Step 5: Modifying the Contoso Private Process Orchestration

In this step, you modify the private process orchestration to integrate with the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for Contoso. The ERP system for Contoso uses internally defined schemas for product price and availability. By customizing the private process for the 3A2 - Price and Availability Partner Interface Process (PIP), you will be able to integrate with the ERP system by using schema-mapping information.

To add a reference to the Contoso PriceAndAvailability and RNPIPs assemblies

  1. With the Contoso solution displayed in Solution Explorer, right-click the PrivateResponder project, and then click Add Reference.

  2. In the Add Reference dialog box, click Browse. Move to <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk <version> Accelerator for RosettaNet\Bin folder, and then select the following assemblies:

    • Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.CommonTypes.dll

    • Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.ConfigurationManager.dll

    • Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.GlobalSchemas.dll

    • Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.PublicResponder.dll

    • Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.Schemas.RNPIPs.dll

    • Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.Shared.dll

    • Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.XSDClasses.GlobalSchemas.dll

  3. Click Add.

  4. In the Add Reference dialog box, click the Projects tab, select the ContosoPriceAndAvailability and HeaderHelper projects, and then click Add.

  5. Click OK.

  6. In the Microsoft Development Environment dialog box, click OK.

To create new message types

  1. In Solution Explorer, double-click the PrivateResponder orchestration to open it.

  2. In Solution Explorer, click Orchestration View.

  3. In Orchestration View, right-click Messages, and then click New Message.

  4. In the Properties window, in the Identifier box, type PIP3A2RequestMessage.

  5. In the Message Type box, click the drop-down arrow, expand Schemas, and then select <Select from referenced assembly>.

  6. In the Select Artifact Typedialog box, select Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.Schemas.RNPIPs in the left pane, select _3A2PriceAndAvailabilityQueryMessageGuideline_v1_3 in the right pane, and then click OK.

  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to create all the message types for the solution using the following information:

    Identifier Assembly Message Type
    PIP3A2ResponseMessage Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.
    Contoso3A2ResponseMessage ContosoPriceAndAvailability rootPriceResponse
    Contoso3A2RequestMessage ContosoPriceAndAvailability rootPriceRequest
  8. You have finished creating the message types for the solution.

To create new variables

  1. In Orchestration View, right-click Variables, and then click New Variable.

  2. In the Properties window, in the Identifier box, type contosoResponseXML.

  3. In the Type box, select <.NET Class> from the drop-down list.

  4. In the Select Artifact Type dialog box, in the left pane, under the Current Project and References nodes, select System.Xml, select XmlDocument from the list in the right pane, and then click OK.

  5. In Orchestration View, click Variables,and then click New Variable.

  6. In the Properties window, in the Identifier box, type submitMessage.

  7. In the Type box, select <.NET Class> from the drop-down list.

  8. In the Select Artifact Type dialog box, in the left pane, expand Current Project and References nodes, select Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.Shared, select SubmitRNIF from the list in the right pane, and then click OK.

To change the orchestration filter expression

  1. In Orchestration Designer, select the ReceiveFromPublicProcessResponder shape.

  2. In the Properties window, in the Filter Expression box, click the value box, and then click the ellipsis button (...) to open the Filter Expression dialog box.

  3. In the Filter Expression dialog box, in the Group By section, click the OR value on the first line, and then select AND from the drop-down list.

  4. In the Filter Expression dialog box, click Click here to add a new row, and then select Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.GlobalSchemas.SCPIPCode from the drop-down list.

  5. In the same row, click Value, and then type in "3A2".

  6. In the same row, click AND in the Group By box, and then select OR from the drop-down list.

  7. In the Filter Expression dialog box, select the row that you just created, and then click the up arrow button once to move the row up once.

  8. Click Click here to add a new row, and then select Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.GlobalSchemas.SCPIPCode from the drop-down list.

  9. In the same row, click Value, and then type in "3A2".

  10. Click OK.

To modify the business process workflow

  1. Drag a Message Assignment shape from the Toolbox to the design surface and drop it under the ReceiveFromPublicProcessResponder shape. Select the ConstructMessage_1 shape that was created and in the Properties window, in the Name box, type ConstructPIP3A2RequestMessage.

  2. Drag a Transform shape to the design surface and drop it under the ConstructPIP3A2RequestMessage shape. Select the ConstructMessage_1 shape that was created and in the Properties window, in the Name box, type ConstructContoso3A2RequestMessage.

  3. Drag a Send shape to the design surface and drop it under the ConstructContoso3A2RequestMessage shape.

  4. Drag a Receive shape to the design surface and drop it under the Send_1 shape.

  5. On the orchestration design surface, click an empty area.

  6. In the Properties window, select the Transaction Type property, and then click Long Running.

  7. Drag a Scope shape to the design surface and drop it under the Receive_1 shape.

  8. In the Properties window, from the Transaction Type property drop-down list, select Atomic for the Scope shape.

  9. Drag a Call Rules shape to the design surface and drop it on the label that says Drop a shape from the toolbox here inside the Scope shape. In the Properties window for the Call Rules shape, in the Name box, type Execute3A2Vocabulary.

  10. Drag a Transform shape to the design surface and drop it under the Scope_1 shape. Click the ConstructMessage_1 shape. In the Properties window, in the Name box, type Construct3A2ResponseMessage.

  11. Drag an Expression shape to the design surface and drop it under the Construct3A2ResponseMessageTransform shape.

  12. In Visual Studio, on the File, click Save All to save the project.

See Also

Step 6: Configuring Orchestration Shapes (Contoso)