Creating the FRR Send Ports for Sending to the Custom Handlers
To perform FIN Response Reconciliation, you need to create a series of send ports, each of which sends a message (original message or response) from A4SWIFT to the custom handlers that process the correlated messages.
Create a series of send ports with the following properties and components, each one distinguished by the value of BTS.Operation in the filter:
Property/Component | Setting |
Send port | Static one-way port |
Transport type | FILE |
Destination folder (Address URI) | The folder that you want to send the message to |
File name (Address URI) | %MessageID%.txt |
Send pipeline | Microsoft .BizTalk.DefaultPipelines. PassThruTransmit |
Filters | As shown in the tables below |
The send ports for the different messages are distinguished by the value of BTS.Operation in the send port's filter.
To add FRR send ports for sending to the custom handlers
In the BizTalk Server Administration Console, right-click Send Ports, point to New, and then click Static One-waySend Port.
In the Send Port Properties dialog box, in the Name box, type a name for the send port, such as FRRCustomHandlersSendPort.
For Type, select FILE.
Click Configure.
In the FILE Transport Properties dialog box, click Browse.
In the Browse For Folder dialog box, move to the folder that you want to send messages from. Click OK.
If this folder does not exist, you can create it using the Make New Folder command.
In the File name box, type %MessageID%.txt, and then click OK.
You can create a different folder for each type of message.
In the Send Port Properties dialog box, for Send handler, verify that BizTalkServerApplication is selected.
For Send Pipeline, select PassThruTransmit.
Click Filters in the left pane, and then do the following:
Use this To do this Property Select Microsoft.Solutions.A4SWIFT.Property.A4SWIFT_SendingServiceType. Operator Select ==. Value Type A4SWIFT_FrrService. Group And Property Select BTS.Operation. Operator Select ==. Value Type one of the BTS.Operation values from the table below. For BTS.Operation, enter one of the following values:
Message type BTS.Operation value All Category 0 to 9 SWIFT FIN message types A4SWIFT_FrrSendMTMsg MQ Series PAN/NAN (MQ Series transport-level ACK/NAK) A4SWIFT_FrrSendTransport MT010 (Non-Delivery Warning) A4SWIFT_FrrSend010NDW MT011 (Delivery Notification) A4SWIFT_FrrSend011Delivered MT012 (Sender Notification) A4SWIFT_FrrSend012SenderACK MT015 (DNK, or Delayed NAK) A4SWIFT_FrrSend015DNK MT019 (Abort Notification) A4SWIFT_FrrSend019Abort MTS21_FIN_ACKNAK (Acknowledgment of a FIN message sent by an LT (ACK) A4SWIFT_FrrSendS21ACK MTS21_FIN_ACKNAK (Negative acknowledgment of a FIN message sent by an LT (NAK) A4SWIFT_FrrSendS21NAK For Category 0 to 9 SWIFT FIN messages that are not successfully sent, do the following in the Filters pane:
The A4SWIFT_FRRFailedReason properties in the following filter should be grouped.
Use this To do this Property Select Microsoft.Solutions.A4SWIFT.Property.A4SWIFT_SendingServiceType. Operator Select ==. Value Type A4SWIFT_FrrService. Group And Property Select Microsoft.Solutions.A4SWIFT.Property.A4SWIFT_FrrFailed. Operator Select ==. Value Type True. Group And Property Select BTS.Operation. Operator Select ==. Value Type A4SWIFT_FrrSendMTMsg. Group And Property Select Microsoft.Solutions.A4SWIFT.Property.A4SWIFT_FRRFailedReason. Operator Select ==. Value Type <NAKErrorCode>, such as "Y01". Group Or Property Select Microsoft.Solutions.A4SWIFT.Property.A4SWIFT_FRRFailedReason. Operator Select ==. Value Type TimedOut. Group Or Property Select Microsoft.Solutions.A4SWIFT.Property.A4SWIFT_FRRFailedReason. Operator Select ==. Value Type TransportError. Group Or Property Select Microsoft.Solutions.A4SWIFT.Property.A4SWIFT_FRRFailedReason. Operator Select ==. Value Type DelayedNAK. Group Or Property Select Microsoft.Solutions.A4SWIFT.Property.A4SWIFT_FRRFailedReason. Operator Select ==. Value Type AbortMessage. Click Apply, and then click OK.
Right-click the send port, and then click Start.
Repeat steps 2 through 13 to create a send port for each message type required.