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My daughter wants "More Happy" also...

For Christmas my daughter is already asking for a netbook with Windows 7...  because she wants more "Happy".  If little Kylie can handle publishing and emailing under Windows 7, then my 10 year old should also be able to.   Her old clunker running XP needs to be retired, so I'm not totally against the idea of her getting an upgrade.  I think that I'll have to think about this one... and perhaps run it by Santa. 

Some of you may be wondering how well Windows 7 will run.  Hmmm, there are many ways to describe Windows 7... "Happy" would be a good description.  When our team was able to get the early Betas for Windows 7, we started switching over - overall performance and reliablity were big factors for the switch.  Some of us started loading Win 7 on netbooks since we wanted to see how well it ran - we were quite surprised with how well it ran... it actually ran really, really well.... so, well that it almost seemed to run as fast as Vista our multi-core boxes.  Myself, I just would have been "happy" to have far fewer pop-up boxes asking me if I really wanted to run stuff.  I've been using Windows 7 on several machines (desktops/laptops) for several months with a lot of different types of software and different hardware configurations and the experience has left me quite impressed.... In fact, I would say that more than "Happy" is comming... its lots of "Very Happy" which is comming.

So... I think my daughter should get more "Happy" also...