How to Configure a SOAP Receive Location

You can configure a SOAP receive location either programmatically or by using the BizTalk Server Administration console.

How to Configure a SOAP Receive Location Programmatically

The BizTalk Explorer object model enables you to create and configure receive locations programmatically. The BizTalk Explorer object model exposes theIReceiveLocation receive location configuration interface that has a TransportTypeData read/write property. This property accepts a SOAP receive location configuration property bag in the form of a name-value pair of XML strings. To set this property in the BizTalk Explorer object model, you must set the InboundTransportLocation property of the IReceiveLocation interface.

The TransportTypeData property of the IReceiveLocation interface does not have to be set. If it is not set, the SOAP adapter uses the default values for the SOAP receive location configuration as indicated in the following table.

The following table lists the configuration properties that you can set in the BizTalk Explorer object model for the SOAP receive location.

Property name Type Description
URI String Virtual directory containing the Web service on the deployment server.
AddressableURI String Public address field containing the entire, callable URL.

Default value: Blank
UseSSO Boolean Specifies whether the SOAP adapter issues the Single Sign-On ticket to the messages that arrive on this receive location.

Default value: False

Use the following format to set the properties:

receiveLocation.TransportTypeData = "<CustomProps><UseSSO vt=\"11\">-1</UseSSO></CustomProps>";  

The URI and AddressableURI properties are set using the Address and PublicAddress properties of the receive location object.

The following code fragment illustrates creating a SOAP receive location:


This example or guidance references sensitive information, such as a connection string or a username and password. Never hardcode these values in your code, and make sure that you protect confidential data by using the most secure authentication available. For more information, see the following documentation:

// Use BizTalk Explorer object model to create new SOAP receive location.  
string server = System.Environment.MachineName;  
string database = "BizTalkMgmtDb";  
string connectionString = string.Format("Server={0};Database={1};Integrated Security=true", server, database);  
//requires project reference to \Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2009\Developer Tools\Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.dll  
BtsCatalogExplorer explorer = new Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer();  
explorer.ConnectionString = connectionString;  

// Add a new Request-Response port  
ReceivePort receivePort = explorer.AddNewReceivePort(true);  
receivePort.Name = "SampleReceivePort";  
receivePort.SendPipeline = explorer.Pipelines["Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines.PassThruTransmit"];  

// Add primary SOAP receive location  
ReceiveLocation receiveLocation = receivePort.AddNewReceiveLocation();  
receiveLocation.Name = "SampleReceiveLocation";  
receiveLocation.Address = "/PurchaseOrder/POOrchestration.asmx";  
receiveLocation.TransportType = explorer.ProtocolTypes["SOAP"];  
receiveLocation.TransportTypeData = "<CustomProps><UseSSO vt=\"11\">-1</UseSSO></CustomProps>";  
receiveLocation.ReceivePipeline = explorer.Pipelines["Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines.PassThruReceive"];  
foreach (ReceiveHandler receiveHandler in explorer.ReceiveHandlers)  
if (receiveHandler.TransportType.Name == receiveLocation.TransportType.Name)  
receiveLocation.ReceiveHandler = receiveHandler;   

// Save  

How to Configure a SOAP Receive Location with the BizTalk Server Administration Console

You can set SOAP receive location adapter variables in the BizTalk Server Administration console. If properties are not set in the receive location, the default receive handler values set in the BizTalk Server Administration console are used.


Before completing the following procedures you must have already added a receive port. For more information, see How to Create a Receive Port.

To configure variables for a SOAP receive location

  1. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand BizTalk Server Administration, expand BizTalk Group, expand Applications, and then expand the application you want to create a receive location in.

  2. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, in the left pane, click the Receive Port node. Then in the right pane, right-click the receive port that is associated with an existing receive location or that you want to associate with a new receive location, and then click Properties.

  3. In the Receive Port Properties dialog box, in the left pane, select Receive Locations, and then in the right pane, double-click an existing receive location or click Newto create a new receive location.

  4. In the Receive Location Properties dialog box, in the Transport section next to Type, select SOAP from the drop-down list, and then click Configure.

  5. In the SOAP Transport Properties dialog box, do the following:

    Use this To do this
    Virtual directory plus Web Service .asmx file Indicate the .asmx file created by the BizTalk Web Services Publishing Wizard.

    The format of this message is similar to the following:


    Where the full location of the .asmx file is http://localhost/PurchaseOrder/POOrchestration.asmx. Note: The URI for a send port or receive location cannot exceed 256 characters.
    Public address Specify the fully qualified URI for this receive location. The value for this property is a combination of the server name and the virtual directory. The specified URI should designate the public Web site URL for trading partners to connect to when sending messages to BizTalk Server.

    This information is optional and is not used by BizTalk Server. This parameter is available to allow administrators to document the public URL that the receive location is tied to.
    Use Single Sign-On Indicate that the SOAP adapter uses Enterprise Single Sign-On. Note: The BizTalk Web Services Publishing Wizard allows you to use SharePoint Portal Server Single Sign-On; this property only enables Enterprise Single Sign-On.
  6. Click OK.

  7. In the Receive Location Properties dialog box, enter the appropriate values to complete the configuration of the receive location, and then click OK to save settings. For information about the Receive Locations Properties dialog box, see How to Create a Receive Location.

    The security settings used by the SOAP receive location are set in IIS. By default, the SOAP receive location is not set to use anonymous authentication.

    While the SOAP client calls the Web service, the SOAP adapter authenticates the SOAP client by using either Anonymous, Basic, Digest, or Windows Integrated authentication. If the user is verified, the user context is passed to the receive handler.


Any IIS configuration that leads to SOAP and HTTP sharing the same process is not valid. You can have only one isolated receiver per process.

To update a virtual directory to use ASP.NET 4.0

  1. Launch the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Click Start, click All Programs, and click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. If you need to connect to a remote IIS server, right click the Internet Information Services node and then click Connect.

  3. Type the computer name for the remote IIS server and credentials if necessary.

  4. Expand the server name that houses the Web site or virtual directory to be updated.

  5. Expand Sites.

  6. Expand Default Web Site.

  7. Expand the Default Web site to view the virtual directories under the Web site.

  8. Right-click the virtual directory that you want to update to use ASP.NET 4.0, click Manage Application, and then click Advanced Settings. The Application Pool field displays the application pool set for the selected virtual directory. Click OK.

  9. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager window, click Application Pools. The details pane displays a list of application pools on the server.

  10. Right-click the application pool set in step 8, and then click Basic Settings.

  11. In the Edit Application Pool dialog box, change the following:

    • .NET Framework version to 4.0

    • Managed pipeline mode to Classic

  12. Click OK to apply the changes.

See Also

Consuming Web Services