Daily .Net Feeds - ASP.Net 2.0 - Advanced - Day 5
Hi Everyone,
Welcome back!!!
As mentioned, we are continuing to discuss the automatic dynamic page compilation further.
Now, if you notice the way the final page class gets prepared is a bit different in ASP.Net 2.0 compared to how it happened in ASP.Net 1.x, this is typically because of the introduction of partial classes. Partial classes are a new feature introduced in C# 2.0 and ASP.Net 2.0 leverages it. We will not discuss much about partial classes here. For those interested please refer here. In ASP.Net 1.x, the page class inherits from the code-behind class you created with Visual Studio. In ASP.Net 2.0, the page class still inherits from the class that represents the code. But the class that represents the code is a completed version of the partial class representing the Visual Studio.Net code file. In particular, the partial class in the project is completed with a second partial class dynamically arranged by the ASP.Net HTTP runtime.
Let's understand this based on the following diagram (please take enough time to grasp this and please ask questions if not understood :-)):
The following diagram gives another workflow based understanding of the creation of the dynamic page class:
That's it for today. Thanks for joining!!! See you tomorrow. Tomorrow also we will continue with the discussion of dynamic compilation of pages.
Sukesh Khare
Coordinator Daily .Net Feed Program
July 18, 2007
Hi Everyone, Welcome back!!! Yeah, we skipped a few days again, just got a bit busy with my cases. AsAnonymous
July 25, 2007
Hi Everyone, Welcome back!!! Yeah, we skipped a few days again, just got a bit busy with my cases. AsAnonymous
August 09, 2007
Hi Everyone, Welcome back!!! Yeah, we skipped a few days again, just got a bit busy with my cases. As