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ModuleBuilder.DefineManifestResource Metoda


Definiuje binarny duży obiekt (BLOB), który reprezentuje zasób manifestu, który ma zostać osadzony w zestawie dynamicznym.

 void DefineManifestResource(System::String ^ name, System::IO::Stream ^ stream, System::Reflection::ResourceAttributes attribute);
public void DefineManifestResource(string name, System.IO.Stream stream, System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes attribute);
member this.DefineManifestResource : string * System.IO.Stream * System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes -> unit
Public Sub DefineManifestResource (name As String, stream As Stream, attribute As ResourceAttributes)



Nazwa zasobu uwzględniana w wielkości liter.


Strumień zawierający bajty zasobu.


Wartość wyliczenia określająca, czy zasób jest publiczny, czy prywatny.


name to null.


stream to null.

name jest ciągiem o zerowej długości.

Zestaw dynamiczny zawierający bieżący moduł jest przejściowy; oznacza to, że podczas wywoływanej nazwy nie określono DefineDynamicModule(String, String) nazwy pliku.


Poniższy przykład generuje i zapisuje zestaw dynamiczny o nazwie EmittedManifestResourceAssembly.exe, który zawiera osadzony zasób niezarządzany. W przykładzie tworzony jest zestaw składający się z jednego modułu i otwiera strumień pamięci zawierający niezarządzany zasób. Następnie kod wywołuje metodę DefineManifestResource , aby zdefiniować zasób.


Możesz użyć dowolnego rodzaju strumienia dla zasobu; na przykład można odczytać niezarządzane dane binarne z pliku.

Przykład definiuje typ w module dynamicznym Main za pomocą metody i generuje MSIL dla treści metody. Po wygenerowaniu treści metody i utworzeniu Main typu przykład kodu zapisuje pięć bajtów do strumienia skojarzonego z zasobem manifestu. Po zapisaniu zestawu zasób jest dołączany do niego.

Po uruchomieniu przykładu można uruchomić emitowany zestaw. Kod w metodzie emitowanego zestawu Main odczytuje osadzony zasób manifestu i wyświetla wartości bajtów w konsoli. Aby wyświetlić informacje w manifeście zestawu, można użyć Ildasm.exe (dezasembler IL ).

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.IO;

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        // Define a dynamic assembly with one module. The module
        // name and the assembly name are the same.
        AssemblyName asmName =
            new AssemblyName("EmittedManifestResourceAssembly");
        AssemblyBuilder asmBuilder =
        ModuleBuilder modBuilder = asmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(
            asmName.Name + ".exe"

        // Create a memory stream for the unmanaged resource data.
        // You can use any stream; for example, you might read the
        // unmanaged resource data from a binary file. It is not
        // necessary to put any data into the stream right now.
        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(1024);

        // Define a public manifest resource with the name
        // "MyBinaryData, and associate it with the memory stream.

        // Create a type with a public static Main method that will
        // be the entry point for the emitted assembly.
        // The purpose of the Main method in this example is to read
        // the manifest resource and display it, byte by byte.
        TypeBuilder tb = modBuilder.DefineType("Example");
        MethodBuilder main = tb.DefineMethod("Main",
            MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static

        // The Main method uses the Assembly type and the Stream
        // type.
        Type asm = typeof(Assembly);
        Type str = typeof(Stream);

        // Get MethodInfo objects for the methods called by
        // Main.
        MethodInfo getEx = asm.GetMethod("GetExecutingAssembly");
        // Use the overload of GetManifestResourceStream that
        // takes one argument, a string.
        MethodInfo getMRS = asm.GetMethod(
            new Type[] {typeof(string)}
        MethodInfo rByte = str.GetMethod("ReadByte");
        // Use the overload of WriteLine that writes an Int32.
        MethodInfo write = typeof(Console).GetMethod(
            new Type[] {typeof(int)}

        ILGenerator ilg = main.GetILGenerator();

        // Main uses two local variables: the instance of the
        // stream returned by GetManifestResourceStream, and
        // the value returned by ReadByte. The load and store
        // instructions refer to these locals by position
        // (0 and 1).
        LocalBuilder s = ilg.DeclareLocal(str);
        LocalBuilder b = ilg.DeclareLocal(typeof(int));

        // Call the static Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() method,
        // which leaves the assembly instance on the stack. Push the
        // string name of the resource on the stack, and call the
        // GetManifestResourceStream(string) method of the assembly
        // instance.
        ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, getEx, null);
        ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "MyBinaryData");
        ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, getMRS, null);

        // Store the Stream instance.

        // Create a label, and associate it with this point
        // in the emitted code.
        Label loop = ilg.DefineLabel();

        // Load the Stream instance onto the stack, and call
        // its ReadByte method. The return value is on the
        // stack now; store it in location 1 (variable b).
        ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, rByte, null);

        // Load the value on the stack again, and call the
        // WriteLine method to print it.
        ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, write, null);

        // Load the value one more time; load -1 (minus one)
        // and compare the two values. If return value from
        // ReadByte was not -1, branch to the label 'loop'.
        ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse_S, loop);

        // When all the bytes in the stream have been read,
        // return. This is the end of Main.

        // Create the type "Example" in the dynamic assembly.

        // Because the manifest resource was added as an open
        // stream, the data can be written at any time, right up
        // until the assembly is saved. In this case, the data
        // consists of five bytes.
        ms.Write(new byte[] { 105, 36, 74, 97, 109 }, 0, 5);

        // Set the Main method as the entry point for the
        // assembly, and save the assembly. The manifest resource
        // is read from the memory stream, and appended to the
        // end of the assembly. You can open the assembly with
        // Ildasm and view the resource header for "MyBinaryData".
    asmBuilder.Save(asmName.Name + ".exe");

        Console.WriteLine("Now run EmittedManifestResourceAssembly.exe");

/* This code example doesn't produce any output. The assembly it
   emits, EmittedManifestResourceAssembly.exe, produces the following


Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit
Imports System.IO

Public Class Example
    Public Shared Sub Main() 

        ' Define a dynamic assembly with one module. The module
        ' name and the assembly name are the same.
        Dim asmName As New AssemblyName("EmittedManifestResourceAssembly")
        Dim asmBuilder As AssemblyBuilder = _
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly( _
                asmName, _
                AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave _
        Dim modBuilder As ModuleBuilder = _
            asmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule( _
                asmName.Name, _
                asmName.Name + ".exe" _
        ' Create a memory stream for the unmanaged resource data.
        ' You can use any stream; for example, you might read the
        ' unmanaged resource data from a binary file. It is not
        ' necessary to put any data into the stream right now.
        Dim ms As New MemoryStream(1024)
        ' Define a public manifest resource with the name 
        ' "MyBinaryData, and associate it with the memory stream.
        modBuilder.DefineManifestResource( _
            "MyBinaryData", _
            ms, _
            ResourceAttributes.Public _
        ' Create a type with a public static Main method that will
        ' be the entry point for the emitted assembly. 
        ' The purpose of the Main method in this example is to read 
        ' the manifest resource and display it, byte by byte.
        Dim tb As TypeBuilder = modBuilder.DefineType("Example")
        Dim main As MethodBuilder = tb.DefineMethod( _
            "Main", _
            MethodAttributes.Public Or MethodAttributes.Static _
        ' The Main method uses the Assembly type and the Stream
        ' type. 
        Dim asm As Type = GetType([Assembly])
        Dim str As Type = GetType(Stream)
        ' Get MethodInfo objects for the methods called by 
        ' Main.
        Dim getEx As MethodInfo = asm.GetMethod("GetExecutingAssembly")
        ' Use the overload of GetManifestResourceStream that 
        ' takes one argument, a string.
        Dim getMRS As MethodInfo = asm.GetMethod( _
            "GetManifestResourceStream", _
            New Type() {GetType(String)} _
        Dim rByte As MethodInfo = str.GetMethod("ReadByte")
        ' Use the overload of WriteLine that writes an Int32.
        Dim write As MethodInfo = GetType(Console).GetMethod( _
            "WriteLine", _
            New Type() {GetType(Integer)} _
        Dim ilg As ILGenerator = main.GetILGenerator()
        ' Main uses two local variables: the instance of the
        ' stream returned by GetManifestResourceStream, and 
        ' the value returned by ReadByte. The load and store 
        ' instructions refer to these locals by position  
        ' (0 and 1).
        Dim s As LocalBuilder = ilg.DeclareLocal(str)
        Dim b As LocalBuilder = ilg.DeclareLocal(GetType(Integer))
        ' Call the static Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() method,
        ' which leaves the assembly instance on the stack. Push the
        ' string name of the resource on the stack, and call the
        ' GetManifestResourceStream(string) method of the assembly
        ' instance.
        ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, getEx, Nothing)
        ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "MyBinaryData")
        ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, getMRS, Nothing)
        ' Store the Stream instance.
        ' Create a label, and associate it with this point
        ' in the emitted code.
        Dim theLoop As Label = ilg.DefineLabel()
        ' Load the Stream instance onto the stack, and call
        ' its ReadByte method. The return value is on the
        ' stack now; store it in location 1 (variable b).
        ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, rByte, Nothing)
        ' Load the value on the stack again, and call the
        ' WriteLine method to print it.
        ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, write, Nothing)
        ' Load the value one more time; load -1 (minus one)  
        ' and compare the two values. If return value from
        ' ReadByte was not -1, branch to the label 'loop'.
        ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse_S, theLoop)
        ' When all the bytes in the stream have been read,
        ' return. This is the end of Main.
        ' Create the type "Example" in the dynamic assembly.
        ' Because the manifest resource was added as an open
        ' stream, the data can be written at any time, right up
        ' until the assembly is saved. In this case, the data
        ' consists of five bytes.
        ms.Write(New Byte() {105, 36, 74, 97, 109}, 0, 5)
        ' Set the Main method as the entry point for the 
        ' assembly, and save the assembly. The manifest resource
        ' is read from the memory stream, and appended to the
        ' end of the assembly. You can open the assembly with
        ' Ildasm and view the resource header for "MyBinaryData".
        asmBuilder.Save(asmName.Name + ".exe")
        Console.WriteLine("Now run EmittedManifestResourceAssembly.exe")
    End Sub 
End Class 

' This code example doesn't produce any output. The assembly it
' emits, EmittedManifestResourceAssembly.exe, produces the following
' output:


Zasoby rejestrowane w manifeście zestawu mogą być zasobami zarządzanymi lub zasobami manifestu BLOB, a każdy z nich może zostać uwzględniony w zestawie przez połączenie lub osadzenie. Wszystkie cztery scenariusze są obsługiwane w przypadku zestawów dynamicznych.

  • Ta metoda umożliwia osadzanie obiektu BLOB zasobu manifestu w zestawie dynamicznym.

  • Aby osadzić zasób zarządzany w module manifestu zestawu dynamicznego lub w module satelitarnym, użyj ModuleBuilder.DefineResource metody w celu pobrania modułu zapisywania zasobów i użyj ResourceWriter.AddResource metody w celu dodania zasobu.

  • Aby połączyć zasób zarządzany z zestawem dynamicznym, użyj AssemblyBuilder.DefineResource metody w celu pobrania składnika zapisywania zasobów i użyj ResourceWriter.AddResource metody w celu dodania połączonego zasobu.

  • Aby połączyć obiekt BLOB zasobu manifestu z zestawem dynamicznym, użyj AssemblyBuilder.AddResourceFile metody , aby dodać połączony zasób.

Ponadto pojedynczy zasób Win32 można dołączyć do zestawu przy użyciu AssemblyBuilder.DefineUnmanagedResource metody lub ModuleBuilder.DefineUnmanagedResource metody . Ten zasób nie jest wyświetlany w manifeście zestawu.


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