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Jak animować obiekt na ścieżce (animacja punktu)

W tym przykładzie pokazano, jak za pomocą PointAnimationUsingPath obiektu animować Point wzdłuż zakrzywionej ścieżki.


Poniższy przykład przenosi element EllipseGeometry wzdłuż ścieżki zdefiniowanej przez element PathGeometry. Właściwość geometrii Center wielokropka, która przyjmuje Point wartość, określa jego położenie; aby przenieść geometrię wielokropka, animujesz jej Center właściwość. W tym przykładzie użyto obiektu do PointAnimationUsingPath animowania EllipseGeometry właściwości obiektu Center .

  <Canvas Width="400" Height="400">
    <Path Fill="Blue" Margin="15,15,15,15">

        <!-- The EllipseGemetry specifies the shape and position of the Ellipse. The
        Center property is animated, causing the Ellipse to animate across the screen-->
        <EllipseGeometry x:Name="MyAnimatedEllipseGeometry"
          Center="10,100" RadiusX="15" RadiusY="15" />
        <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Path.Loaded">
          <BeginStoryboard Name="MyBeginStoryboard">
              <!-- Animates the ellipse along the path. -->
                RepeatBehavior="Forever" >
                    Figures="M 10,100 C 35,0 135,0 160,100 180,190 285,200 310,100"
                    PresentationOptions:Freeze="True" />
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;

namespace SDKSample

    public class PointAnimationUsingPathExample : Page

        public PointAnimationUsingPathExample()

            // Create a NameScope for the page so that
            // we can use Storyboards.
            NameScope.SetNameScope(this, new NameScope());

            // Create the EllipseGeometry to animate.
            EllipseGeometry animatedEllipseGeometry =
                new EllipseGeometry(new Point(10, 100), 15, 15);

            // Register the EllipseGeometry's name with
            // the page so that it can be targeted by a
            // storyboard.
            this.RegisterName("AnimatedEllipseGeometry", animatedEllipseGeometry);

            // Create a Path element to display the geometry.
            Path ellipsePath = new Path();
            ellipsePath.Data = animatedEllipseGeometry;
            ellipsePath.Fill = Brushes.Blue;
            ellipsePath.Margin = new Thickness(15);

            // Create a Canvas to contain ellipsePath
            // and add it to the page.
            Canvas mainPanel = new Canvas();
            mainPanel.Width = 400;
            mainPanel.Height = 400;
            this.Content = mainPanel;

            // Create the animation path.
            PathGeometry animationPath = new PathGeometry();
            PathFigure pFigure = new PathFigure();
            pFigure.StartPoint = new Point(10, 100);
            PolyBezierSegment pBezierSegment = new PolyBezierSegment();
            pBezierSegment.Points.Add(new Point(35, 0));
            pBezierSegment.Points.Add(new Point(135, 0));
            pBezierSegment.Points.Add(new Point(160, 100));
            pBezierSegment.Points.Add(new Point(180, 190));
            pBezierSegment.Points.Add(new Point(285, 200));
            pBezierSegment.Points.Add(new Point(310, 100));

            // Freeze the PathGeometry for performance benefits.

            // Create a PointAnimationgUsingPath to move
            // the EllipseGeometry along the animation path.
            PointAnimationUsingPath centerPointAnimation =
                new PointAnimationUsingPath();
            centerPointAnimation.PathGeometry = animationPath;
            centerPointAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
            centerPointAnimation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;

            // Set the animation to target the Center property
            // of the EllipseGeometry named "AnimatedEllipseGeometry".
            Storyboard.SetTargetName(centerPointAnimation, "AnimatedEllipseGeometry");
                new PropertyPath(EllipseGeometry.CenterProperty));

            // Create a Storyboard to contain and apply the animation.
            Storyboard pathAnimationStoryboard = new Storyboard();
            pathAnimationStoryboard.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
            pathAnimationStoryboard.AutoReverse = true;

            // Start the Storyboard when ellipsePath is loaded.
            ellipsePath.Loaded += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                // Start the storyboard.

Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Media
Imports System.Windows.Media.Animation
Imports System.Windows.Navigation
Imports System.Windows.Shapes

Namespace SDKSample

    Public Class PointAnimationUsingPathExample
        Inherits Page

        Public Sub New()

            ' Create a NameScope for the page so that
            ' we can use Storyboards.
            NameScope.SetNameScope(Me, New NameScope())

            ' Create the EllipseGeometry to animate.
            Dim animatedEllipseGeometry As New EllipseGeometry(New Point(10, 100), 15, 15)

            ' Register the EllipseGeometry's name with
            ' the page so that it can be targeted by a
            ' storyboard.
            Me.RegisterName("AnimatedEllipseGeometry", animatedEllipseGeometry)

            ' Create a Path element to display the geometry.
            Dim ellipsePath As New Path()
            ellipsePath.Data = animatedEllipseGeometry
            ellipsePath.Fill = Brushes.Blue
            ellipsePath.Margin = New Thickness(15)

            ' Create a Canvas to contain ellipsePath
            ' and add it to the page.
            Dim mainPanel As New Canvas()
            mainPanel.Width = 400
            mainPanel.Height = 400
            Me.Content = mainPanel

            ' Create the animation path.
            Dim animationPath As New PathGeometry()
            Dim pFigure As New PathFigure()
            pFigure.StartPoint = New Point(10, 100)
            Dim pBezierSegment As New PolyBezierSegment()
            pBezierSegment.Points.Add(New Point(35, 0))
            pBezierSegment.Points.Add(New Point(135, 0))
            pBezierSegment.Points.Add(New Point(160, 100))
            pBezierSegment.Points.Add(New Point(180, 190))
            pBezierSegment.Points.Add(New Point(285, 200))
            pBezierSegment.Points.Add(New Point(310, 100))

            ' Freeze the PathGeometry for performance benefits.

            ' Create a PointAnimationgUsingPath to move
            ' the EllipseGeometry along the animation path.
            Dim centerPointAnimation As New PointAnimationUsingPath()
            centerPointAnimation.PathGeometry = animationPath
            centerPointAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)
            centerPointAnimation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever

            ' Set the animation to target the Center property
            ' of the EllipseGeometry named "AnimatedEllipseGeometry".
            Storyboard.SetTargetName(centerPointAnimation, "AnimatedEllipseGeometry")
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(centerPointAnimation, New PropertyPath(EllipseGeometry.CenterProperty))

            ' Create a Storyboard to contain and apply the animation.
            Dim pathAnimationStoryboard As New Storyboard()
            pathAnimationStoryboard.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever
            pathAnimationStoryboard.AutoReverse = True

            ' Start the Storyboard when ellipsePath is loaded.
            AddHandler ellipsePath.Loaded, Sub(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) pathAnimationStoryboard.Begin(Me)
        End Sub

    End Class

End Namespace

Pełny przykład można znaleźć w temacie Path Animation Sample (Przykład animacji ścieżki).

Wersja kodu poprzedniego przykładu używa elementu do Storyboard animowania EllipseGeometryelementu , mimo że zastosowano tylko jedną animację. A Storyboard jest często najprostszym sposobem zastosowania wielu animacji, ponieważ te animacje mogą być kontrolowane przez ten sam Storyboardelement . Jednak łatwiejszym sposobem zastosowania pojedynczej animacji do właściwości w przypadku używania kodu jest użycie BeginAnimation metody . Aby zapoznać się z przykładem, zobacz Animowanie właściwości bez używania scenorysu.

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