How to Add a Catch Exception Block

To add a Catch Exception block to a Scope shape, the Transaction Type property of the Scope shape must be set to None or Long Running.

To add a catch exception block

  1. Right-click the Scope shape, and then click New Exception Handler.

    A Catch Exception block is added to the orchestration immediately following the associated Scope shape.

  2. In the Properties window, specify the properties.

    The most important property is the Exception Object Type; this is the type of message it will catch.

    Property Description
    Exception Object Name Assigns a name to the exception object caught by the exception handler.
    Exception Object Type Determines the object type (derived from System.Exception) that this exception handler will catch.
  3. In the Properties window, in the Exception Object Type list, select General Exception.

  4. Inside the Catch Exception block, add shapes to create the process for handling the exception.

    1. Right-click below the CatchException and point to Insert Shape, and then select Construct Message.

    2. Double-click inside MessageAssignment to open the Text Editor and enter the Message assignment.

      For example, type Message_3 = Test.

See Also