content for item two", new Uri("http://localhost/Content/Two"), "ItemTwoID", DateTime.Now); SyndicationItem item3 = new SyndicationItem( "Item Three", "This is the content for item three", new Uri("http://localhost/Content/three"), "ItemThreeID", DateTime.Now);
Dim item1 As SyndicationItem = New SyndicationItem( _ "Item One", _ "This is the content for item one", _ New Uri("http://localhost/Content/One"), _ "ItemOneID", _ DateTime.Now) Dim item2 As SyndicationItem = New SyndicationItem( _ "Item Two", _ "This is the content for item two", _ New Uri("http://localhost/Content/Two"), _ "ItemTwoID", _ DateTime.Now) Dim item3 As SyndicationItem = New SyndicationItem( _ "Item Three", _ "This is the content for item three", _ New Uri("http://localhost/Content/three"), _ "ItemThreeID", _ DateTime.Now)
Dodaj element SyndicationItem do kanału informacyjnego.
List<SyndicationItem> items = new List<SyndicationItem>(); items.Add(item1); items.Add(item2); items.Add(item3); feed.Items = items;
Dim items As New List(Of SyndicationItem)() items.Add(item1) items.Add(item2) items.Add(item3) feed.Items = items
Zwróć źródło danych.
return new Rss20FeedFormatter(feed);
Return New Rss20FeedFormatter(feed)
Aby hostować usługę
Utwórz WebServiceHost obiekt.
Uri baseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8000/BlogService"); WebServiceHost svcHost = new WebServiceHost(typeof(BlogService), baseAddress);
Dim baseAddress As New Uri("http://localhost:8000/BlogService") Dim svcHost As New WebServiceHost(GetType(BlogService), baseAddress)
Otwórz hosta usługi i zaczekaj na naciśnięcie klawisza ENTER przez użytkownika.
svcHost.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Service is running"); XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create("http://localhost:8000/BlogService/GetBlog"); SyndicationFeed feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader); Console.WriteLine(feed.Title.Text); Console.WriteLine("Items:"); foreach (SyndicationItem item in feed.Items) { Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}", item.Title.Text); Console.WriteLine("Summary: {0}", ((TextSyndicationContent)item.Summary).Text); } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to quit..."); Console.ReadLine(); svcHost.Close();
svcHost.Open() Console.WriteLine("Service is running") Dim reader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create("http://localhost:8000/BlogService/GetBlog") Dim feed As SyndicationFeed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader) Console.WriteLine(feed.Title.Text) Console.WriteLine("Items:") For Each item As SyndicationItem In feed.Items Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}", item.Title.Text) Console.WriteLine("Summary: {0}", item.Summary.Text) Next Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to quit...") Console.ReadLine() svcHost.Close()
Aby wywołać metodę GetBlog() przy użyciu metody HTTP GET
- W przeglądarce internetowej przejdź do następującego adresu URL:
. Adres URL zawiera podstawowy adres usługi (http://localhost:8000/BlogService
), względny adres punktu końcowego oraz operację usługi do wywołania.
Aby wywołać metodę GetBlog() z kodu
Utwórz element XmlReader przy użyciu adresu podstawowego i wywoływanej metody.
Uri serviceAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8000/BlogService/GetBlog");
Dim serviceAddress As New Uri("http://localhost:8000/BlogService/GetBlog")
Wywołaj metodę statyczną Load(XmlReader) , przekazując właśnie utworzoną metodę XmlReader .
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create("http://localhost:8000/BlogService/GetBlog"); SyndicationFeed feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader);
Dim reader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create("http://localhost:8000/BlogService/GetBlog") Dim feed As SyndicationFeed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader)
Spowoduje to wywołanie operacji usługi i wypełnienie nowego SyndicationFeed formaterem zwróconym z operacji usługi.
Uzyskaj dostęp do obiektu kanału informacyjnego.
Console.WriteLine(feed.Title.Text); Console.WriteLine("Items:"); foreach (SyndicationItem item in feed.Items) { Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}", item.Title.Text); Console.WriteLine("Summary: {0}", ((TextSyndicationContent)item.Summary).Text); }
Console.WriteLine(feed.Title.Text) Console.WriteLine("Items:") For Each item As SyndicationItem In feed.Items Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}", item.Title.Text) Console.WriteLine("Summary: {0}", item.Summary.Text) Next
Poniżej znajduje się pełna lista kodu dla tego przykładu.
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using System.ServiceModel.Syndication;
using System.ServiceModel.Web;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Service
public interface IBlog
Rss20FeedFormatter GetBlog();
public class BlogService : IBlog
public Rss20FeedFormatter GetBlog()
SyndicationFeed feed = new SyndicationFeed("My Blog Feed", "This is a test feed", new Uri("http://SomeURI"));
feed.Authors.Add(new SyndicationPerson(""));
feed.Categories.Add(new SyndicationCategory("How To Sample Code"));
feed.Description = new TextSyndicationContent("This is a how to sample that demonstrates how to expose a feed using RSS with WCF");
SyndicationItem item1 = new SyndicationItem(
"Item One",
"This is the content for item one",
new Uri("http://localhost/Content/One"),
SyndicationItem item2 = new SyndicationItem(
"Item Two",
"This is the content for item two",
new Uri("http://localhost/Content/Two"),
SyndicationItem item3 = new SyndicationItem(
"Item Three",
"This is the content for item three",
new Uri("http://localhost/Content/three"),
List<SyndicationItem> items = new List<SyndicationItem>();
feed.Items = items;
return new Rss20FeedFormatter(feed);
public class Host
static void Main(string[] args)
Uri baseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8000/BlogService");
WebServiceHost svcHost = new WebServiceHost(typeof(BlogService), baseAddress);
Console.WriteLine("Service is running");
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create("http://localhost:8000/BlogService/GetBlog");
SyndicationFeed feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader);
foreach (SyndicationItem item in feed.Items)
Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}", item.Title.Text);
Console.WriteLine("Summary: {0}", ((TextSyndicationContent)item.Summary).Text);
Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to quit...");
catch (CommunicationException ce)
Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred: {0}", ce.Message);
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.ServiceModel
Imports System.ServiceModel.Description
Imports System.ServiceModel.Syndication
Imports System.ServiceModel.Web
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Imports System.Collections.Generic
<ServiceContract()> _
Public Interface IBlog
<OperationContract()> _
<WebGet> _
Function GetBlog() As Rss20FeedFormatter
End Interface
Public Class BlogService
Implements IBlog
Public Function GetBlog() As Rss20FeedFormatter Implements IBlog.GetBlog
Dim feed As SyndicationFeed = New SyndicationFeed("My Blog Feed", "This is a test feed", New Uri("http://SomeURI"))
feed.Authors.Add(New SyndicationPerson(""))
feed.Categories.Add(New SyndicationCategory("How To Sample Code"))
feed.Description = New TextSyndicationContent("This is a how to sample that demonstrates how to expose a feed using RSS with WCF")
Dim item1 As SyndicationItem = New SyndicationItem( _
"Item One", _
"This is the content for item one", _
New Uri("http://localhost/Content/One"), _
"ItemOneID", _
Dim item2 As SyndicationItem = New SyndicationItem( _
"Item Two", _
"This is the content for item two", _
New Uri("http://localhost/Content/Two"), _
"ItemTwoID", _
Dim item3 As SyndicationItem = New SyndicationItem( _
"Item Three", _
"This is the content for item three", _
New Uri("http://localhost/Content/three"), _
"ItemThreeID", _
Dim items As New List(Of SyndicationItem)()
feed.Items = items
Return New Rss20FeedFormatter(feed)
End Function
End Class
Module Program
Sub Main()
Dim baseAddress As New Uri("http://localhost:8000/BlogService")
Dim svcHost As New WebServiceHost(GetType(BlogService), baseAddress)
Console.WriteLine("Service is running")
Dim reader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create("http://localhost:8000/BlogService/GetBlog")
Dim feed As SyndicationFeed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader)
For Each item As SyndicationItem In feed.Items
Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}", item.Title.Text)
Console.WriteLine("Summary: {0}", item.Summary.Text)
Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to quit...")
Catch ce As CommunicationException
Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred: {0}", ce.Message)
End Try
End Sub
End Module
Kompilowanie kodu
Podczas kompilowania poprzedniego kodu należy odwołać się do System.ServiceModel.dll i System.ServiceModel.Web.dll.