Przykłady biblioteki klienta języka C#
Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 — Azure DevOps Server 2019
W poniższych przykładach pokazano, jak rozszerzyć i zintegrować z usługą Azure DevOps przy użyciu bibliotek klienckich platformy .NET.
Przykłady w usłudze GitHub
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Inne przykłady
Przykłady REST na tej stronie wymagają następujących pakietów NuGet:
- Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Client
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.InteractiveClient
Przykład: używanie klienta HTTP opartego na protokole REST
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WebApi;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WebApi.Models;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Client;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common;
/// <summary>
/// This sample creates a new work item query for New Bugs, stores it under 'MyQueries', runs the query, and then sends the results to the console.
/// </summary>
public static void SampleREST()
// Connection object could be created once per application and we use it to get httpclient objects.
// Httpclients have been reused between callers and threads.
// Their lifetime has been managed by connection (we don't have to dispose them).
// This is more robust then newing up httpclient objects directly.
// Be sure to send in the full collection uri, i.e. http://myserver:8080/tfs/defaultcollection
// We are using default VssCredentials which uses NTLM against an Azure DevOps Server. See additional provided
// Create a connection with PAT for authentication
VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(orgUrl, new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, personalAccessToken));
// Create instance of WorkItemTrackingHttpClient using VssConnection
WorkItemTrackingHttpClient witClient = connection.GetClient<WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
// Get 2 levels of query hierarchy items
List<QueryHierarchyItem> queryHierarchyItems = witClient.GetQueriesAsync(teamProjectName, depth: 2).Result;
// Search for 'My Queries' folder
QueryHierarchyItem myQueriesFolder = queryHierarchyItems.FirstOrDefault(qhi => qhi.Name.Equals("My Queries"));
if (myQueriesFolder != null)
string queryName = "REST Sample";
// See if our 'REST Sample' query already exists under 'My Queries' folder.
QueryHierarchyItem newBugsQuery = null;
if (myQueriesFolder.Children != null)
newBugsQuery = myQueriesFolder.Children.FirstOrDefault(qhi => qhi.Name.Equals(queryName));
if (newBugsQuery == null)
// if the 'REST Sample' query does not exist, create it.
newBugsQuery = new QueryHierarchyItem()
Name = queryName,
Wiql = "SELECT [System.Id],[System.WorkItemType],[System.Title],[System.AssignedTo],[System.State],[System.Tags] FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject] = @project AND [System.WorkItemType] = 'Bug' AND [System.State] = 'New'",
IsFolder = false
newBugsQuery = witClient.CreateQueryAsync(newBugsQuery, teamProjectName, myQueriesFolder.Name).Result;
// run the 'REST Sample' query
WorkItemQueryResult result = witClient.QueryByIdAsync(newBugsQuery.Id).Result;
if (result.WorkItems.Any())
int skip = 0;
const int batchSize = 100;
IEnumerable<WorkItemReference> workItemRefs;
workItemRefs = result.WorkItems.Skip(skip).Take(batchSize);
if (workItemRefs.Any())
// get details for each work item in the batch
List<WorkItem> workItems = witClient.GetWorkItemsAsync(workItemRefs.Select(wir => wir.Id)).Result;
foreach (WorkItem workItem in workItems)
// write work item to console
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", workItem.Id, workItem.Fields["System.Title"]);
skip += batchSize;
while (workItemRefs.Count() == batchSize);
Console.WriteLine("No work items were returned from query.");
Aby zmienić metodę uwierzytelniania dla usługi Azure DevOps, zmień typ vssCredential przekazany do programu VssConnection podczas jego tworzenia.
Uwierzytelnianie w usłudze REST firmy Microsoft
public static void AADRestSample()
// Create instance of VssConnection using Azure AD Credentials for Azure AD backed account
VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), new VssAadCredential(userName, password));
Monit logowania programu Visual Studio (konto Microsoft lub zaplecze usługi Microsoft Entra) dla usług REST (tylko.NET Framework)
Ponieważ wersja platformy .NET Core nie obsługuje interaktywnych okien dialogowych, ten przykład dotyczy tylko wersji programu .NET Framework klientów.
public static void MicrosoftAccountRestSample()
// Create instance of VssConnection using Visual Studio sign-in prompt
VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), new VssClientCredentials());
Uwierzytelnianie OAuth dla usług REST
Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, zobacz Przykłady uwierzytelniania usługi Azure DevOps oraz Platforma tożsamości Microsoft i przepływ kodu autoryzacji OAuth 2.0.
public static void OAuthSample()
// Create instance of VssConnection using OAuth Access token
VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), new VssOAuthAccessTokenCredential(accessToken));
Osobiste uwierzytelnianie tokenu dostępu dla usług REST
public static void PersonalAccessTokenRestSample()
// Create instance of VssConnection using Personal Access Token
VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(orgUrl, new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, personalAccessToken));